[News] Israel boosts its profits by arms deals fueling wars and conflicts

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Wed Dec 14 12:23:50 EST 2022

Israel boosts its profits by arms deals fueling wars and conflicts
Dr Adnan Abu Amer - December 14, 2022

[image: image.png]

As the year end approaches, it's become clear that Israeli arms
manufactures have concluded more unprecedented deals which mean that three
of them are responsible for two per cent of the total arms deals in the
world. These companies — Elbit, Rafael and Aerospace Industries — remain on
the list of the 100 largest exporters, recording three per cent growth in
sales valued at $592 billion. The figure is expected to have increased
dramatically in 2022 due to the Ukraine war.

According to statistics reported by the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI), this year was predicted to be a record year for
Israeli arms sales, with many countries raising their defence procurement

Israeli arms deals fuel wars and armed conflicts around the world. The
occupation state has boosted its profits at the expense of the lives of
civilians killed because its deadly weapons often figure in human rights
violations and war crimes. Israel sells arms to oppressive regimes in
flagrant violation of international laws which call for such regimes to be

Very few people in the Israeli military establishment know the details of
these deals due to their sensitivity and possibly the desire of the buyers
not to disclose the details because of domestic considerations.
Nevertheless, the deals involve dozens, if not hundreds, of people within
and beyond Israel and are supervised by military officials with extensive
contacts and cooperation with other states, some of which have no
diplomatic relations with the occupation state. These are not overnight
deals; they take many months of patient discussions.

*READ: Israel arms manufacturer sees highest sales growth in 2021

Arms deals are part of the business of building military alliances. For
this reason, approval is often required from army chiefs of staff, foreign
ministers and possibly even senior legal officials within governments.
Diplomatic and legal considerations are taken into account.

Israel is using arms deals to develop various armies around the world in
the name of "mutual interests", especially with countries interested in the
latest technologies at its disposal. In some places, especially in Africa,
military cooperation paves the way for weapons, skills and training to
suppress political opponents and wage wars with neighbouring states.

The Israeli arms industry employs around 250,000 people, so it is an
important employer. It is believed that its customers for arms are found in
130 countries with deals worth $9bn a year. According to Israeli military
officials, 35 per cent of the state's arms deals are with European
countries and North America; two per cent are in Latin America; and 63 per
cent are in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. The arms involved include robots,
drones, command and control systems, radars, electronic equipment, missile
and air defence products, manned aircraft and avionics and surveillance
equipment, as well as intelligence and communication systems.

The US Army has bought into the Iron Dome missile defence system, while
Greece has signed a huge deal with Israel for the establishment and
operation of a flight training centre for the air force over twenty years,
at a cost of $1.68bn. India is believed to be Israel's largest customer,
with arms deals valued at $15bn. Indeed, Israel is India's second largest
arms supplier after Russia.

[image: The Iron Dome, Israeli military systems which intercept missiles -
Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]]

The Iron Dome, Israeli military systems which intercept missiles – Cartoon

Vietnam is not only buying more arms from Israel, but it has also
established joint committees for security cooperation and the transfer of
advanced military technology. Israeli businessman Sami Katsab has
established a factory in Vietnam for the production of Israeli Tabor
rifles. Azerbaijan is an important export destination for Israeli weapons,
even though this violates EU regulations, and the EU is a major trading
partner of the occupation state.

Arguably more seriously, Israel does not hesitate to conclude arms deals
with dictatorships that violate human rights and commit war crimes. Prime
Minister Yair Lapid's recent insistence that the Israeli army cannot be
taught about morals by anyone in the world clearly doesn't extend to arms
manufacturers. The fact is that Israeli weapons play an important and
dangerous role in conflicts around the world — where is the morality in
that, Mr Lapid? — and there are no apparent controls over the deadly trade.
Such deals should be source of shame and disgust for the people of Israel,
because of the death and destruction that they bring, but they seem to be
incapable of feeling such emotions. The ongoing brutal military occupation
of Palestine is proof of that.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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