[News] Stand with Palestinian civil society

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 28 11:07:28 EDT 2021

The 6 organizations targeted by Israel need your support.

Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association Addameer 

Dear supporters,
We're writing to you today after the latest attempt by the Israeli 
occupation and apartheid regime to criminalize and outlaw Addameer in 
its entirety.
Last Friday, we discovered that the Israeli regime designated 6 leading 
Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorist” groups, 
reflecting a drastic escalation in its ongoing harassment campaign 
to suppress Palestinian human rights defenders and quash civil society.
*Since the announcement, we have seen an extraordinary outpouring of 
support, *and we thank you for your meaningful solidarity. We continue 
to be fiercely committed to advocating for the rights of all Palestinian 
political prisoners, and the Palestinian people more broadly, in their 
struggle for freedom, justice, and  self-determination.
We have already seen statements of support pour in, from Human Rights 
Watch and Amnesty International 
<https://48c8p.r.ag.d.sendibm3.com/mk/cl/f/ilGCWFQaaCjymGgXhOm741yf5PQNqexP3pIrIhdnz0GMXgPKEvn3Vg7vJE4h4183a0XkDfYJJiEqacTfvAbJXCJkGKW_JwLZUBfCVIfSBRzmvqk0p-q9yBIoSOqhtCltAdwth9suwzXS9zpk4vq1Dr4V35aXvdnUIrWJXVTdKvZeXXSpGcoM3UdMKHurvTC2nKGdyzQhNiVSVGceNST4_i49lY392v6Hv5HQgpCmxCTDA4ex1Dzem5mzjy3ne6J_fDSRwkGVKSq4nOlGHa361QnlXBTfEhtbFN_VQ5LXUaPOJk_CUGZHyLRcJh_g5XxgAkpWhn9zDCHDtXpMebQkpPYYQOM-reGv9S7tlzvn3juvE2Ge_31BNRovW9oqXjI> to 
The response of the international community will be crucial in rejecting 
the baseless designation and protecting the future of Palestinian civil 
society. We will need your support to continue defending Palestinian 
human rights as we have for the past three decades.


*Join us today for a digital day of action 
<https://48c8p.r.ag.d.sendibm3.com/mk/cl/f/9SZEAS6C-YEeNTuszzA9bEKi-QvorTu1y5tYBoqTnwrPs9ptvY0kdCqOCLDnMVr24_X2CTeSVnzwk60b3tk5BlRUFvXi6mGtK9vJO2Fo9FLhXnQh3i9rFci7AgH7smUvAvRa1s_8Z6Hq0f3s7eJscGv-w0mO48Cz7k6oE_jxZEN2iM-n85phOamlJZXwI2zhfgFsu3nDyHOIC_ef45-Hc-jCx0oAbJ6qidAi6q4EqxaBM3fvuRM> in 
solidarity with Palestinian civil society.*
At 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, or 8pm Jerusalem time, we'll be flooding 
social media with messages of support for Palestinian civil society. You 
can find a toolkit full of graphics and sample tweets in multiple 
languages here: bit.ly/standwiththe6 

Join our social media storm today, and voice your support for the 6 
organizations, and the rest of Palestinian civil society, in the days to 

As we write in our official statement 
we will proudly continue our necessary work.

We refuse to turn our backs on the 6 hunger-striking detainees 
protesting their administrative detention, the longest-running of whom, 
Kayed Fasfous, has entered 106 days. We refuse to turn our backs on Amal 
Nakhleh, a Palestinian child facing serious health conditions who has 
been held on “secret” evidence for nearly a year. We refuse to turn our 
backs on the 6 re-captured political prisoners from Gilboa prison, 
isolated in harsh conditions that may amount to torture. Nor will we 
turn our backs on the 4600+ Palestinian prisoners held in conditions 
that don't meet the bare minimum standards, who are subjected to 
torture, medical neglect, and gross collective punishment.

Read Addameer's full statement here 


*You can also take action right now. Click here to sign the petition 
By signing, you offer your solidarity with Palestinian civil society and 
join us in mounting pressure on policymakers and representatives to take 
necessary measures to reject the designation.
*Please share widely* 

To learn more about Israel's criminalization of the 6 organizations and 
the grave implications it has, join us tomorrow 
Friday, October 29, for this event sponsored by Human Rights Watch, the 
Center for Constitutional Rights, and the Carter Center.


The event will stream globally at 10:30am Eastern time or 5:30 Jerusalem 
time. RSVP and details on facebook, by clicking here 

Thank you again for your continued and dedicated support.
The Addameer team






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Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

© 2021 Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
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