[News] Palestine Action Strikes Again: Elbit-Ferranti Oldham Shut Down

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jun 21 10:35:20 EDT 2021


  Palestine Action Strikes Again: Elbit-Ferranti Oldham Shut Down




  * Activists have stormed and occupied the site of Elbit Ferranti in
    Oldham, Greater Manchester.
  * Action follows a series of disruptions and actions taken against
    Elbit Systems, their suppliers, and landlords, in a bid to end
    Israel’s kill chain in the UK. Palestine Action have taken action 7
    times in the past month alone, shutting down factories and sites
    across the UK.
  * During escalation of violence in Gaza and occupied Palestine, police
    were stationed outside of Elbit Ferranti in Oldham, offering
    round-the-clock protection to prevent disruption to Ferranti’s
    manufacture of weapons technology and components for the Israeli
  * Despite increased security and rapid police response, Palestine
    Action have occupied and shut down the site once again, using direct
    action to successfully stem the flow of weapons which would
    otherwise be used for war crimes.

At 6:30am this morning, activists stormed and occupied the site of Elbit 
Ferranti in Oldham, evading a heavy security presence and rapid police 
response, to successfully shut down the factory. The activists have 
scaled the roof, chained the gates shut, and have covered the building 
in blood-red paint. In occupying the site and preventing operations, 
activists are disrupting the flow of arms and military technology to 
Israel, where these would be used to commit war crimes against the 
Palestinian people.

The site, at Cairo House, Greenacres Road, Oldham, Greater Manchester, 
is the latest to be targetted in a number of successful actions taken by 
Palestine Action against Elbit Systems, their subsidiaries, landlords, 
and partners. The group has taken action at 7 sites in the UK in the 
past month alone – with most of these actions being multiple days-long 
occupations of factories.

Since the beginning of increased Israeli military operations against the 
people of Gaza, starting in the wake of waves of violence in Jerusalem 
in May 2021, police were seen stationed at Elbit Ferranti and other 
Elbit factories, offering round-the-clock protection for the manufacture 
of Israel’s arms. Elbit and the police are scared – aware of the growing 
movement of people who recognise the power of direct action, understand 
the role that Elbit weaponry plays in Israel’s war crimes, and want 
Elbit out of our communities. Despite the police operating as Elbit’s 
private bodyguards, Palestine Action have once again shut down Elbit 
Ferranti – and will continue to do so until all Elbit sites are shut 
down for good.

A Palestine Action spokesperson has said:

/“This takeover of Elbit Ferranti is our latest action in a series of 
disruptions to Israel’s arms trade, and we’re only just getting started. 
Despite an increase in security, a rapid police response and specially 
designated patrols, activists are occupying Elbit’s lethal arms factory 
in Oldham. Once again, we have brought Israel’s arms production in the 
UK to a grinding halt./

/When our government facilitates Israel’s apartheid regime, and allows 
corporations to commit murder, it is our duty to take action. Palestine 
Action continues to build a mass direct action movement and expose 
Elbit’s role in Israel’s crimes. The campaign will continue until Elbit 
Ferranti and all other Elbit sites in the UK are shut down for good./

/This past week has seen the shelling of Gaza resume. Previous bombing 
operations against Gaza have been used as an opportunity for Elbit and 
other arms manufacturers to ‘field-test’ their weapons on Palestinians. 
Its up to us to halt the production of these weapons which are ‘tested’ 
on Palestinians and then exported to repressive regimes globally.”/

The Elbit Ferranti site in Oldham is used for the manufacture of 
specialist military products and technology – including the /SkEye/ 
persistent surveillance system for Elbit’s /Hermes/ /450/ and /900/ 
drones, both of which have been used extensively in successive Israeli 
bombardments of Gaza. Ferranti advertise the manufacture of the 
/SpectroXR /ultra-long range imaging system at the Oldham site – which 
is again used in /Hermes /drones. The site is also used in the 
manufacture of /IronVision/ helmets for use in battle tans such as the 
/Carmel/, which has been designed specifically for operations in densely 
built, urban areas (Gaza).


If you would like any further information on this action or on Palestine 
action, please contact media at palestineaction.org or our press line at 

For rolling updates of ongoing actions please check the Palestine Action 
Twitter account <https://twitter.com/Pal_action>

*Palestine Action*

Palestine Action is a direct-action network of groups and individuals 
formed with the mandate of taking direct action against Elbit Systems’ 
UK locations at grassroots level, calling for them all to be shut down 
and for the British government to end its complicity in Israeli 
apartheid.Previous action at the Oldham Ferranti site, undertaken 
collaboratively with XR

Some previous Palestine Action occupations and 
*Elbit Systems*Information on the suffering inflicted by Elbit’s drones, 
including the /Hermes/: 
Role of Elbit drone in killing of four children paying on Gaza beach in 
UK Ministry of Defence signs £102 million contract with Elbit Systems UK 
for “sensor-to-shoot” system: 
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