[News] Washington Watches as China and Latin America Deepen Their Ties

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*Washington Watches as China and Latin America Deepen Their Ties* 

*By Marco Fernandes*

Less than a week after the start of Russia’s military intervention, Juan 
Sebastian Gonzalez, senior director of Western Hemisphere affairs at the 
U.S. National Security Council, in an interview with Voice of America (a 
State Department asset), stated 
that “the sanctions against Russia are so robust that they will have an 
impact on those governments that have economic affiliations with Russia, 
and that is by design. So, Venezuela will start feeling the pressure; 
Nicaragua will start feeling the pressure; as will Cuba.” A recent 
article in Foreign Affairs magazine, which by way of the Council on 
Foreign Relations serves unofficially as a kind of discussion forum of 
the U.S. State Department, titled “The Eurasian Nightmare,” defended 
the thesis that Washington has no choice but to fight Russia and China 
at the same time. However, Gonzalez hints that the Biden 
administration’s strategy not only contemplates attacking the main front 
in the east (Moscow and Beijing), but also opens a front in the 
south—secondary, but important—against three Latin American countries 
that have challenged Washington the most in recent years (Venezuela, 
Nicaragua, and Cuba). The southern front, however, may be broader than 
what the Colombia-born 
Juan Gonzalez makes clear.

On March 24, the commander of the U.S. Armed Forces Southern Command, 
General Laura Richardson, testified 
before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. She said that although 
Russia is the “more immediate threat” in Latin America and the 
Caribbean, China would pose a diplomatic, technological, informational, 
and military challenge to the United States. Richardson had given 
similar testimony 
in the House of Representatives about two weeks earlier, where she also 
stated that without “U.S. leadership,” Chinese influence in the region 
could “soon resemble the self-serving predatory influence it now holds 
in Africa.” She refers to the advance of the Belt and Road Initiative 
across the African continent since 2013, responsible for unprecedented 
tens of billions of dollars in Chinese investment 
in basic infrastructure (energy, telecommunications, ports, railroads, 
highways, etc.) in exchange for the natural resources China needs to 
feed its industry, which is responsible for 28.7 percent 
of all manufacturing produced in the world and consumed globally.

General Richardson’s statements are based on two principles. First, that 
the United States views Latin America and the Caribbean as its 
“backyard,” expressed in the Monroe Doctrine since 1823 and put into 
practice in countless military invasions, coups, and, more recently, 
hybrid wars against peoples and governments not aligned with Washington. 
Biden recently said 
that “Latin America is not our backyard,” but rather that it is 
“America’s front yard.” Latin Americans do not want to be anyone’s yard, 
whether front or back. Second, that the United States believes that the 
foreign policy of the region’s governments should be defined by Washington.

*China in Latin America*

In 2000, the U.S. Congress set up the U.S.-China Economic and Security 
Review Commission 
which offers Congress its assessment of China on U.S. national security. 
In November 2021, the commission’s report had an important chapter on 
the relations between China and the governments of Latin America and the 
The report worried about China’s support for what it termed “populist” 
governments from Argentina to Venezuela. It remarked on the increase in 
the region’s trade with China: from $18.9 billion (2002) to $295.6 
billion (2020), in addition to its growing importance as a source of 
loans, financing ($137 billion from 2005 to 2020) and direct investments 
($58 billion between 2016 and 2020). Due to this investment, China was 
able to assist the region in lessening the impact of the 2008 financial 
crisis; this investment created jobs (1.8 million between 1995 and 2016) 
and decreased poverty (falling from 12 percent in 2002 to 4 percent in 
2018). Chinese vaccines rushed in during the pandemic, and Latin 
American commodity exports to China dampened the burden of the COVID 

The U.S.-China Commission worried 
about the increased connections between China and the region in 
telecommunications and transportation networks. Huawei’s leadership 
in 5G in the region as well as Sino-South American partnerships in the 
development of satellites 
(21 launched 
in joint ventures, most of which were with Argentina) are offered as 
examples. The commission also expressed alarm that China’s control or 
influence over ports in the region, particularly in the Caribbean, since 
these could—in the future—be used for military purposes (although there 
is no indication of any such military use by China or by the Latin 
American and Caribbean states).

*Washington’s Cold War*

Washington’s hard-right elements reacted to this report with speed. In 
February 2022, Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez 
both Cuban-Americans, introduced the Western Hemisphere Security 
Strategy Act of 2022 in Congress. This bill 
drawing from the commission’s recommendations, proposes that the United 
States government directly challenge China’s role in the region. It 
characterizes the existence of China and Russia in the region as a 
“harmful and malign influence.” The bill is vague and short on details.

Dr. Evan Ellis 
a professor at the U.S. Army War College whose testimony was part of the 
commission’s report, wrote a report in January 2022 for the Center for 
Strategic and International Studies. The report—“Preparing for 
Deterioration of the Latin America and Caribbean Strategic Environment” 
to the revival “of a particular model of leftist authoritarian populism” 
in Latin America and the Caribbean. The new governments, he writes, have 
developed links with China to help them over the COVID recession 
The United States, Ellis argues, cannot mobilize sufficient resources 
for investment in the region because the U.S. Congress is divided and 
because the private sector is unwilling to take on this mission. He 
remains skeptical of U.S. policy in the region, particularly as Chinese 
state-owned companies have been effectively investing in sectors such as 
construction, mining, energy, and finance.

Ellis recommends four immediate actions, many of them part of what is 
known as “hybrid war.” First, he says that Washington should promote a 
media narrative that denounces the leftist governments and their 
relations with China. Second, the United States should support protest 
movements against these governments. Third, the United States must 
deepen its alliances with regional elites. Fourth, the United States 
must apply sanctions to these left-leaning governments.

Two elections in the coming months could make things more difficult for 
the United States. In Colombia (May), the main ally of the United States 
in the region, leftist candidate Gustavo Petro could push the right wing 
out of power. In Brazil (October), Lula leads the polls against 
President Jair Bolsonaro.

Ellis suspects 
that the arrest and imprisonment of Lula had “deepened the radicalism of 
his leftist populist orientation.” In May 2021, Lula told the Chinese 
website Guancha 
“It’s not possible that every time a Latin American country starts to 
grow, there is a coup. And in this coup, there is always someone from 
the U.S., there is always the U.S. ambassador. It is not possible.”

Lula is not a radical, but if he is re-elected president of Brazil, he 
will bring a realistic attitude toward his country’s development. He has 
stressed the importance of rebuilding the Latin American and Caribbean 
regional bloc (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, or 
CELAC) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), both 
of which have been weakened in recent years. Chinese investment and 
trade are already a key part of Brazil’s plans for its future, but Lula 
also knows that this partnership must evolve, and Brazil needs to be 
more than an exporter of commodities to China.

Will the United States be able to roll back the influence of China and 
Russia on the region? Even Ellis does not feel confident about such an 
outcome. Along with Senators Rubio and Menendez, Ellis would prefer to 
destabilize the region than allow it to become a protagonist in a 
possible new world order.

/*Marco Fernandes* is a researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for 
Social Research 
He is a member of the No Cold War 
collective. He lives in Shanghai./

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