[News] Another U.S.-Trained Soldier Stages a Coup in West Africa

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Wed Jan 26 14:56:09 EST 2022


  Another U.S.-Trained Soldier Stages a Coup in West Africa

Nick Turse - January 26, 2022

_Earlier this week,_ the military seized power in Burkina Faso, ousting 
the country’s democratically elected president, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré.

The coup was announced on state television Monday by a young officer who 
said the military had suspended the constitution and dissolved the 
government. Beside him sat a camouflage-clad man whom he introduced as 
Burkina Faso’s new leader: Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, the 
commander of one of the country’s three military regions.

Damiba is a highly trained soldier, thanks in no small part to the U.S. 
military, which has a long record of training soldiers in Africa who go 
on to stage coups. Damiba, it turns out, participated in at least a 
half-dozen U.S. training exercises, according to U.S. Africa Command, or 

In 2010 and 2020, he participated in an annual special operations 
training program known as the Flintlock exercise. In 2013, Damiba was 
accepted into an Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance 
course, which is a State Department-funded peacekeeping training 
program.  In 2013 and 2014, Damiba attended the U.S.-sponsored Military 
Intelligence Basic Officer Course-Africa. And in 2018 and 2019, he 
participated in engagements with a U.S. Defense Department Civil 
Military Support Element in Burkina Faso.

Damiba is just the latest in a carousel of coup leaders in West Africa 
trained by the U.S. military as the U.S. has pumped in more than $1 
billion in security assistance to promote “stability 
<https://www.africom.mil/what-we-do/security-cooperation>” in the 
region. Since 2008, U.S.-trained officers have attempted at least nine 
coups (and succeeded in at least eight) across five West African 
countries, including Burkina Faso (three times), Guinea, Mali (three 
times), Mauritania, and the Gambia.

Since the 2000s, the United States has regularly deployed small teams of 
commandos to advise, assist, and accompany local forces, even into 
battle; provided weapons, equipment, and aircraft; offered many forms of 
training, including Flintlock, which is conducted by Special Operations 
Command Africa and focused on enhancing the counterterrorism 
capabilities of nations in West Africa, including Burkina Faso, Guinea, 
Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal.

“When the U.S. prioritizes tactical training, we overlook longer-term 
goals that could create more stable governments,” said Lauren Woods, 
director of the Security Assistance Monitor, which is a program of the 
nonprofit Center for International Policy. “We need more transparency 
and public debate on the foreign military training that we provide. And 
we need to do a much better job thinking about the long-term risks — 
including coups and abuses by forces we train.”

AFRICOM emphasizes that its security cooperation and “capacity-building 
activities <https://www.africom.mil/what-we-do/security-cooperation>” 
foster the “development of professional militaries,” which are 
disciplined and committed to the well-being of their citizens. “U.S. 
military training regularly includes modules on the law of armed 
conflict, subjugation to civilian control, and respect for human 
rights,” AFRICOM spokesperson Kelly Cahalan told The Intercept. 
“Military seizures of power are inconsistent with U.S. military training 
and education.”

But coups d’état by U.S.-trained officers have become an increasingly 
common occurrence in Burkina Faso and elsewhere in the region.

    Since 2008, U.S.-trained officers have attempted at least nine coups
    (and succeeded in at least eight) across five West African countries.

Last summer, for example, American Green Berets arrived in Guinea to 
train a special forces unit led by Col. Mamady Doumbouya 
a charismatic young officer who had also served in the French Foreign 
Legion. In September, members of Doumbouya’s unit took time out from 
their ongoing instruction — in small unit tactics 
tactical combat casualty care, and the law of armed conflict — to storm 
the presidential palace and depose the country’s 83-year-old president, 
Alpha Condé. Doumbouya soon declared himself 
<https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/05/world/africa/guinea-coup.html> Guinea’s 
new leader and the U.S. ended the training.

In 2020, Col. Assimi Goïta 
who worked with U.S. Special Operations forces for years, participating 
in Flintlock training exercises and attending a Joint Special Operations 
University seminar at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, headed the 
junta that overthrew Mali’s government.

“The act of mutiny in Mali is strongly condemned and inconsistent with 
U.S. military training and education,” Marine Corps Lt. Col. Anton T. 
a Pentagon spokesperson, said at the time.

After staging the coup, Goïta stepped down and took the job of vice 
president in a transitional government tasked with returning Mali to 
civilian rule. But nine months later, he seized power again in his 
second coup. 

Goïta wasn’t even the first U.S.-trained Malian officer to overthrow the 
country’s government. In 2011, when a U.S.-backed uprising in Libya 
toppled autocrat Muammar Gaddafi, Tuareg fighters in his service looted 
the regime’s weapons caches, traveled to their native Mali and began to 
take over the northern part of that country. Angered by the ineffective 
response of his government, Amadou Sanogo — an officer who learned 
English in Texas, received intelligence training in Arizona, and 
underwent Army infantry-officer basic training in Georgia — took matters 
into his own hands and overthrew his country’s democratically elected 

“America is a great country with a fantastic army,” he said after the 
2012 coup. “I tried to put all the things I learned there into practice 

In 2014, another U.S.-trained officer, Lt. Col. Isaac Zida 
seized power in Burkina Faso amid popular protests. Two years earlier, 
when he was a major, Zida attended a counterterrorism training course at 
MacDill Air Force Base that was sponsored by Joint Special Operations 
University and attended a military intelligence course in Botswana that 
was financed by the U.S. government.

The next year, another coup in Burkina Faso installed Gen. Gilbert 
Diendéré had not only taken part in a U.S.-led Flintlock 
counterterrorism exercise, but he also served as a literal advertisement 
for it, appearing in an AFRICOM photo addressing Burkinabe soldiers 
before their deployment to Mali in support of the 2010 Flintlock 
exercise. <https://www.flickr.com/photos/africom/4573643855/in/photostream/>


Then-Col. Maj. Gilbert Diendéré addresses Burkinabe soldiers prior to 
their deployment to Mali in support of AFRICOM’s Flintlock 10 exercise 
in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on May 1, 2010.

Photo: U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Jeremiah Erickson, Flintlock 10 Public 

In 2014, two generations of U.S.-educated officers faced off in the 
Gambia as a group of American-trained would-be coup-makers 
<https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/gambia/11322107/Sandhurst-trained-officer-led-Gambian-coup.html> (but 
failed) to overthrow another U.S.-trained 
<https://www.nytimes.com/1994/08/28/world/in-gambia-new-coup-follows-old-pattern.html> coup-maker, 
Yahya Jammeh who had seized power back in 1994. The unsuccessful 
rebellion claimed the life of Lamin Sanneh, the purported ringleader, 
who had earned a master’s degree at National Defense University in 
Washington, D.C.

“I can’t shake the feeling that his education in the United States 
somehow influenced his actions,” wrote 
<https://warontherocks.com/2015/01/the-dilemma-of-an-african-soldier/> Sanneh’s 
former NDU mentor Jeffrey Meiser. “I can’t help but wonder if simply 
imprinting our foreign students with the ‘American program’ is 
counterproductive and unethical.”

In 2008, Stars and Stripes 
reported that Gen. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the leader of a coup against 
Mauritania’s elected president, “has worked with U.S. forces that train 
in the African country.” Arrested and charged with corruption after a 
decadelong rule, Aziz was recently released on bail 
due to ill health.

U.S.-trained coup-plotters aren’t strictly confined to West Africa. 
Before Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi deposed Egypt’s first democratically 
elected president, Mohammed Morsi, he underwent basic training 
<https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324425204578597981624524800> at 
Fort Benning, Georgia, (in 1981) and advanced instruction at the U.S. 
Army War College (in 2006).

A 2018 study by the military’s go-to think tank, the Rand Corporation, 
cast doubt on the notion that U.S. military training breeds coup-makers.

“[T]here is little evidence that overall [security sector assistance] 
(measured in dollar terms) associates with coup propensity in Africa,” 
according to the study, which was written for the Office of the 
Secretary of Defense and did note that there was a “marginally 
association in the post-Cold War period.

A year before, however, a study by Jonathan Caverley of the U.S. Naval 
War College and Jesse Savage of Trinity College Dublin in the Journal of 
Peace Research, analyzing data from 1970 to 2009, found 
<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022343317713557> “a 
robust relationship between U.S. training of foreign militaries and 
military-backed coup attempts” despite the authors limiting their 
analysis to the International Military Education and Training program — 
“which explicitly focuses on promoting norms of civilian control.”
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