[News] UN Calls on the US to Promote Puerto Rico’s Independence

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Mon Jun 21 10:27:27 EDT 2021

Calls on the US to Promote Puerto Rico’s Independence
June 21, 2021

The Special Committee on Decolonization approved today a draft resolution
calling upon the United States to assume its responsibility to promote a
process to enable the people of Puerto Rico to fully exercise their right
to self-determination and independence.

Approving the draft resolution “Special Committee decision of 5 August 2020
concerning Puerto Rico” (document A/AC.109/2021/L.7) without a vote, it
requested that the General Assembly call again upon the Government of the
United States to address the Puerto Rican people’s urgent economic and
social needs, which have been aggravated by hurricanes, earthquakes and the
coronavirus pandemic.

By other terms of that text, the Assembly would note with concern that the
already weakened area in which the prevailing political and economic
subordination of Puerto Rico operates is reduced further by virtue of the
decision by the United States Congress, under the Puerto Rico Oversight,
Management and Economic Stability Act, known as PROMESA, which created the
Financial Oversight and Management Board.

During the morning meeting on the question of Puerto Rico, delegates called
attention to recent developments and the growing demand for independence.

*Please follow this **link*
<https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/gacol3346.doc.htm>* to read the summaries
of all petitioners.*

Below are summaries of the presentations made by members of El Frente:
[image: Manuel Rivera, Puertorriqueños Unidos En Acción]Manuel Rivera,
Puertorriqueños Unidos En Acción

*Manuel Rivera, speaking for Puertorriqueños Unidos En Acción*, cautioned
against thinking that the election of a Democratic President of the United
States will advance the decolonization process.  Recalling that both
Democrats and Republicans have treated Puerto Rico like a private *hacienda*
for many years, he emphasized that serious discussions on the issue will
only begin when the United States delegation to the United Nations
participates in the Special Committee’s work and when colonialism is
eradicated around the world.
[image: John Melendez Rivera, Frente Independentista Boricua]John Melendez
Rivera, Frente Independentista Boricua

*John Melendez Rivera, speaking for the Frente Independentista Boricua*,
which represents the Puerto Rican diaspora, noted that the colonizers
control the economy, media and education systems, while the Territory is
subjected to ethnic cleansing and genocide amid an influx of outsiders.  He
called upon the United States to stop violating international law, engage
in a decolonization process and transfer all sovereign powers to the Puerto
Rican people.
[image: JUAN DALMAU, Puerto Rican Independence Party]JUAN DALMAU, Puerto
Rican Independence Party

*JUAN DALMAU, representing the **Puerto Rican Independence Party**,* said
the colonial experience of the United States in Puerto Rico has failed,
adding that it was never viable, and its harmful consequences can be seen
today.  The actions of the Fiscal Control Board have further impoverished
Puerto Rico as multimillionaires from the United States buy up properties
and displace entire communities, he noted.  However, there are winds of
change in Puerto Rico, he said, pointing to growing support for his party
and appealing for greater international support going forward.

*MICHAEL VIEIRA, speaking for **El Grito**, *delivered his statement as a
poem, saying that deception, lies, exploitation and subjugation are the
cornerstones of the relationship between the United States and Puerto
Rico.  It is time for accountability and the truth, he said, pointing out
that “snakes are making deals” and lining their pockets while schools,
hospitals, water supply and electrical grid are privatized.  What if a
colonizer came into your house, beat you, then put a pacifier into your
mouth to silence you, he wondered, stressing that “Puerto Rico *libre*” is
the path that must be taken.

*GERARDO LUGO SEGARRA, speaking for the **Partido Nacionalista de Puerto
Rico, Movimiento Libertador**,* said the laws imposed by the imperial
Government on Puerto Rico are aimed at preserving its own interests, adding
that elections and referendums in the Territory have only guaranteed the
perpetuation of colonization.  While Puerto Rico deals with growing
poverty, COVID-19, earthquakes and hurricanes, thousands of foreigners are
coming from outside to establish businesses which do not benefit its
people, he noted, emphasizing that the international community must find a
solution to that situation.


The representative of *Cuba*, also speaking on behalf of Antigua and
Barbuda, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria and the Russian Federation,
introduced the draft resolution “Special Committee decision of
5 August 2020 concerning Puerto Rico” (document A/AC.109/2021/L.7).  Urging
the international community to act promptly towards decolonization, he said
the draft reaffirms the Territory’s inalienable right to
self-determination.  Its current status prevents its people from addressing
their needs and defining their future, he added.  The text also addresses
the question of the fiscal board established by the United States and takes
note of the decision by that country’s Supreme Court that Congress has the
final word on Puerto Rico’s independence.

The Special Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.
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