[News] 1,300 Social Justice Groups Demand Atlanta Mayor Resign Over Tortuguita’s Death

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Thu Feb 2 12:33:23 EST 2023

1,300 Social Justice Groups Demand Atlanta Mayor Resign Over Tortuguita’s
Sharon Zhang - January 31, 2023

His “lack of intervention in protecting Atlanta protestors and residents
led directly to the fatal raid,” they said.
[image: Demonstrators protest the death of forest defender Manuel
Tortuguita Paez Teran on January 21, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia.]Demonstrators
protest the death of forest defender Manuel “Tortuguita” Paez Teran on
January 21, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia. Elijah Nouvelage for The Washington
Post via Getty Images

Over 1,300 climate, justice and community groups are calling for Atlanta
Mayor Andre Dickens to resign over the police killing of anti-“Cop City”
activist Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán on January 18, issuing a strong rebuke
to Dickens for his refusal to even condemn the killing.

In their letter
the groups said that Dickens has stood firmly on the side of law
enforcement as Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has sent in the National
Guard to crack down on protests
<https://theintercept.com/2023/01/27/cop-city-atlanta-forest/> in a
continued escalation of the violence and threats of violence against

“Mayor Dickens has stood by as police violence and rhetoric towards
protestors has steadily ratcheted up, including the use of chemical agents
and militarized raids on small groups of protestors engaged in civil
disobedience,” the letter reads. “Less than a month ago, Atlanta City
Council members and activists rang the alarm about the dangers of escalated
police violence after an aggressive raid on peaceful protestors on December
13th. Rather than use this as an opportunity to listen or reverse course,
Dickens ignored the concerns of council members and his own constituents.”

“Mayor Dickens’ lack of intervention in protecting Atlanta protestors and
residents led directly to the fatal raid,” the groups continued.

The letter was signed by groups like climate justice coalition People Vs.
Fossil Fuels as well as local, Indigenous and abolitionist groups.

The groups wrote that Dickens has not only parroted Kemp’s and law
enforcement’s talking points and narratives on the killing, which activists
have questioned, but has also refused to display basic respect to the
protesters. Though it has been nearly two weeks since Tortuguita’s killing,
Dickens has not offered condolences to their family, the letter points out
— but just hours after the killing, he tweeted in support of the police
officer who was allegedly injured during the raid of the activists’ camp.

Dickens, a Democrat, has continually supported and championed “Cop
City,” a proposal
to raze
nearly 100 acres of forest in Southeast Atlanta to build an intensely
militarized police training facility, despite the vast
<https://www.teenvogue.com/story/stop-cop-city-tortugita-oped> amount of
community opposition and the threat that the project is already posing to
the public.

He was one of 10
city councilors who voted in favor of leasing land to build “Cop City”
before he became mayor and has not come out against the domestic terrorism
charges <https://grist.org/protest/atlanta-cop-city-terrorism/> lobbed
against protesters over what appears to be nothing more than alleged
trespassing charges — charges that experts say are baseless. Further,
Dickens has disparaged
people protesting in Atlanta after Tortuguita’s killing and said that
protests like these and those of the Movement for Black Lives
in 2020 are evidence that policing must increase.

“Mayor Dickens can somehow find $90 million dollars for cop city, one third
of which
will come from tax payer money. Still, he can’t find money to keep our
already overwhelmed hospitals open or to finance much-needed affordable
housing,” the groups wrote. “The evidence is clear: we no longer have
confidence in Dicken’s ability to govern the City of Atlanta.”

The letter also calls for Dickens to terminate the forest lease, and for an
independent investigation
into Tortuguita’s killing, separate from the Georgia Bureau of
probe, which has ties to the Atlanta Police Department — the same
department involved in the killing.

“Climate justice and police brutality are interconnected, which is why we
are joining the Stop Cop City calls to action with the frontline
communities in Atlanta,” ikiyA collective, a member of People Vs. Fossil
Fuels’s steering committee, said in a statement
“It is imperative that we demand an independent investigation into the
police murder of Manuel ‘Tortuguita’ Paez Terán.”
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