[News] Joint Submission to UN Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Violation and Failed Implementation of the ICCPR

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  Al-Haq and Partners Send Joint Submission to the UN Human Rights
  Committee on Israel’s Violation and Failed Implementation of the ICCPR

On 31 January 2022, Al-Haq, “Law in the Service of Man”, Addameer, 
Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Cairo Institute for Human 
Rights Studies, Habitat International Coalition – Housing and Land 
Rights Network, the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center, Al 
Mezan Center for Human Rights, and the Community Action Center/ Al-Quds 
University submitted a joint parallel report to the United Nations Human 
Rights Committee (HRC), detailing Israel’s violation and failed 
implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political 
Rights (ICCPR). The submission further showed that Israel’s violations 
of the ICCPR are the result of its entrenching and maintaining of an 
apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole, including 
through its prolonged belligerent occupation.

The 77-page submission showed that Israel has been establishing, 
entrenching, and operationalising its apartheid regime through strategic 
fragmentation of the Palestinian People as a whole. The parallel report 
illustrated how Israel is violating the Palestinian right to 
self-determination by preventing the Palestinian people from exercising 
sovereignty over their land and natural recourses. It further 
highlighted the restrictions that Israel, the Occupying Power, imposes 
on Palestinians preventing them from agricultural development, in 
violation of Article 1 of the ICCPR. Moreover, Israel’s discriminatory 
nationality and residency laws, policies and practices violate Article 2 
of the ICCPR prohibiting discrimination, including racial discrimination.

The report exposed that Israel’s use of unnecessary and disproportionate 
force and the denial of access to medical care to Palestinians, as 
violating the Palestinians’ right to life, enshrined in Article 6 of the 
ICCPR. It further demonstrated that Israel’s torture and ill-treatment 
of Palestinians during interrogation and detentions, and its inhuman 
practice of withholding Palestinian bodies are in violation of the 
prohibition of torture as stipulated by Article 7 of the ICCPR. 
Moreover, Israel’s arbitrary detention, including the campaign of mass 
arrests and detentions after the Unity Uprising violates Article 9 of 
the ICCPR, which prohibits arbitrary detention. Furthermore, that the 
conditions of detention and deliberate medical neglect amidst the 
COVID-19 pandemic amounts to violations of Article 10 of the ICCPR.

The report also outlined how Israel is violating the Palestinian 
people’s freedom of movement through its annexation wall, checkpoints, 
closure and military blockade, permit system and travel bans which 
amount to violations of Articles 12 and 13 of the ICCPR. In addition, 
the report illustrated how Israel’s military judicial system plays an 
integral role in sustaining its apartheid regime. It further examined 
how Israel’s systematic denial of the right to a fair trial, judicial 
process and guarantees violates Article 14 of the ICCPR. Furthermore, 
the report exposed Israel’s breach of Palestinians’ freedom of 
expression, the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association as 
entailed in Articles 19, 21 and 22, including highlighting Israel’s 
unsubstantiated smearing of Palestinian civil society organisations as 
“terrorist organisations”. Israel’s racial discrimination and apartheid 
regime violates Article 26 of the ICCPR which establishes that “[a]ll 
persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any 
discrimination to the equal protection of the law.”

The report concludes that “[s]ince the 2014 Concluding Observations, 
Israel has failed to adopt the Committee’s recommendations and continues 
to violate fundamental rights enshrined in the ICCPR.” It further noted 
that the 2019 Concluding Observations of the Committee on the 
Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recognized the continuity of 
Israel’s discriminatory laws, policies, and practices targeting 
Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line and urged Israel to “give 
full effect to article 3 of the Convention and eradicate all forms of 
segregation between Jewish and non-Jewish communities and any such 
policies or practices that severely and disproportionately affect the 
Palestinian population in Israel proper and in the Occupied Palestinian 

Finally, building upon the mounting recognition that Israel imposes an 
apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole, the 
organisations called on the Human Rights Committee to recognize the 

  * The HRC acknowledges the root causes of the situation in Palestine
    as one of settler colonisation and apartheid. Through the strategic
    fragmentation and segregation of the Palestinian people into
    domains, Israel has ensured that Palestinians cannot meet, group,
    live together, and exercise their collective rights, particularly
    their right to self-determination in violation of the ICCPR,
    including article 1 of the ICCPR.
  * The continuity of Israeli discriminatory apartheid policies,
    practices and laws on both sides of the Green Line impose racial
    domination and oppression targeting the Palestinian people on both
    sides of the Green Line and Palestinian refugees and exiles, who are
    denied the right to return to their lands, homes and properties.
  * Israel has imposed an institutionalized regime of racial domination
    and oppression amounting to a regime of apartheid targeting the
    Palestinian people as a whole in violation of the ICCPR.

 1. We further recommend that the Human Rights Committee makes the
    following recommendations to the State Party:

  * Urge Israel to cease conferring public functions of the State to the
    WZO/JA and JNF, which are chartered to carry out material
    discrimination against non-Jewish persons and have historically
    prevented the indigenous Palestinian people on both sides of the
    Green Line from accessing or exercising control over their means of
    subsistence, including their natural wealth and resources, by
    exploiting and diverting Palestinian natural resources for the
    benefit of Israeli-Jewish settler, exemplified by the latest cases
    of Sheikh Jarrah and the Naqab.
  * Demand that Israel repeals all legislation enshrining racial
    discrimination, domination, and oppression, including repealing the
    Basic Laws and other statutes that directly or indirectly affect the
    enjoyment of human rights through racial and/or racialized
    distinctions, including on the basis of religion. In particular, we
    urge the Committee to call on Israel to repeal the following laws,
    as foundational to Israel’s creation of an apartheid regime,
    including but not limited to:
     1. The Basic Law: The Law of Return (1950);
     2. The Citizenship Law (1952);
     3. The Absentee Property Law (1950);
     4. The Entry into Israel Law (1952) and its amendments; and
     5. The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People

  * Declare that the Jewish Nation-State Law (2018) is antithetical to
    the object and purpose of the Covenant as it has the purpose of
    nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, and exercise, on an equal
    footing, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the state
    party and in areas under its effective control.
  * Call on Israel to ensure family unification of all persons within
    its territory or subject to its effective control, irrespective of
    their ethnicity or national or other origin.
  * Call on Israel to cease all measures and policies, which contribute
    to the fragmentation of the Palestinian people, including the denial
    of Palestinian refugee return, the closure of Jerusalem and of the
    Gaza Strip, the construction of the Annexation Wall, and the
    imposition of severe movement and access restrictions, as core
    elements in Israel’s creation of an apartheid regime over the
    Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line and further
    afield. We also urge the Committee to demand that Israel make
    suitable and sufficient reparation to all fragments of the affected
    Palestinian people, including Palestinian refugees and displaced
    persons, as mandated by international law.
  * Consider Israel’s persistent refusal to grant Palestinian refugees
    and displaced persons their right of return to their homes and
    property in their villages, towns, and cities of origin, as a core
    element in its creation and maintenance of its apartheid regime over
    the Palestinian people and reaffirm the right of return of all
    Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons to their
    homes, property, and land which they were forced in flee in 1948 and
    thereafter, and to call on Israel to comply with Article 12 of the
  * Urge the reversal of Israel’s policies and practices with regards to
    demographic manipulation as a manifestation of the crimes of
    population transfer and apartheid, in violation of Article 12 of the
    Covenant, through the fragmentation of the Palestinian people as a
    whole, the prolonged and illegal closure of Gaza, the closure of
    Jerusalem and the precarious “permanent residency” status of
    Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the imposition of two separate legal
    systems in the occupied West Bank, and the denial of the
    internationally recognised right of return of Palestinians living as
    refugees and in exile.
  * Demand Israel cease forthwith the ongoing closure of Gaza and lift
    the blockade with immediate effect, lift restrictions on dual-use
    items, and recognise that Israel’s discriminatory policies and
    practices, amounting to the crime of apartheid, have already made
    the Gaza Strip uninhabitable and violate the full spectrum of rights
    owed to the Palestinian people, including Palestinian refugees, in
    the Gaza Strip by denying them the enjoyment on an equal footing of
    fundamental rights and freedoms.
  * Reaffirm the findings of the 2004 ICJ Advisory Opinion on the
    illegality of the Annexation Wall built in the occupied West Bank,
    including in and around East Jerusalem, and call on Israel to uphold
    its obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the
    Annexation Wall, to dismantle forthwith the structure therein
    situated, and to repeal or render ineffective forthwith all
    legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto, in accordance with
    international law.
  * Call on Israel to reconsider its entire planning and zoning policy
    in consultation with the indigenous Palestinian people directly
    affected by Israel’s discriminatory measures, which include illegal
    house demolitions and destruction of property, denial of access to
    land and natural resources, and the creation of coercive
    environments designed to drive Palestinian transfer. We further
    recommend that the Committee consider Israel’s discriminatory
    planning and zoning regime as a manifestation of the crimes of
    population transfer and apartheid, in violation of Article 3 of the
  * Demand that Israel immediately ceases any and all practices of
    intimidation and silencing of human rights defenders, organisations,
    and members of civil society in violation of their right to freedom
    of expression, including through arbitrary detention, torture and
    other ill-treatment, institutionalised hate speech and incitement,
    residency revocation, deportations, and other coercive or punitive
    measures. In particular, that the Israeli Minister of Defence
    rescinds the designations of the six leading Palestinian human
    rights organisations as “terror organisations” both under Israeli
    domestic law and under military order.
  * Demand that Israel immediately ceases the construction of all
    illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, including occupied
    East Jerusalem, and dismantle those already in existence, in
    accordance with its obligations, as occupying Power, under
    international humanitarian law and as mandated by international
    criminal law, in particular the Rome Statute applicable in the oPt,
    and to call for an end to Israel’s prolonged occupation of the
    Palestinian territory, in line with Israel’s obligation to uphold
    the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including
    permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources.
  * Call on Israel to release all political prisoners and to end its
    widespread and systematic use of arbitrary detention and the use of
    torture and other ill-treatment.
  * Call on Israel to end the trial of Palestinian civilians in Israeli
    military courts and to abolish the Israeli occupation itself.
  * Call on Israel to end its practice of punitive residency revocation
    and to immediately end the current process to revoke the residency
    of Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hammouri.
  * Call on Israeli and international corporate entities and financial
    institutions to disengage from all activities which may render them
    complicit, or otherwise contributing, toward serious violations of
    international human rights and humanitarian law, or the commission
    of international crimes, including those operating within illegal
    Israeli colonial settlements in the occupied West Bank, including
    East Jerusalem, and otherwise doing business with such colonial

Please find the joint shadow report to the Human Rights Committee here. 




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