[News] Israeli Attack on Aleppo is Crime Against Humanity - the civilian airport is the main route for international humanitarian aid

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 7 12:06:09 EST 2023

Israeli Attack on Aleppo is Crime Against Humanity: Iran
March 7, 2023

On Tuesday, the Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Nasser
Kanaani strongly condemned an Israeli attack on Syria's Aleppo
International Airport as a "crime against humanity."

Israel targeted the civil airport, the main route for the delivery of
international humanitarian aid to the Syrian city, when the quake-stricken
people in Aleppo are still under tough circumstances, he said.

Slamming the attack as a flagrant case of "crimes against humanity,"
Kanaani regretted that some countries as well as Western and human rights
organizations have remained silent in the face of continued "brutal and
inhumane" Israeli attacks on Syria.

The attack damaged the Aleppo airport's runway and took it out of service.
Already heavily destructed as a result of the years-long war in Syria,
Aleppo has also suffered considerable damage in the deadly earthquakes that
hit southern Türkiye and northwestern Syria on Feb. 6.

As a result of the damage caused to the runway, the Syrian Civil Aviation
authorities diverted planes providing assistance to those affected by the
earthquakes to Damascus and Latakia.

The Transport Ministry announced that technical teams are inspecting the
airport facilities to determine the extent of the damage and repair the
infrastructure affected by the attack.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights recalled that the Aleppo airport
had already been the target of another missile attack in September 2022. On
that occasion, the impact caused significant material damage and forced the
suspension of air traffic temporarily.

So far this year, Israel has attacked Syrian territory on at least four
occasions. Its authorities have justified these actions by arguing that
Syria harbors Lebanese and Iranian armed groups.
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