[News] Boluarte’s Repression Leaves 18 Peruvians Murdered So Far

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Fri Dec 16 12:38:02 EST 2022

Boluarte’s Repression Leaves 18 Peruvians Murdered So FarDecember 14, 2022
[image: image.png]

On Thursday, the police repression left nine people dead, thus increasing
the death toll to 18 since the protests against President Dina Boluarte


*Repression Against Demonstrators Continues in Peru*

While the Department of Ayacucho's Health Directorate reported that seven
people died in its territory, two citizens died in the La Libertad region.
At the national level, however, the Health Ministry (MINSA) only recognizes
the existence of 14 deceased people.

The deaths in Ayacucho occurred when a group of people invaded the local
airport, where the police left 52 people injured.

"Given the increase in injured people, the Ayacucho Regional Hospital set
up tents to care for patients. Most of the citizens were injured by pellets
and bullets. What they committed in Ayacucho has been a real massacre. Too
much pain is being experienced," tweeted Sharmeli Bustios Patiño, a woman
who posted images of events.

¡Alerta Perú! ...el pueblo en Ayacucho rompe el cerco de militares armados
con armas reglamentarias, al final se escucha lo que parecen disparos...
¡El gobierno de facto será responsable de la pérdida de vidas humanas!
pic.twitter.com/pJVIu1pChn <https://t.co/pJVIu1pChn>
— DΛViD.cu (@David_qva) December 15, 2022

*The tweet reads, "Alert Peru!... the people in Ayacucho break the fence of
the military who are armed with regulation weapons. What sounds like shots
are heard at the end... The de facto government will be responsible for the
loss of human lives!"*

The Ayacucho government called for the immediate resignation of Boluarte
and her interior and defense ministers, whom it blamed for the deaths. The
local authorities also demanded the closure of Congress in order to install
a transitional government.

"We demand an end to the military intervention and we hold the country's
highest political authorities responsible for these crimes," Peru's
National Human Rights Coordinator said, demanding an investigation to
determine those responsible for the Ayacucho deaths.

Meanwhile, the Army was deployed in the Huamanga, Huanta and La Mar
provinces to support the police force in controlling the citizens who are
demanding the resignation of Boluarte and the release of Pedro Castillo,
who was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

*The tweet reads, "This happened in Ayacucho on December 15. Who is
responsible for this death?"*

The Ombudsman's Office demanded that the Joint Command of the Armed Forces
order its troops to stop using firearms and launching tear gas canisters
from helicopters.

Faced with the impossibility of containing the massive protests, Boluarte
decreed a curfew that will be in force from Friday in the Arequipa, La
Libertad, Ica, Apurimac, Cusco, Puno, Huancavelica, and Ayacucho

She decreed a "mandatory social immobilization" requiring "all people to
remain in their homes for five days within the framework of the
nationwide state of emergency."

#Peru <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Peru?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> |
Social organizations, trade unions, and indigenous movements called for a
national strike in several regions in rejection of Dina Boluarte's
government and in support of former president Pedro Castillo.
pic.twitter.com/Ih1PG3QyTl <https://t.co/Ih1PG3QyTl>
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) December 15, 2022
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