[News] Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Three Palestinian Young Men in Jenin

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jun 17 12:45:54 EDT 2022

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Three Palestinian Young Men in Jenin
June 17, 2022
Yousef Nasser Salah, 23, Baraa Lahlouh, 24, and Laith Abu Srour, 24 were
killed by Israeli forces in Jenin. (photo: via Social media)

Three Palestinian young men were murdered in cold blood Thursday night by
an undercover Israeli army force that raided the eastern neighborhood of
the city of Jenin, north of the occupied West Bank, the official
Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

WAFA correspondent said an undercover Israeli force sneaked into the
neighborhood in the middle of the night and killed the three young men in
cold blood in an ambush while they were inside a civilian vehicle.

Extrajudicial executions. Israel assassinates three Palestinian young men
in Jenin, no questions asked. The horror. pic.twitter.com/0HVTzsDSdR

— Hanan Ashrawi (@DrHananAshrawi) June 17, 2022

The three were identified as Yousef Nasser Salah, 23, Baraa Lahlouh, 24,
and Laith Abu Srour, 24.

Fierce clashes erupted between Israeli occupation forces and local
Palestinian youth in the aftermath of the cold-blooded murder, during which
the forces fired live shots injuring 10 Palestinians. The wounded were
moved to the hospital for medical treatment.

BREAKING|| Israeli occupation forces assassinated 3 Palestinians, during a
military raid into Jenin camp while they were in a vehicle, injuring
several others. pic.twitter.com/umKdnulMQh <https://t.co/umKdnulMQh>

— PALESTINE ONLINE  (@OnlinePalEng) June 17, 2022

During the raid, the occupation forces also raided the house of a
Palestinian family in the neighborhood and thoroughly searched it, and
sabotaged its content. No arrests were reported.

According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Israeli occupation
forces murdered 55 Palestinians, including 13 children and 5 women, in the
occupied Palestinian Territories, including Jerusalem, during the period
between January 1 and June 10.

*(WAFA, PC, Social Media)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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