[News] Palestinian Resistance fighters target settlement outpost on Sabih mountain in retaliation for crackdown on protesters

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Dec 11 12:02:58 EST 2021

 Resistance fighters target settlement outpost on Sabih mountain in
retaliation for crackdown on protesters
An illegal settlement outpost on Sabih mountain in Beita, Nablus.

December 11, 2021 - https://qudsnen.co/?p=32561

Nablus (QNN)- Local sources said resistance fighters opened fire at the
illegal settlement outpost on Sabih mountain in the village of Beita in
occupied Nablus last night, in retaliation for the Israeli crackdown on
peaceful protesters earlier on Friday.

The sources said that the outpost was targeted in heavy gunfire. The
resistance fighters withdrew safely.

The shooting came a few hours after Israeli snipers cracked down on
peaceful protesters, murdering Jameel Abu Ayyash (21 years old) and
wounding over 60 others yesterday.

In the same context, local sources said activists from Beita burnt Israeli
observation posts and military training barracks near Huwwarah after the
funeral procession of Abu Ayyash yesterday.

The murder of Abu ayyash rises the toll of deaths in Beita to ten, nine of
the victims were residents of Beita.
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