[News] Large Israeli Force Attacks Jenin, Assassinates Top Fatah Resistance Leader

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Thu Aug 17 12:18:58 EDT 2023

BREAKING: Large Israeli Force Attacks Jenin, Assassinates Top Fatah
Resistance LeaderAugust 17, 2023
Mustafa al-Kastouni, one of the leaders of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades,
the armed wing of Fatah. (Photo: via Wafa)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

*One of the leaders of the armed wing of the Palestinian Fatah movement was
assassinated by Israeli occupation forces in Jenin. *

Israeli occupation forces assassinated Mustafa al-Kastouni, one of the
leaders of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the National
Liberation Movement (Fatah) during the storming of the city of Jenin in the
northern West Bank.

An employee of the Palestinian Ministry of Health was reportedly wounded in
the attack.

The health ministry said that al-Kastouni, 32, was killed on Thursday
morning, after being injured in the head, chest, and abdomen by Israeli
occupation soldiers.

He was declared dead soon after arriving at the government hospital in the

The ministry also announced that a female health employee was wounded by
two bullets in the abdomen and chest during the raid on Jenin.

The nature of her condition remains unclear.

Eyewitnesses told Aljazeera Net that occupation forces blew up the place
where al-Kastouni was found, and arrested two other young men claiming that
they were wanted by the occupation.

The Israeli military withdrew from Jenin soon after the deadly operation.
*What Happened *

Large forces of the Israeli military stormed Jenin from several areas, amid
violent clashes between the Palestinian Resistance fighters and the
occupation forces.

The Israeli army pushed large reinforcements to secure protection for the
Israeli special units after they surrounded a bakery and a house.

Al-Kastouni’s mother said that the Israeli occupation soldiers stormed
their house and shot dead her son Mustafa after arresting her second son
and another young man outside the house.

For its part, the Israeli army said that “a border Police soldier was
wounded during the military operation in Jenin.”

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance
movement, announced that the occupation forces were targeted with
“intensive strikes” during the storming of Jenin, stressing their “high and
permanent readiness” to confront any Israel aggression against this city
and its camp.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said in a statement that Jenin
“will remain the capital of the Resistance and the citadel of the

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said in a statement that the “blood of the
martyrs that irrigates the land of Jenin will always be fuel for the
escalation of the intifada and revolution.”

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourned al-Kastouni as

It said in a statement that the Israeli aggression on Jenin is part of the
scheme that targets the resistance in all Palestinian territories and
called for confronting the Israeli incursions with “more resistance.”
*Context *

On July 3, the Israeli occupation army launched a military operation that
lasted for nearly two days, targeting the city of Jenin and its refugee

In the invasion, the Israeli armed used attack helicopters, drones, and
ground forces to pursue Palestinian Resistance fighters.

For its part, the Palestinian Resistance targeted Israeli vehicles with
explosive devices.

The Israeli military invasion, considered the largest in more than 20
years, killed 12 Palestinians and injured more than 140 others.

Several Israeli soldiers were also wounded.

The raid also reportedly destroyed nearly 80 percent of the civilian
infrastructure of the Jenin refugee camp.

Since the beginning of this year, the number of Palestinians killed by
Israel has risen to more than 200.

They include 38 children, a young girl, and 11 women, according to the
Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The West Bank is witnessing escalating tension due to the incursion of the
occupying forces and attacks by armed Jewish settlers in Palestinian cities
and towns.

*(With additional information from Aljazeera Net, WAFA)*
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