[News] Palestinian resistance stands united with joint military exercises in Gaza

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Fri Jan 1 01:26:37 EST 2021

resistance stands united with joint military exercises in GazaDecember 30,

*The following report is largely translated from the original French at
Collectif Palestine Vaincra:

*Also, watch the following report from Press TV, featuring Palestinian
writer and organizer Khaled Barakat
and Palestinian political activist from Gaza Motee Abu Musabeh:*

On Tuesday, 29 December, the Joint Chamber of the Palestinian resistance
factions organized military drills <https://hadfnews.ps/post/76408> in the
Gaza Strip, on land, sea, and air. The joint military drills brought
together 12 Palestinian armed branches of organizations, including the
Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas, the Al-Quds Brigades of Palestinian
Islamic Jihad and the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, as well as the National Resistance Brigades of the
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Nasser Salah al-Din
Brigades, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – Al-Amoudi Brigade, Asifah Amy,
Martyr Ayman Jouda Brigades, Martyr Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades,
Mujahideen Brigades, Ansar Brigades and the Martyr Jihad Jibril Brigades.

In a statement issued the day prior
to the military drills, the Palestinian organizations affirmed that this
effort came “as part of the strengthening of cooperation and joint action
between the resistance factions, embodying their efforts to increase their
combat readiness in a permanent and continuous way.”

At a press conference, a representative of the Palestinian military
resistance organizations <http://abuali.ps/news/2829> spoke, appearing with
his face covered with a traditional Palestinian keffiyeh and with a
Palestinian flag patch on his arm, without the logo or flag of any of the
factions. In his address, he emphasized Palestinian national unity in the
resistance: “This effort clearly expresses the joint decision and unity
between the wings of the resistance factions in all of their aspects…It is
a simulation of what could happen in any real confrontation with the
occupation, and a representative example of the capacity of the resistance
to confront and respond to such events.” He added that “long years of
struggle against the Israeli occupation have developed a unique experience
of resistance, resting on solid foundations.”

Regardless of the scale of the military drills, the resistance spokesperson
underlined that the program was defensive in nature, with its objective “to
confirm the readiness of the resistance to defend our people in all cases
and in all circumstances.” Hundreds of fighters from all organizations took
part in the drills, during which several types of missiles were tested.
Rockets were fired toward the sea and underwater exercises took place. In
anticipation of the drills, fishers were prohibited from accessing the sea
during the maneuvers, and the main coastal road was closed. The Israeli
occupation army was on maximum alert during the exercises.

This show of force by the Palestinian resistance is also a message to the
reactionary Arab regimes engaged in normalization with the Israeli
occupation. Despite an inhuman siege on Gaza, all of the Palestinian
resistance organizations in Gaza affirmed their united stance, emphasizing
that the Palestinian people must rely on their own capacities for
self-defense in order to confront colonialism, racism and apartheid.
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