[News] Israeli occupation forces steal $2.76 mln from West Bank shops, Banks

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Thu Dec 28 14:24:52 EST 2023

Israeli occupation forces steal $2.76 mln from West Bank shops, Banks
Al Mayadeen English
December 28, 2023

The Israeli occupation forces stole cash from the West Bank amounting to
about $2.76 million, during a large-scale raid that targeted multiple
cities at once.
[image: f46feb35-82bd-44e6-881e-d93ea4d9275e.jpg]

   - An Israeli occupation soldier carrying a box of cash stolen from the
   occupied West Bank, occupied Palestine, during a raid on December 28, 2023.
   (Social media)

The Israeli occupation forces raided multiple cities in the West Bank at
once, and stormed banks and currency exchange shops, seizing from them
large amounts of cash, according to reports from the West Bank and the *Quds
News Network*.

In Jenin, *QNN *revealed that the Israeli occupation stormed the Arab Bank
and the Al-Quds Bank, as well as the Al-Khaleej Exchange and Fakhr al-Diín
Exchange Company, and seized their contents.

According to reports by *Ynet*, an Israeli news website, Israeli occupation
forces stole about 10 million Shekels ($2.76 million) from across the West
overnight, and about 20 shop owners were detained.
Thefts recorded and documented

Videos have emerged showing occupation soldiers violating the rights of
Palestinians by invading their private properties and stealing their
belongings. This happened across a number of cities. One of the videos that
emerged showed one such scene in Tulkarm.

Moreover, the theft was recorded and documented by several social media
activists across the West Bank and beyond, showing once again that the
occupation has been adamant about violating all rights of Palestinians.

Theft, ethnic cleansing, and genocide reemerge as the preferred tool of the
occupation, and the theft of property and belongings of Palestinians in the
West Bank comes as a further confirmation of that.
Confrontations in several parts of West Bank as IOF incursions persist

*Al Mayadeen*'s sources reported that Israeli occupation forces have raided
various areas of cities and camps in the occupied West Bank since the early
hours of Thursday, confirming that Palestinian Resistance fighters
the incursions using gunfire and explosive devices.

Local media reported 12 injuries and the martyrdom of Palestinian youth
Hazem al-Qattawi, from the town of Beitunia, after being shot by the
Israeli occupation forces during confrontations that took place in Ramallah.

*Al Mayadeen*'s sources mentioned that a Palestinian youth was injured by
Israeli occupation gunfire during the Israeli incursion into Ramallah, in
addition to the injury of journalist Salman al-Khatib. The sources also
confirmed that Israeli forces raided the al-Tireh neighborhood in the city.

*Al Mayadeen* broadcast footage of al-Khatib's injury by Israeli gunfire in
Ramallah. it is noteworthy that the journalist was about to appear live on *Al
Mayadeen* to touch on the situation on the ground.

In the northern West Bank, sirens sounded in the camp and city of Jenin,
coinciding with a wide Israeli incursion into the city.

Al Mayadeen's sources confirmed intense and ongoing armed confrontations
between the Resistance and Israeli occupation forces at the Jalbouni
roundabout in Jenin, near the Cinema roundabout and the governmental
hospital in the city.

Our sources pointed out that large parts of Jenin suffered power outages
due to the Israeli targeting of one of the power transformers. Palestinian
media also reported loud explosions in Jenin, coinciding with the Israeli
forces launching illuminating flares

*Read more: West Bank Resistance confronts IOF raids with gunfire,
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