[News] Palestinian factions: Ben Gvir’s racist statements against prisoners expose Israel’s fascism

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 19 13:41:40 EST 2023

 Palestinian factions: Ben Gvir’s racist statements against prisoners
expose Israel’s fascism

Tuesday 19-December-2023

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Palestinian factions denounced on Monday the racist statements made by
Israeli occupation officials, most recently Ben Gvir’s press remarks
calling for executing Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The factions stressed in a statement, issued by the Follow-up Committee of
National and Islamic Forces, that “these Nazi statements expose the fascist
policies pursued by the Israeli government and its army in the ongoing
brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip and all Palestinian lands.”

The factions also denounced successive statements made by other Israeli
officials including the president of Israel, who denied the existence of
Palestinian civilians and called on the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) to
eliminate all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, in addition to the Israeli
minister of culture’s earlier remarks calling for striking Gaza with a
nuclear bomb.

The factions’ statement also slammed the world for its prolonged silence
regarding such fascist statements and policies with no action taken to hold
Israeli officials, who made these statements and those who are responsible
for the ongoing aggression, accountable before international courts or to
impose sanctions on the Nazi-Zionist entity.

*Revenge Strategy*

The Palestinian factions stressed in their statement that the scale of
crimes committed by the IOF in the ongoing hideous aggression against the
Gaza Strip, with knocking down of houses on top of its residents, targeting
hospitals as well as educational and international institutions and shelter
centers, “expose Israel’s revenge strategy, which is totally the same as
the work of terrorist criminal gangs who do not recognize any of the
international laws or human values. Rather, it follows the law of the
jungle against whoever stands against it.”

The statement stressed that “the continued attack on world leaders who
criticize the crimes of the Zionist enemy, including the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, with unlimited American support, proves that the
American administration is a complicit partner in the genocidal war on

The Palestinian factions called on human rights groups to “exert more
efforts to prosecute those murderous criminals, bring them to international
trials, and establish an international court allocated for war crimes and
neo-fascist criminals.”
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