[News] Palestinian Resistance kills senior Israeli officer

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Thu Sep 15 10:57:29 EDT 2022

Resistance kills senior Israeli officer

Tamara Nassar <https://electronicintifada.net/people/tamara-nassar> - 14
September 2022

Palestinians mourn Hamad Mustafa Abu Jalda, a 24-year-old who died from
wounds he sustained a week earlier during an Israeli attack, during his
funeral in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on 11 September.
APA images

A senior Israeli army officer was killed
<https://twitter.com/idfonline/status/1569964491265421313> in an operation
by two Palestinian resistance fighters early Wednesday near the West Bank
city of Jenin.

The two fighters died in the confrontation with the occupation forces.

The incident began around 11:30 pm on Tuesday evening, Tel Aviv newspaper
*Haaretz* reported
when Ahmad Ayman Abed and Abdulrahman Hani Abed approached the Jalameh
checkpoint <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/jalameh-checkpoint> north
of Jenin.

A large number of Israeli soldiers were deployed to the area after the men
approached and laid down near the checkpoint, according
to the Israeli army.

Using improvised Carlo rifles, the two Palestinians reportedly opened fire
at Israeli soldiers around 2:00 am, killing Bar Falah, the deputy commander
of a special reconnaissance unit in the Israeli army’s Nahal Brigade
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/nahal-brigade>. The Israeli army then
returned fire, killing the two men.
The slain men were claimed as members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an
armed group nominally associated with the Fatah party.

Palestinians broadly welcomed the men’s actions as a heroic resistance
operation that had imposed a heavy cost on Israel.

In the two fighters’ home village of Kufr Dan, near Jenin, people held a
symbolic funeral to honor them.
In Gaza, a banner celebrating the two men was raised at a festival staged
by resistance factions there. Falah is the second Israeli officer to lose
his life in confrontations with Palestinian resistance in the Jenin area
this year.

In May, fighters defending the village of Burqin
against a raid by occupation forces killed a senior officer
in an Israeli “counterterrorism” unit.

The killing of the two men brings to nine the number of Palestinians killed
since the beginning of September, as Israeli occupation forces step up
their attacks
in the occupied West Bank.

On Sunday, a Palestinian man died
of injuries he sustained during an alleged gunfight with Israeli occupation
forces in Jenin last week. The shooting occurred as occupation forces
carried out a revenge demolition
of a Palestinian family’s home.

The Palestinian health ministry identified
him as 24-year-old Hamad Mustafa Abu Jalda.

Another Palestinian, 19-year-old Muhammad Sabaaneh, was killed
in the same incident while livestreaming video of the Israeli incursion on
the social media app TikTok.

Over 80 Palestinians have been killed
in the occupied West Bank since the beginning of 2022, including 21
Palestinian children shot and killed by Israeli forces or settlers, making
it the deadliest year since 2015.

A similar level of violence was seen during what was often called the knife
intifada of 2015, during which nearly 100 Palestinians were killed in the
West Bank – often extrajudicially
by Israeli police and soldiers.

This comes as Israel has been ramping up its attacks in the West Bank,
attempting to counter the growth of armed resistance in the northern cities
of Jenin and Nablus.

Israel fears that the Palestinian Authority is close to collapse, which
means it will no longer be able to control Palestinians on its behalf.

In a symbol of this deterioration, one of the Palestinians who carried out
the operation at the Jalameh checkpoint early Wednesday – Ahmad Ayman Abed
– was an officer of the Palestinian Authority security forces.

Israeli occupation leaders have been looking for ways to “prop up” the
Palestinian Authority, to ensure it continues to serve its purposes,
*Haaretz* recently reported

Meanwhile, Israel’s domestic spying and torture agency Shin Bet is now
collective punishment measures against the villages where these attacks are

During a meeting with officials, the agency suggested enacting a partial
lockdown in some areas, where those entering and exiting would be searched
and those who are not residents of those areas would be denied entry
without special permits.

The agency also suggested revoking permits for such residents to work in
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