[News] Cuba Denounces Exclusion From Summit of the Americas

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Tue Apr 26 14:20:58 EDT 2022

Cuba Denounces Exclusion From Summit of the AmericasApril 26, 2022

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Monday denounced Cuba's exclusion from
the 9th Summit of the Americas and the negotiation of documents foreign to
Latin America's reality.

In statements to the national and foreign press, Rodriguez stressed that
Washington deceives international public opinion about the invitations to
that meeting, scheduled for next June in the city of Los Angeles, and that
it exerts extreme pressure on countries in the region opposed to that

The head of Cuban diplomacy pointed out that a main axis of the event will
be health care, but added that this subject "is
negotiated opaquely including many neoliberal elements and
shortcomings regarding the real needs of people, a so-called plan of action
in health care and resilience of the Americas until 2030,” he pointed out.

The foreign minister warned that this text excludes Cuba and other member
States of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) that participate in
these processes. Rodriguez recalled that Cuba, in a modest but altruistic
way, has provided international cooperation in healthcare matters that is
recognized on a global scale.”

He pointed out that the migration issue will also be  at the center of the
summit, on which another document is being negotiated behind the back of
public opinion. The alleged document intends to force Latin American States
to repress migration and absorb the migrants that the United States
rejects, with a racist and xenophobic approach.

Rodriguez added that in Cuba’s case, the conduct of the United States has
been to cut off regular and safe channels and prevent emigration through a
policy that he described as selective and discriminatory.

He recalled that the United States has failed to comply with the agreement
to grant 20,000 annual visas, has forced applicants for this document to
travel to Guyana and has imposed third countries to establish transit visas
for Cubans, while encouraging illegal emigration.

He described as positive the resumption of bilateral talks last week, the
recognition by the U.S. delegation of the breaches and the expressed desire
to resume consular services in Havana, although in a very limited way.

Rodriguez stressed that the intention to exclude Cuba from the meeting
would be due to a politically motivated maneuver, as part of the double
standard linked to the internal and electoral situation in the United
States. He thanked the governments in the region for their the supportive
position in favor of inviting Cuba.

He also considered that the United States lacks the moral authority to set
itself up as a model of Human Rights and democracy, an issue that will also
be discussed at the Los Angeles summit.

Rodriguez noted that Cuba supports the efforts to promote dialogue and
cooperation between Latin America and the United States, and its exclusion
would constitute a serious historical setback in relation to the two
previous summits, which had its participation.

It would be surprising if US President Joe Biden departs from the policy of
which he was vice president (under the administration of Barack Obama
2009-2017), and even that of Republican President Donald Trump (2017-2021),
who invited Cuba to the Lima Summit, in Peru, he noted.

Finally, he stressed that the United States should understand that Latin
America has changed forever and there is no room to impose the vision of
the Monroe Doctrine, against which the heroes of the peoples’ independence
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