[News] Hamas: Biden’s sexual violence claims “cheap Zionist propaganda”

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 6 14:53:26 EST 2023

 Hamas: Biden’s sexual violence claims “cheap Zionist propaganda”

Wednesday 6-December-2023

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The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced US president Joe Biden for
adopting the Israeli narrative that accuses Palestinian resistance fighters
of committing sexual assaults on October 7.

In a statement on Tuesday, Hamas said Biden’s sexual violence claims
against its fighters reflected his moral decline and his adoption of
Israeli propaganda.

Hamas said that Biden was “supposed to have a minimum level of objectivity
and avoid repeating empty and baseless accusations and adopting cheap
Zionist propaganda.”

“Repeating such a blatant lie is a Zionist behavior aimed at covering up
the ethnic cleansing and genocidal crimes that are being committed by the
criminal Nazi occupied army against our people, with American cover and
weapons,” Hamas underscored.

Hamas also described Biden’s remarks as “an attempt to mislead the public
opinion after the world has seen the good treatment the detainees received
from the resistance.”

The Movement called on the international media outlets to side with the
truth and debunk the new Zio-American claims against the Palestinian
resistance, as they did before when they exposed the lies of beheading
children and using Al-Shifa Hospital as a command and control center.
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