[News] Venezuela Meets the Goal of Delivering 400 Thousand Homes in 2020, 3 Million 400 Thousand Total

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Fri Jan 1 12:45:01 EST 2021

Meets the Goal of Delivering 400 Thousand Homes in 2020, 3 Million 400
Thousand TotalJanuary 1, 2021

The Venezuelan government managed to reach the goal of building and
delivering the 400,000th house in the country, with a view to reaching the
figure of 500,000 homes by the coming year 2021, announced the President of
the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

“With the economic war, with the theft of our assets and with the pandemic,
we set a goal of 400,000 homes by 2020 and today we can say: We have met
the goal!” said the head of State.

During the act of unveiling the 3,400,000 milestone of the Great Venezuela
Housing Mission (GMVV), President Maduro approved 1,108,130 petros for the
construction of 500 thousand homes in the next year, while emphasizing that
these actions show that the Executive national defends the welfare state in
the nation.

He condemned that in the Fourth Republic the people did not benefit from
the delivery of decent homes. “In the 40 years that the Fourth Republic
lasted, 1,581,000 homes were built, while the Revolution in 20 years has
delivered 3,400,000 comfortable, decent, humane homes,” he said.

President Maduro highlighted that of the 3,400,000 homes that the GMVV has
delivered, 418,310 have been granted to immigrants, of which 82% are
Colombian citizens.

“All Venezuelans have the right to enjoy decent housing as enshrined in the
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which turns 21 this
Wednesday,” he said.

*GMVV milestone 3,400,000 was delivered in Cojedes*

The national government gave the house number 3,400,000 in the urban
development “Maisanta”, Tinaquillo parish, Tinaquillo municipality, Cojedes
state. With this delivery 124 families of the locality are benefited.

RELATED CONTENT: President Maduro: Colombia Preparing Attacks on Venezuelan
Military Units ‘at the End of this Year or Beginning of 2021’

The governor of the locality, Margot Godoy, reported that a total of 67,283
homes have been assigned in the region. He added that in Cojedes more than
3,000 homes are under construction.


40 homes were delivered in the “Bicentenario” Urbanism, Caricuao parish,
Libertador municipality

The single-family homes have: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room,
kitchen, dining room and laundry room in a construction area of 74 m².


The national government, led by the governor of the Portuguese state,
Rafael Calles, benefited 64 families with the delivery of decent homes in
the urban planning “La Patria Sigue, San Francisco II”, Guanare


In the “El Gigante Hugo Chávez” urban development, located in the Vista
Hermosa parish, Angostura municipality, 30 families received the keys to
their new home thanks to the Great Venezuela Housing Mission.


In Guariqueña state, 53 homes were handed over to the “Villas del Sol”
Urban Development, Valle de la Pascua parish.

The homes consist of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, dining
room and laundry room, in a construction area of 75 m².

*Featured image: Photo courtesy of Prensa Presidencial.*

(Ultimas Noticias

Translation: OT/JRE/EF

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