[News] Elbit - Just getting started

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 26 11:57:24 EST 2023

Progressive International 

Activists in Porto Allegre, Brazil, block the factory of AEL Sistemas, a 
subsidiary of Elbit Systems.

On 21 December, movements from 11 countries took part in the first ever 
Global Day of Action Against Elbit Systems.

>From Brazil to Japan, Belgium to Australia, Britain to the United 
States, activists targeted Israel's largest arms manufacturer, its 
subsidiaries, its partners, and its financiers.

Activists in Bristol, the UK, kicked off the Global Day of Action with a 
blockade of an Elbit Systems factory in the city.

Elbit Systems supplies the Israeli Occupation Forces with 85% of their 
drones and land-based equipment — weapons that are being used 
extensively in the Israeli regime's genocidal assault on Gaza.

As such, Elbitis a key engineof the ongoing massacre of the Palestinian 
people, and an important strategic target for progressive forces.

Activists in Brussels, Belgium, targeted 11 banks that fund Elbit Systems.

Together with Palestine Action, Samidoun, and other organizations, the 
Progressive International called for a Global Day of Action Against 
Elbit Systems to coincide with verdicts issued against the "Elbit Eight" 
— eight actionists ontrial for their direct actions against the company. 
On Friday, two of the actionists were acquitted 
by a UK court.

Palestine Action showed that it is possible to resist imperialism from 
within. We called a day of action because it is Elbit, not those who 
stand up to resist it, that is guilty.

Activists in Tokyo, Japan, at the offices off

On Thursday, we showed that it is possible to mount a global, 
coordinated campaign against the military machine. But we are just 
getting started. As part of our /Shut It Down 
/campaign, we will continue to organize actions and events against Elbit 
and the imperial military machine all around the world.

In solidarity,







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