[News] Euro-Med: 9 out of 10 of those killed in Gaza are civilians​

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Tue Dec 5 12:52:55 EST 2023

 Euro-Med: 9 out of 10 of those killed in Gaza are civilians

Tuesday 5-December-2023

[image: Euro-Med: 9 out of 10 of those killed in Gaza are civilians]
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The Israeli army’s claim that every killed armed individual or faction
member has resulted in the loss of two civilian lives is false, said
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor on the 60th day of Israel’s ongoing genocide
campaign in the Gaza Strip.

According to preliminary statistics provided by Euro-Med Monitor, based on
field documentation, at least nine out of 10 Palestinian deaths resulting
from Israeli attacks are in fact civilian deaths.

The death toll of Palestinians had risen to 21,022 since the start of the
war on the Gaza Strip—a number that includes those missing under the rubble
whose chances of survival have almost completely diminished—including 8,312
children and 4,270 women. It should be noted that 19,660 of the dead are
civilians. According to the human rights group, these figures clearly
refute the Israeli claim, as 60% of the dead are women and children. Forty
percent of the dead are men, the majority of whom (65%) were civilians and

Euro-Med Monitor noted that these male civilian victims include those who
were employed by the United Nations and international organizations; those
who were affiliated with the Palestinian Authority; people with special
needs; and those who had obtained Israeli security permits in order to work
in Israel.

The deaths also include 280 medical personnel, 26 rescue workers, 112
United Nations staff, and 77 journalists and media professionals.

The Geneva-based rights organization indicated that its preliminary
statistics on civilian casualties support the figures put out by the United
Nations and its specialized organizations, which show that about 70% of
those killed in Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip have been women,
children, and elderly people.

These figures were presented by the World Health Organization, the United
Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the
United Nations Population Fund, while UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
said weeks ago that Gaza had become a “cemetery for children.”.

Israel is required by international humanitarian law and the convention on
the laws of war to protect civilians and not attack them for any reason,
stated Euro-Med Monitor. This runs counter to its enlarging the authority
granted to its army to bomb non-military targets and removing limitations
pertaining to anticipated civilian casualties.

The Israeli army’s official statements, which have declared the start of
large-scale assassination operations against those it describes as
“wanted,” have not included more than 22 reported targets and have
expressed knowledge that each targeting has caused a huge toll of victims.

In comparison to its previous military operations in the Gaza Strip,
Israel’s bombing of the region is dramatically more severe. The ongoing
bombing includes non-military targets such as homes, public buildings, and
main infrastructure, all with the intention of seriously harming civil

Israel, which has tightly besieged the Gaza Strip since 2006, has extensive
intelligence files on the vast majority of potential targets in Gaza,
including homes, allowing it to stipulate the number of civilians likely to
be killed in an attack on a specific target. Army intelligence units are
aware of the figure in advance, having calculated it themselves and knowing
roughly how many civilians will likely be killed or injured just before the
attack takes place. However, they underestimate the number of civilian
lives that will be lost and treat them as “collateral damage.”

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor concluded that the rate of civilian deaths in
Israel’s war of extermination raging in the Gaza Strip is the highest in
conflict areas worldwide in the 21st century and that it seriously violates
the principles of human rights and international humanitarian law, which
state that the protection of civilians comes first and foremost.
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