[News] Settlers deliver the state's final blow

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Tue Aug 15 12:01:22 EDT 2023

Settlers deliver the state's final blow

Maureen Clare Murphy
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 14 August

Israeli soldiers scuffle with Palestinians protesting settlers who set up
tents on their land in Halhul village near Hebron in the occupied West
Bank, 1 August.
APA images

“I’m the government, I’m the state. I’m the police and the military,” an
armed Jewish settler asserted while occupying the home of a Palestinian
sheep herder earlier this month.

The settler’s claim, however repugnant, reflects the truth: The settlers
and the state are one, working hand in hand to colonize Palestinian land.

The state cannot advance its goal of full control between the Jordan River
and the Mediterranean Sea without the settlers terrorizing Palestinians
until they flee their land.

Days after the aforementioned armed settler walked into Muhammad Hassan Abu
al-Kabash’s home, the herding community dismantled their encampment in
al-Qabun, northeast of Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority in
the occupied West Bank.

A dozen families lived in al-Qabun for more than two decades before
settlers arrived in February “and started making trouble for us,” Abu
al-Kabash said.
Settlers subjected the pastoral community to months of harassment by
“walking around their homes, arriving on horseback and in tractors late at
night to provoke and intimidate the families,” according to
B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights group.

“The settlers have also taken over the community’s farm fields and
prevented them from grazing their flock on their land,” B’Tselem added.
Forced to leave

Unable to work and fearing for their safety, the community was forced to
leave their land, as have several other rural communities in the West Bank
in recent months.

Dozens more herding communities are “directly affected by an increase in
Israeli settler violence and measures taken by Israeli authorities,” according
the UN monitoring group OCHA.

“In the first six months of 2023, the UN recorded 591 settler-related
incidents resulting in Palestinian casualties, property damage, or both,”
OCHA stated.

“This is a 39 percent increase in the monthly average when compared with
2022, during which the highest number of settler-related incidents since
the UN began recording such data in 2006 was reported.”
The displacement of communities due to a coercive environment amounts to
forcible transfer – “a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and
thus a war crime,” according to

B’Tselem states that Israeli policies “force impossible conditions on local
residents in order to push them to leave, thus clearing the way for it to
take over their lands and transfer them to Jewish hands.”

Banning Palestinians from building homes and infrastructure, while
permitting and financing settlements whose residents attack Palestinians,
are policies “aimed at upholding, preserving and empowering Jewish
supremacy,” B’Tselem adds.
Settler violence surges

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 500 Palestinians – more than half
of them children – have been forcibly transferred due to settler violence
and lack of access to grazing land, according to OCHA.

Meanwhile, in the first six months of 2023, Israel advanced the approval of
nearly 13,000 settlement units in the West Bank – “the highest year on
record,” the settlement watchdog Peace Now said
in July.

It’s no coincidence that it’s the highest year on record for both the
advancement of settlement units and settler attacks against Palestinians
and their property.

Some of those attacks have been deadly.

The current Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu has ramped up
the structural violence necessary for the creation and maintenance of a
Jewish state in Palestine.

The guiding principles of the government begin with
the assertion that “the Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable
right over all areas of the land of Israel.”

It’s the natural evolution of a state of impunity that allowed for rampant
colonization of West Bank land, in clear violation of international law,
after the signing of the Oslo accords by Israel and the Palestine
Liberation Organization in the mid-1990s.

In the years that followed, the pretense of the so-called peace process
gave Israel cover to consolidate its control and make permanent its
military occupation under the guise of temporary security measures.

Previous Israeli governments made efforts to maintain the impression that
the state was somehow separate from the settlement enterprise in occupied
Palestinian and Syrian land when in reality, nearly every facet of the state
including the currently embattled judiciary, is implicated in the
colonization project.

The present government, by contrast, is transparent about its maximalist
designs on Palestinian land, and its endorsement of the violence by both
settlers and the state
required to fulfill Israel’s “great purpose,” in the words of Kahanist
national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir: “The land of Israel for the
people of Israel.”

Earlier this month, Ben-Gvir praised as “heroes”
settlers suspected of killing Qusai Jamal Mutan in Burqa, a town near
Ramallah, painting the act of violence as self-defense

Palestinians, meanwhile, are not allowed to defend themselves
from the attacks by settlers like those celebrated by Ben-Gvir, who provoke
and harass under the guard of the military.

As the Israeli journalist Amira Hass explains, “Palestinians are not
allowed to use weapons to defend themselves, or stones or sticks, and
they’re also not permitted to rush to the defense of others.”

The ban is imposed and enforced by the military “amid an atmosphere of
Jewish supremacy … a complex matrix in which every component is linked to
another and holds it in place,” Hass states.

Palestinians like the shepherds in al-Qabun know that there is little to
protect them from the settlers and the state, working together to rob them
of their land and way of life.
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