[News] Resistance repels IOF in Gaza and targets Israeli settlements

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Tue Dec 5 12:13:14 EST 2023

Resistance repels IOF in Gaza and targets Israeli settlements
Al Mayadeen English
December 5, 2023

The Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip continues to target the
Israeli Occupation Forces across the fronts in the Gaza Strip and continues
to launch rocket salvos toward Israeli settlements.

   - A screenshot from a video released by the Al-Qassam military media on
   December 2, 2023, depicting an Israeli occupation post being marked by the
   Resistance just before it gets targeted with the proper weaponry. (Military

*Al Mayadeen*'s correspondent in Gaza confirmed that the Resistance is
confronting the incursion of Israeli occupation tanks and vehicles on
several axes across the Gaza Strip
most notably in the area northeast of Deir al-Balah, in the center of the

It also repelled several incursion attempts by the occupation forces east
of the Bureij camp, in addition to repelling Israeli advancement efforts in
the al-Nasr and Sheikh Radwan neighborhoods, north of Gaza City.

Our correspondent stressed that the occupation is facing fierce resistance
that prevents it from advancing west in the direction of Western Marine
Street or al-Rashid Street.
Al-Qassam Brigades hit Israeli vehicles in hours: Abu Obeida

The Palestinian Resistance in Gaza partially or destroyed 28 invading
Israeli military vehicles all over the Palestinian Strip, al-Qassam
Brigades spokesperson Abu Obeida
said on Monday.

An *Al Mayadeen* correspondent in Gaza reported that the resistance
destroyed 13 Israeli vehicles in the Shujaiya neighborhood alone.

The al-Qassam Resistance fighters, the armed wing of the Hamas Resistance
movement, attacked the invading Israeli forces using anti-armor munitions
and anti-personnel mines while also engaging them in close-quarter combat.

The Israeli occupation forces also attacked Israeli military positions
using high-caliber mortar shells and struck deep into the occupied
Palestinian territories
using mortars.

Hamas' military wing said earlier in the day that several Israeli soldiers
were killed or injured in an attack on an Israeli tank in the northern Gaza

The al-Qassam Brigades said earlier on Monday that its Resistance fighters
attacked an Israeli tank that had several infantry soldiers around it using
a Yassin-105 tandem RPG.

The Resistance's fighters, the al-Qassam Brigades said, also confronted an
Israeli special operations unit and killed several of its soldiers in
al-Falujah, northern Gaza.

The renowned Yassin-105 was also used to attack five other military
vehicles invading al-Falujah, as well as an Israeli tank west of Jabaliya.

*Read more: Resistance operations inflict heavy losses on IOF in north,
south Gaza
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