[News] Even in Death Palestinians Don’t Have a Sanctuary!

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Sat May 14 11:34:35 EDT 2022

Even in Death Palestinians Don’t Have a Sanctuary!
Prof. Hatem Bazian - May 13, 2022

Image from
Occupation Forces Attack Shireen Abu Akleh’s Funeral

Even in death, Palestinians have no sanctuary from Israeli occupation
violence and dehumanizing treatment. Israeli occupation forces, who are
responsible for killing Shireen Abu Akleh , came out to beat Palestinians
participating in her funeral procession, even those that are carrying her
casket. The Israel occupation forces and apartheid regime killed Shireen,
lied about the cause of death, created diversion to their crime, enforced
checkpoints limitations on people trying to mourn the senior journalist,
attacked her home to force the family to remove Palestinian flags,
attempted to arrest people, prevented people from coming to Jerusalem to
mourn, then physically attacking and beating those carrying her coffin.

The morning images and videos coming out of Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral is
shocking and Israeli occupation forces have reached a level of moral
bankruptcy by attacking the procession and those carrying the coffin. The
despicable display of brute Israeli Apartheid violence did not even take a
day or a moment off in heaving abuse and insult on Palestinians as they
mourn and tried to carry Shireen’s coffin in Jerusalem.

Israeli occupation government and forces have always pushed the limits and
used all types of methods to attack Palestinians and deny them the basic
human right of mourning and honoring the dead. In Palestine, Israel has the
propensity of holding onto the bodies of Palestinians that its occupation
forces have killed with hundreds are still in its own possession. Israel
has setup its own cemetery for Palestinians that it refuses to return their
bodies to their families, thus denying the basic human dignity of a loved
one grave to visit, offer a prayer and place flowers during religious

Israeli occupation forces attack funeral procession and burial gatherings
at cemeteries which often ends up in despicably killing more family members
of a Palestinian who was about to be laid to rest. Tear-gas are often fired
at funeral processions, attacks on mourning tents and/or homes to further
intimidate, threaten and arrest people. Limits are imposed on the number of
people who can attend a funeral and also the time of the day that a burial
can take place. Often, the body of a dead Palestinian is handed to the
family with imposed restrictions on not opening the casket and a late night
burial for a selected number of individuals from the family. Adding to this
insult is attacks on media coverage of such burial events and confiscation
of video or even phone recordings from the grave site.
Even in death Palestinians don’t have a sanctuary.

If their was a moment for decency and proper conduct for Israeli occupation
forces, the Apartheid government and the Zionist settler colonial movement,
it would have been to stand aside and let Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral
procession and people mourning to pass without interference. But no, no,
no, Israeli Apartheid and settler colonialism violence is atmospheric and
it can’t even entertain basic human decency for a moment-the whole
enterprise never misses an opportunity to sink lower in depth of moral
bankruptcy and ethical depravity that to expect otherwise is purely
delusional. Even in death, Israel settler colonialism can’t bring itself to
offer a moment of sanctuary for Palestinians.
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