[News] Six Palestinians killed in Israeli daytime raid in Jenin

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Tue Mar 7 11:54:25 EST 2023

Six Palestinians killed in Israeli daytime raid in Jenin
*Armed confrontations erupt after an undercover Israeli unit was spotted in
the West Bank city *

By Ola Marshoud in Jenin, occupied Palestine - March 7, 2023

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At least six Palestinians
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/palestine> have been killed and 16
others wounded on Tuesday in an Israeli
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/israel> raid in the occupied
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/topics/occupation> West Bank city of Jenin.

Israeli attacks in recent months have been intensifying, prompting concerns
that a wider outbreak of violence could flare in the occupied West Bank.

An undercover Israeli unit was discovered in Jenin refugee camp around 3pm
before large military reinforcements followed it, eyewitnesses told Middle
East Eye.

Dozens of armoured vehicles, military helicopters, snipers, drones and
bulldozers were used in the raid, according to Anas Huwaisha, a Palestinian
reporter who was at the scene.

'They hit the house with a missile, it's like a war outside, clashes and
people killed everywhere'

*- Jenin resident *

Sari Sammour, a Jenin-based activist, said Israeli forces surrounded more
than one building and attacked them with several missiles. It was not
immediately clear who was inside.

Sammour told MEE one of the houses has been abandoned since the first

One of the other buildings housed Iyyad al-Azmi, the father of Amjad
al-Azmi who was recently killed by Israeli forces.

"They hit the house with a missile, it's like a war outside, clashes and
people killed everywhere," Mohammad al-Azmi, Iyyad's brother, told MEE.

Iyyad was reportedly asked to surrender himself to the army. It was not
immediately clear what happened to him.

"We are stuck in the house, we can't step a foot outside. Clashes are still
ongoing," Mohammad said.

The Palestinian health ministry said six people have been killed so far.
They were identified as Mohammad Wael Gazzawi, 26, Majd Mohammad Azmi
Hussainaya, 26, Tareq Ziad Natour, 27, Ziad Amin al-Zareeni, 29, Abdel
Fattah Hussain Kharousha, 49, and Motasem Naser Sabbagh, 22.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society told local media it received several
calls from inside the camp to evacuate the wounded. One Palestinian
ambulance was reportedly hit with bullets and prevented from reaching
people in need.

The Jenin Brigade and other Palestinian armed groups in the city said they
were engaging Israeli soldiers in heavy armed clashes in the ongoing raid.

The Israeli military also confirmed it was operating in the city and
clashing with Palestinians.

Journalist Huwaisha told MEE he came under heavy fire from Israeli soldiers
while covering the raid. He has not suffered injuries and has been forced
to flee the scene.

Amid the heavy clashes, Palestinian fighters downed at least one
surveillance drone, Huwaisha said.

At the same time, another Israeli force raided parts of Nablus city and
arrested three Palestinians.
Growing aggression

Israeli forces have killed at least 69 Palestinians since January this year
- which corresponds to a rate of nearly one killing every day.

It's the bloodiest start of a year since 2000, according to the Palestinian
health ministry.

At least 13 Israelis were killed by Palestinians in the same period.


What's driving tensions in the West Bank?

Large military raids like the one unfolding in Jenin at the moment were
rare in the daytime until recently. However, there has been a notable shift
in the army's aggression in recent months.

In another Jenin raid earlier this year, the Israeli military killed 10
Palestinians in a single day. Another similar large-scale operation in
Nablus last month left 11 Palestinians killed
including at least four unarmed people.

Nablus and Jenin have witnessed an uptick in armed resistance acts against
Israeli targets in recent months.

With Muslim, Christian and Jewish holidays overlapping next month, many
fear more deadly escalations could follow.

CIA Director William Burns recently said
tensions in the West Bank bear an "unhappy resemblance" to the Second

The threat of an uncontrollable outbreak of violence has prompted Jordan
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/jordan>, Egypt
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/egypt> and the US
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/countries/us> to initiate de-escalation
efforts in recent months.

*This is a developing story...*
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