[News] UN Special Rapporteur New Report Calls for ‘Dismantling of Israeli Settler-Colonial Occupation’

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Tue Oct 18 15:15:58 EDT 2022

UN Special Rapporteur New Report Calls for ‘Dismantling of Israeli
Settler-Colonial Occupation’October 18, 2022
UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Palestine,
Francesca Albanese. (Photo: Hatim Kaghat, via Le Soir, Supplied)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, has submitted her
much-anticipated report to the UN General Assembly, concluding that the
realization of the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to
self-determination requires dismantling Israeli settler-colonialism and
apartheid regime.

According to Albanese’s report, the scope of recent reports on Israeli
apartheid “excludes the experience of Palestinian refugees.”

“The recognition of Israeli apartheid,” the report stresses, “must address
the experience of the Palestinian people in its entirety and in their unity
as a people, including those who were displaced, denationalized and
dispossessed in 1947–1949”.

“For more than 55 years, the Israeli military occupation has prevented the
realization of the Palestinian right to self-determination attempting to
‘de-Palestinianize’ (i.e., diminish the presence, identity and resilience
of Palestinians in) the occupied Palestinian territory,” the report reads.

“This behaviour, reminiscent of a colonial past that the international
community firmly rejected decades ago, has become more entrenched with the
acquiescence of the international community and failure to hold Israel

The Israeli occupation, the report continues, “has become further
entrenched with systematic and forced alteration by Israel of the legal
status, character and demographic composition of the occupied Palestinian

In her report, Albanese calls for a paradigm shift to “overcome this

“This can only be resolved by respecting the cardinal norm of peoples’
right to self-determination and the recognition of the absolute illegality
of the settler-colonialism and apartheid that the prolonged Israeli
occupation has imposed on the Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian
territory. Given the settler-colonial nature of the occupation, its overall
assessment must change, and so the deliberations of the international

According to the report,

“This starts with the recognition of the current reality in the occupied
Palestinian territory as that of an intentionally acquisitive,
segregationist and repressive regime, which has enabled, for 55 years, the
disenfranchisement of the Palestinians, caging them into Bantustans of
disrupted memories, broken ties and hopes, pursuing the ultimate goal to
consolidate minority rule over a native majority on lands usurped through
force, abusive and discriminatory policies and pillaging of resources.”

“Realizing the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to
self-determination requires dismantling once and for all the Israeli
settler-colonial occupation and its apartheid practices,” the report
concludes, noting that “International law is very clear in this regard.”

“No solution can be just and fair, nor effective, unless it centres on
decolonization, allowing the Palestinian people to freely determine their
political will and pursue their social, economic and cultural development,
alongside their Israeli neighbours.”

Albanese assumed the role of UN Special Rapporteur on May 1, following the
end of Michael Lynk’s mandate. The highly-respected Italian international
law expert is scheduled to present her report at Columbia
University in New York on October 24 and at the UN General Assembly on
October 27.

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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