[News] Israel shuts down NGOs, kills Palestinian in occupied West Bank

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Thu Aug 18 10:58:27 EDT 2022

Israel shuts down NGOs, kills Palestinian in occupied West Bank
Zena Al Tahhan - August 18, 2022

*Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man in Nablus and shut down the
offices of seven civil society organisations.*

*Ramallah, occupied West Bank – *The Israeli army has shut down several
Palestinian civil society organisations in the West Bank, a few hours after
a Palestinian man was shot dead during armed clashes that broke out
following an Israeli raid on the occupied northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The youth, who was killed on Thursday, was identified as 20-year-old Waseem
Nasr Khalifa from the Balata refugee camp on the outskirts of Nablus city,
according to the official Wafa news agency.

Israeli forces had raided Nablus just after midnight to secure the entry of
Jewish settlers to the flashpoint site of Joseph’s Tomb east of Nablus, the
army said.

Heated gunfights broke out with Palestinian fighters during the raid. At
least four other Palestinians were injured with live ammunition, three of
whom are said to be in critical condition.

The Israeli army said Khalifa was armed and shooting at soldiers, a claim
Palestinians deny.

[*Translation: Waseem Nasr Khalifa, from Balata refugee camp, east of
Nablus, succumbed to injuries he sustained during violent confrontations in
the vicinity of Joseph’s Tomb*]

Separately, a large Israeli army convoy raided the town of Ramallah in the
central occupied West Bank at dawn on Thursday.

Israeli forces broke into and shut down the offices of seven civil society
and human rights organisations.

Six of the organisations raided on Thursday had been outlawed by Israel
as “terrorist” organisations in October 2021, and accused of ties to the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

They included Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association,
Al-Haq rights group, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees (UPWC), the
Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), the Bisan Center for Research
and Development, and the Palestine chapter of the Geneva-based Defence for
Children International.

The seventh organisation raided was the Union of Health Work Committees

The organisations’ offices were ransacked and their equipment confiscated.
Doors were welded shut, with an Israeli military order posted on them
declaring the organisations “unlawful”.

Mazen Rantisi, head of the board of directors at the UHWC, which runs
several hospitals and dozens of clinics across the occupied West Bank, said
the closures are part of a longstanding Israeli policy.

“They raided our offices at dawn, broke the doors, they took documents,
computers, we are still assessing what’s gone. They wrecked the place and
welded the doors shut with metal,” Rantisi told Al Jazeera.

“We found a document plastered on the door, in Hebrew only, saying that
this is a closed organisation, we are not allowed to enter, and no time
period is specified.”

The closures mean that it is illegal under Israeli military law for the
employees to enter their offices.

“The goal is to put obstacles in the way of civil society so that it
doesn’t develop, it is part of destroying Palestinian society, and to make
people feel defeated,” said Rantisi.

“This will definitely impact the services we offer – but we will find a way
to continue our work.”

The Addameer prisoner rights group said on Twitter the army had left an
order that declared the organisation “forcibly closed in the name of
security in the region, and to combat the infrastructure of terrorism”.

“This is an astonishing attack on our needed human rights work,” the group

The organisations conduct critical human rights work in the occupied West
Bank – including providing legal aid to detainees, documenting Israeli
human rights abuses, conducting local and international advocacy, and
working with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations.

The targeted groups have called for a protest in front of the Al-Haq
offices in downtown Ramallah on Thursday at noon to protest the raids and
the closure of their offices.

Israel’s designation of the groups in October 2021 was widely condemned
the international community and rights groups as “unjustified” and

No evidence
was found or provided by the Israeli government to substantiate its claims
surrounding the six organisations.
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