[News] Israeli Soldiers Shoot 25 Palestinians In Nablus

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Tue Aug 30 13:24:36 EDT 2022

Israeli Soldiers Shoot 25 Palestinians In Nablus
By IMEMC News - August 30, 2022
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On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers shot 25 Palestinians and caused at least
twenty to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation while withdrawing from
Rojeeb village, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Media sources said dozens of soldiers surrounded a house owned by members
of the Sawalhi family in the western part of Rojeeb and fired many shells
at it before forcing the father of one of the Palestinians to use a
loudspeaker the army gave him to ask his son and another Palestinians to

The army invaded the village to abduct two resistance fighters, Nabil Eyad
Sawalhi and Nihad Oweiss, and informed their families that they would start
demolishing the house they were held up in if they did not surrender.

Hours into the invasion
the two Palestinians surrendered to avoid getting killed, and to prevent
the military from widening its offensive an issue that could mean serious
damage to many homes in the area and numerous casualties.

The army then started withdrawing from Rojeeb amidst massive protests and
fired a barrage of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and
concussion grenades.

Ahmad Jibreel, the head of the Nablus office of the Palestinian Red
Crescent Society (PRCS), said four Palestinians were shot with live rounds,
at least one seriously, three suffered shrapnel wounds, and one was shot
with a gas bomb in the chest before they were rushed to Rafidia hospital.

Jibreel added that thirteen Palestinians suffered shrapnel wounds from live
fire, five were shot with rubber-coated steel bullets, four fell and were
injured while the soldiers chased them, and at least twenty suffered the
effects of tear gas inhalation and received treatment at the scene without
the need for hospitalization.

The soldiers also attacked Palestinian ambulances and prevented the medics
from reaching wounded Palestinians, especially in the besieged house, for
at least three hours.

Jibril condemned the Israeli escalation and said the soldiers not only
endangered the lives of civilians in the area, but also used medics as
human shields, and prevented them from performing their life-saving duties.

The soldiers also fired live rounds at a Palestinian Medical Relief
ambulance, causing damage, and used their armored bulldozers to destroy
cars and other property.
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