[News] UN expert warns of mass expulsion as Israel issues new evacuation order

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Sun Dec 24 14:32:07 EST 2023

UN expert warns of mass expulsion as Israel issues new evacuation order

Maureen Clare Murphy
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> Rights and
<https://electronicintifada.net/blog/rights-and-accountability> 24 December

Palestinians leave al-Bureij refugee camp following Israeli evacuation
orders on 22 December.
APA images

Israel’s military operations in Gaza are aimed at deporting the “majority
of the civilian population en masse,” an independent UN human rights expert
has warned.

“Gaza’s housing and civilian infrastructure have been razed to the ground,”
Paula Gaviria Betancur, the UN special rapporteur on internally displaced

This widespread destruction impedes “any realistic prospects for displaced
Gazans to return home, repeating a long history of mass forced displacement
of Palestinians by Israel,” Gaviria added.

Some 1.9 million people – the vast majority of Gaza’s population of 2.3
million – have been internally displaced since 7 October. Israel’s forcible
transfer orders have concentrated ever more Palestinians into increasingly
overcrowded areas.

On Friday, the Israeli military issued evacuation orders
<https://electronicintifada.net/content/fresh-orders-flee/43086> in a new
area covering some 9 square kilometers, including al-Bureij and Nuseirat
refugee camps.

“Instructions accompanying the map call residents to move immediately to
shelters in Deir al-Balah, which is already overcrowded, hosting several
hundred thousand” displaced people, the UN Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs stated

Nowhere is safe in Gaza, as Israel has bombarded areas that it ordered
evacuated, as well as areas that it ordered civilians to move to

On Friday, Israeli airstrikes killed 76 Palestinians from the al-Mughrabi
family in Gaza City, “making the attack one of the deadliest of the war,”
the AP news agency reported

Among those killed were United Nations Development Program worker Issam
his wife Lamya and their five children, ranging in age from 13 to 32.

In Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza, TV journalist Mohammed Khalifa and
14 others were killed in Israeli strikes.

More than 20,000 Palestinians
have been reported killed in Gaza since 7 October. Several thousands more
remain missing, many of them under the rubble of destroyed buildings.
Rendering return impossible

Human Rights Watch recently stated
that the Israeli military appears to be “taking actions that render return
impossible” for displaced Palestinians.

The New York-based group published satellite imagery showing that
agricultural lands that were green in mid-October had been destroyed by 24
The razing of farmland and orchards in Gaza will exacerbate the already
dire economic situation in the territory, which had been subjected to 16
years of blockade before the current Israeli offensive.

The collapsing of Gaza’s food systems is worsening food insecurity as
Palestinians face starvation.

Meanwhile, Israel is systematically targeting and destroying Gaza’s health

An analysis
by *The Washington Post* found that “Israel has carried out its war in Gaza
at a pace and level of devastation that likely exceeds any recent conflict.”

The paper also found that Israel “has conducted repeated and widespread
airstrikes in proximity to hospitals, which are supposed to receive special
protection under the laws of war.”

As of Friday, only nine out of 36 of Gaza’s hospitals are partially
functional, all of them in the south, according to
the World Health Organization.

Satellite imagery “revealed dozens of apparent craters near 17 of the 28
hospitals in northern Gaza,” *The Washington Post* reported. Ten of the
craters “suggested the use of bombs weighing 2,000 pounds, the largest in
regular use,” the *Post* added.

Léo Cans, head of mission for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Palestine,
was quoted by the *Post* saying that there was a planned Israeli campaign
“to close down all the hospitals in the north.”

Experts told CNN
that the widespread use of unguided “dumb bombs” in Gaza “undercuts the
Israeli claim that they are trying to minimize civilian casualties.”
“Nakba 2023”

Israel’s defense minister and military spokesperson have stated,
respectively, that “Gaza will never be the same” and that “we’re focused on
what causes maximum damage.”

According to
a 1948 convention, genocide includes acts deliberately inflicting on a
people “conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical
destruction in whole or in part.”

Avi Dichter, former head of Israel’s secret police the Shin Bet and a
minister in the security cabinet, described
the evacuation orders as “rolling out the Gaza Nakba.” Israel’s war will
end with “Gaza Nakba 2023,” he added.

The Nakba – Arabic for catastrophe – is the ethnic cleansing of Palestine
carried out by Zionist forces between 1947 and 1949.

Bezalel Smotrich
Israel’s far-right finance minister, and Danny Danon
a lawmaker in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, are among the many
politicians in the country advocating “voluntary immigration” from Gaza.

Israel has also declared its intention
to establish buffer zones that would cut into the already narrow Gaza
Strip, and likely prevent Palestinians from cultivating the territory’s
most fertile land along the periphery.

Israel’s plan to pump seawater into alleged tunnels under Gaza is a
deliberate attempt to render the territory uninhabitable, while destroying
historical cultural heritage sites, according to
<https://www.alhaq.org/advocacy/22394.html> the Palestinian human rights
group Al-Haq.

The British research group Forensic Architecture has documented
newly installed water pumps at the now mostly destroyed significant
archaeological site in Gaza City’s Beach refugee camp dating back to the
Iron Age.
Biden’s role

The US, widely seen as a full partner to Israel’s military campaign, claims
to oppose any measure that would decrease the size of Gaza.

But the Biden administration’s statements in support of Gaza’s territorial
integrity and the safety of civilians are belied by the material and
diplomatic support it is providing to Israel.

Washington has lifted virtually every restriction
on Israel’s access to US weapons stockpiled in the country for use in
regional conflicts while obstructing
calls for a ceasefire at the UN Security Council.

Joe Biden, who has on multiple occasions acknowledged the “indiscriminate”
nature of Israel’s bombing in Gaza, has come under pressure
from lawmakers in his own party seeking greater transparency in
Washington’s provision of weapons Israel.

Biden and his secretaries of state and defense are being sued by
for their failure to prevent the genocide unfolding in Gaza and for their
complicity in the commission of genocide.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers have recorded multiple videos of themselves
celebrating the detonation of civilian infrastructure in Gaza:
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