[News] Shaving the head trends as the newest Palestinian resistance method

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Tue Oct 18 15:09:58 EDT 2022

Shaving the head trends as the newest Palestinian resistance methodOctober
18, 2022

Jerusalem /PNN/ By Khaled Tayeh
[image: image.png]

Palestinians finding new, creative methods of resisting the Israeli
occupation is not new. The newest method, though, is shaving the head and
going bald. It is the latest act of resistance as it shows support and
solidarity with a fellow Palestinian fighter pursued by all of Israel’s

According Wafa news agynce few days ago, Palestinian guys in the refugee
camp of Shufat shaved their heads as a form of showing support to a fellow
camp Palestinian identified as Oday al-Tamimi, who the Israeli authorities
accuse of carrying out a shooting attack at an army checkpoint at the
camp’s entrance about two weeks ago, killing one soldier and seriously
injuring another.

Seemingly, the “wanted” Palestinian is bald, and in order to confuse the
Israeli forces looking for him, youths from the camp shaved their heads in
an attempt to look like the wanted youth so the soldiers would not be able
to recognize him.

This is not the first time Palestinians come up with creative ways to
resist the occupation by confusing its forces. More than 80 years ago,
Palestinians wore the kuffiyeh and agal (the traditional head cover for
men) on their heads to protect the fighters against the English soldiers
during the British Mandate on Palestine.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Palestinian resistance fighters sneaked into
the occupied territories walking backward in order to confuse the Israeli
soldiers and make them think they were leaving Palestine, not entering it.

Shufat camp’s barbershops started offering free haircuts to whoever wanted
to shave their heads to show support for Tamimi, something that later
turned into a trendy campaign all across the occupied Palestinian
territories and even abroad.

Guys from Jerusalem-area towns and villages joined in the trend and posted
videos and pictures of themselves shaving their heads in solidarity with
the Palestinians in Shufat.

Additionally, Palestinians in several areas in the occupied West Bank and
even the Gaza Strip, all joined forces and shaved their heads, proving that
Palestinians can be united and come up with innovatively original ways to
show support to each other and still resist the occupation in whatever way
they can.

This resistance method was even echoed abroad, in Pakistan, where a man
tweeted that his son, Salah Eddin, has shaved his head in solidarity with
the Palestinians.

The Israelis, on the other hand, were not happy with this resistance trend.
Reports said more than 15 Palestinian workers, who happened to be from
Shufat refugee camp, were fired from their work as sanitation workers in a
town in Israel for shaving their heads bald.

Two weeks ago, life was disrupted in the camp and the town of Anata after
the Israeli occupation authorities, in a revenge act for the killing of the
soldier at the checkpoint, decided to collectively punish more than 130,000
Palestinian residents of these two neighborhoods by locking them in.

The decision backfired as the camp’s residents declared civil disobedience
and started daily protests at the checkpoint demanding an end to the
punishment, which forced the Israeli army to quickly lift it even before
apprehending the alleged attacker.
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