[News] Israeli Occupying Forces Raid, Damage and Close Offices of Al-Haq and other Designated Organizations, International Community Must Intervene

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 18 10:39:44 EDT 2022

Alert: Israeli Occupying Forces Raid, Damage and Close Offices of Al-Haq 
and other Designated Organisations, International Community Must Intervene
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*Alert: Israeli Occupying Forces Raid, Damage and Close Offices of 
Al-Haq and other Designated Organisations, International Community Must 


18 August 2022
During the early morning hours of 18 August 2022, at approximately 3:00 
am, Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) entered Ramallah, targeting, forcibly 
entering, raiding the offices and confiscating property from the six 
Palestinian civil society organisations, Al-Haq, Addameer, the Bisan 
Center for Research & Development, Defence for Children 
International-Palestine, Union of Agricultural Workers Committees 
(UAWC), and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC). The 
incursion, raids, pillage and closures, are the latest in a pattern of 
repressive attacks by Israel, targeting Palestinian civil society 
organisations who advocate for human rights and international rule of 
law, and call for an end to Israel’s aggressive 74-year colonial and 
apartheid regime, that denies the collective right to self-determination 
of the Palestinian people and the right of refugees to return.

On 19 October 2021, Israel designated six leading Palestinian human 
rights organizations as “terrorist” groups under its Counter Terrorism 
Law, 2016. The designation was given effect in the occupied Palestinian 
territory (OPT), on 3 November under a military order, declaring the 
organisations as unlawful associations under Regulation 84(1)(b) of the 
Defense (Emergency) Regulations of 1945. The military order 
that  “every member of the institution ‘Al-Haq Institution’ or 
‘Al-Haq’…is an illegal organization in the meaning of the defense 
regulations.” Following yesterday’s decision 
by Benny Gantz, the military order has taken full effect in the OPT, 
whereupon Yehuda Fox, the Israeli military commander, led an armed 
incursion into Ramallah to forcibly close the six organisations, in an 
attempt to quash the work of human rights defenders, in serious 
violation of the right to freedom of expression and association. Such 
orders infringe upon and overreach into the work of human rights 
organisations and civil society, exceeding the competence of the 
military commander under Article 43 of the Hague Regulations (1907), in 
addition to violating fundamental humanitarian rights guarantees of 
protected persons under Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949).

At 3:23 am, Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) forcibly blasted through the 
locked security door of Al-Haq’s offices, bursting the door from its 
hinges and raiding the premises, setting off the alarms. Below the 
premises of Al-Haq, the IOF bludgeoned and broke the front door of the 
Episcopal Church, leaving long shards of exposed broken glass, 
sponge-grenades, and several teargas canisters, rubber coated and live 
bullets around the property. Armed military forces broke into Al-Haq, 
systematically raiding each room and blasting the hinges off the locked 
doors of the finance department, the administrative office, the General 
Director’s office, and the main server room, causing material damage. 
The military rummaged through files, scattered and displaced accounting 
folders to the ground, knocked over coffee cups leaving spillages, and 
trashed offices, and trashed and bathrooms.

In Al-Haq’s meeting room, raiding soldiers tore an Irish flag to the 
ground, which had been symbolically placed in recognition of the 
Occupied Territories Bill, prohibiting the import of settlement goods 
and services. In addition, the IOF tore down large maps of 1948 
Palestine, maps which depict an unfragmented Palestine, free from the 
tyranny of settler colonialism and apartheid and the infliction of 
international crimes. The IOF also removed from the wall at reception, 
the framed certificate of the prestigious Geuzenpenning Prize for Human 
Rights Defenders, awarded to Al-Haq in 2010, for Al-Haq’s commitment and 
excellence in documenting and monitoring Israel’s widespread and 
systematic violations of human rights against the Palestinian people.

After raiding and rampaging through Al-Haq’s offices, the IOF welded a 
new reinforced iron door to the outside of Al-Haq’s office, completely 
sealing off the office and preventing any entry, attaching, alongside 
it, a military order, and another copy of the order on the main entrance 
door. The military order states that, under Article 319 of the Emergency 
Regulations, of 1945, and following the declaration on 3 November 2021 
of Al-Haq as an unlawful association, the Israeli military commander 
orders the closure of Al-Haq’s offices for the safety and security of 
the area, the IOF and public order. The military order further warned 
that “those administering the organisation, must shut down the 
organisation, refrain from managing it and keep it shut, from the moment 
of receipt of this order”. According to the military order, Al-Haq's 
office is considered to be illegal or is used to conduct activities that 
are considered illegal.

In raising this urgent alert, Al-Haq calls on the international 
community to immediately intervene to protect the six designated 
organisations, whose finances and assets risk being confiscated, and 
their staff members, directly targeted, arbitrarily arrested and 
imprisoned. Al-Haq warns that, in targeting the Palestinian civil 
society organisations, Israel is dismantling the very fabric of the 
Palestinian society, and systematically removing the critically vital 
monitoring and oversight institutions, necessary for a viable and 
functioning society based on the principles of democracy, human rights 
and the rule of law.

In view of the above, Al-Haq urges the international community to take 
concrete actions, including:

  * Call on Israel, to urgently and immediately rescind the designations
    labeling the organizations as ‘terrorist’, as violating the freedoms
    of opinion and expression, and freedom of association, and amount to
    acts of apartheid prosecutable under Article 7(2)(h) of the Rome
  * Call on the international community to pressure Israel to
    immediately reverse the military order designating the six
    organisations as unlawful associations, and the military order
    commanding the closure of closing the organisations’ premises,
    criminalising the work of the six organisations and their staff;
  * Take concrete measures, such as trade restrictions and arms
    embargoes, to ensure that Israel is held internationally responsible
    for its ongoing systematic inhumane acts of apartheid, including the
    persecution of Palestinian human rights defenders;
  * Calls on the Assembly of States Parties and the Prosecutor of the
    International Criminal Court, to intervene to and protect and ensure
    the viability of organisations working to submit evidence to the Court;
  * Calls on Third States to continue their support and increase
    funding, including core funding to the six organisations, and engage
    with financial institutions in their home States to ensure the
    transfer of funds to the six organisations.

See this statement on our website here 




/Copyright © 2022 Al-Haq Organization, All rights reserved./
Contacts Al Haq

*Our mailing address is:*
Al-Haq Organization
54 Main Street
Ramallah P6008148
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