[News] Hamas Won The PR War, Largely Because Of Israeli Lies

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Wed Dec 6 15:02:11 EST 2023

Hamas Won The PR War, Largely Because Of Israeli Lies
Robert Inlakesh - December 6, 2023

It was suddenly revealed to a Western audience that the Israeli military
has been holding many times the number of Palestinian women and children

   -  Hamas Won The PR War, Largely Because Of Israeli Lies (Illustrated by
   Hadi Dbouk)

Instead of tarnishing the image of Hamas internationally, the US-Israeli
alliance has failed to undermine the Islamic Resistance Movement as being
an actor akin to al-Qaeda. In fact, their repeated lies and ongoing
genocidal attack on the people of Gaza have elevated Hamas throughout the
Middle East and even won support in Western countries, where citizens are
beginning to look critically at the group.

The seven-day temporary-ceasefire agreement worked to dismantle the Israeli
image, as the attached prisoner exchange proved that Hamas had undoubtedly
treated the Israeli captives better than the Zionist Entity had treated the
Palestinians. Many Westerners were even shocked by the mere announcement of
the prisoner exchange, which sent the mainstream corporate media into
damage control mode. The shock came, not at the fact that “Israel” keeps
Palestinians in their detention, but at the fact that they were holding so
many women and children, many without any charge at all.

Part of the Israeli victim narrative, which works to paint October 7 as the
worst event in the history of the Palestine-Zionist conflict, is that Hamas
gunmen were so inhumane that they took women and children as hostages.
After Zionists spent 6 weeks putting up posters of the women and children
that were being held captive in Gaza, it was suddenly revealed to a Western
audience that the Israeli military has been holding many times the number
of Palestinian women and children hostage. Hamas presented a list that
included 300 names of those hostages that it requested to be exchanged for
the Israelis it was holding. These Palestinian hostages, which Israeli
officials have tried to paint as “terrorists”, are mostly held in
administrative detention [held without a charge], many of them for years.
The Zionist Entity’s military court system also has a near 100% conviction
rate, so the chance of a fair trial is practically zero.

When the world saw the Israeli prisoners released, they saw many of them
waving, smiling, shaking hands with Hamas fighters and even thanking them
in Arabic. The Zionist regime learned from the public relations disaster
that took place when Hamas had decided to release four Israelis it was
holding captive in Gaza, which it released without any pre-conditions and
for humanitarian reasons. When one of the Israeli women spoke to the media,
she spoke of having been treated well while in Hamas custody. So, the
Israeli government decided to prevent its released citizens from talking to
the media. This is obviously the behavior of the guilty.

Palestinians who were released from Israeli military prisons spoke
immediately upon being released, and we heard their testimonies on a daily
basis, all of them detailing the horrifying conditions in which they were
kept. One woman who was released, told the story of how she was threatened
with being gang raped by Israeli soldiers, while Palestinian icon, Ahed
Tamimi, spoke about the horrifying abuse that the female Palestinian
political prisoners faced. Ahed spoke about being threatened with the
murder of her father, well-known West Bank activist Bassem Tamimi, if she
spoke up about what happened to her. She continued to share that the women
were being forced to sleep on the floor, without beds, were routinely
abused and even tortured.

Anyone looking at the evidence has to come to the obvious conclusion that
Hamas treats its Israeli civilian prisoners better than the Israelis treat
the Palestinian civilians they hold captive. The big difference here is,
Hamas is a non-State actor under international law and is not generally
expected to uphold the same standards as a member of the United Nations.
When it comes to the civilian to combatant death tolls between the two
sides, it is also clear that Hamas-led attacks result in a much better
civilian to soldier ratio. After Israeli occupation forces have now
massacred over 20,000 civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip, including over
8,000 children, it is apparent that Zionists are behaving in a similar
manner to Daesh.

In fact, the Israeli army doesn't only have a higher civilian-to-combatant
death toll than Hamas, their child-to-combatant death toll is higher than
the Hamas ratio of soldiers to civilians killed. If the Zionists weren’t
openly making genocidal statements on a near-daily basis, with everyone
from the Israeli President and Prime Minister, to the members of the
opposition in the Knesset, openly calling for mass murdering civilians,
they may have been able to avoid the charge of genocide, but they just
couldn’t help themselves.

US President Joe Biden had started off by comparing Hamas to Daesh, later
pivoting to try and claim that Hamas was akin to Russia. Although
politicians in the United States believe this to be an effective strategy
at portraying the Palestinian resistance group in a negative way, the
American President has now upgraded Hamas to being akin to one of the most
important States in the United Nations. This, as NATO member-State Türkiye
has called the Israelis terrorists while bolstering the image of Hamas as a
legitimate resistance group. Emerging superpower, China, has made strong
calls for establishing a Palestinian State and repeatedly condemned the
Israeli assault on Gaza while refraining from condemning Hamas.

All throughout the Arab and Muslim World, the spokesperson for the military
wing of Hamas, Abu Obaida of the Qassam Brigades, has become a hero. This,
as even politicians in Washington are beginning to admit that crushing the
Palestinian resistance is no simple task. When it comes to military
achievements, the Israelis have failed to produce a single victory, even
the videos they release of their activities on the ground in Gaza have
largely consisted of them firing into open areas and empty buildings. On
the other hand, Qassam Brigades fighters have carried out some of the most
daring attacks ever filmed against Israeli tanks and infantry. This, as the
video evidence from the October 7 attack shows a complete dismantling of
the Zionist military in the south of occupied Palestine.

Israeli propaganda that has been produced sloppily inside Gaza, to justify
invading the likes of the Rantissi Children's Hospital and al-Shifa
Hospital, embarrassed their US backers and exposed them as liars. US
President, Joe Biden, who was also caught lying about seeing pictures of
Israeli beheaded babies, lied about the non-existent Hamas base in al-Shifa
Hospital. At this point, even in the West, the Israeli military
spokesperson Daniel Hagari is being called the “there is a list guy” and
has been transformed into a meme.

When it comes to the Israeli propaganda surrounding the October 7 attack,
they continue to make up even more ridiculous fairy tales about what
happened. The latest fable was that Hamas has hung Israeli children from
clothing lines, this has been added to a long list of utter nonsense
stories that have not a shred of evidence to back them up. It has become so
embarrassing that you start to feel sorry for them, before turning back to
social media and seeing that they have just murdered more children in Gaza.

It has gotten to the level that the Israeli regime has become cartoonishly
evil. This image of the Israelis has not been achieved through a calculated
media campaign from the Palestinian resistance groups, it has simply come
to be as a result of the actions taken by the Zionists themselves. It seems
like it is every other day another Zionist leader makes a genocidal
comment, or there is a piece of goofy Zionist propaganda that is quickly
debunked. Official Israeli social media pages are deleting posts after they
are exposed for using fake, misleading or dated videos, photos or audio

Perhaps it is that the Zionist Entity believes the world to be idiots, that
they have been able to cover up and obfuscate for so long that they thought
it would be easy to justify their war crimes. Or, maybe, they have been so
incredibly embarrassed by the military blows inflicted upon them, and their
imaginary “deterrence capacity”, that they have become complacent and the
mask has fallen. Compulsive liars often trap themselves in their sea of
contradictory and never ending fabrications, which is what appears to be
happening here.

With all of this being said and the media war having been won by those in
support of human rights, the mass support that is coming from the majority
of the world's public in favor of Palestine, has not yet succeeded in
ending Israeli horrifying crimes in Gaza. This is to say that the public's
pressure has to continue to be applied upon their governments. Although it
is clear that Hamas has emerged as more credible than ever, with more
support than prior to October 7, the real support does not lend itself to
Hamas, but rather to the just cause of the Palestinian people. While many
would not side with Hamas as a political party, they do side with
Palestinian resistance, or in the case of the West, most align themselves
with the cause of liberation and freedom for the people of Palestine.
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