[News] Bolivia: Multitudinous ‘March for the Homeland’ Reaches La Paz

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Wed Dec 1 12:48:17 EST 2021

Multitudinous ‘March for the Homeland’ Reaches La Paz
José Manuel Blanco Diaz - December 1, 2021

The 180 km *“*March for the Homeland” that set out from Caracollo, Bolivia,
on November 23, arrived at the capital La Paz on Monday, November 29. The
march was organized as a popular defense of peace and democracy against the
seditious pretensions of the extreme right forces that are trying to carry
out a coup against President Luis Arce.

The march was composed of union leaders, peasants, coca growers, workers
and other social sectors. Tens of thousands of revolutionary sympathizers
raised the Wiphala flag as a symbol of indigenous struggle and demanded
respect for democratically elected Luis Arce’s presidency.

Bolivian President Luis Arce was visibly moved by the size of the 180km
anti-fascist march yesterday, in defense of democracy and his government
pic.twitter.com/j4wh0AQGWx <https://t.co/j4wh0AQGWx>

— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) November 30, 2021

The patriotic revolutionary people of Bolivia have come out, once again, in
defense of the country’s political and social stability; to defend the
democratic gains that were threatened by the Jeanine Áñez dictatorship that
overthrew Evo Morales in 2019.

RELATED CONTENT: Bolivian President Luis Arce on Country Recovering from
US-Backed Coup & Latin American Unity

Two years after that coup and one year after Bolivia regained its
democracy, right-wing factions continue in their intention of ignoring the
Bolivian people’s will that led Luis Alberto Arce Catacora to the

Agradecemos profundamente el apoyo de la multitudinaria #MarchaPorLaPatria
Nos comprometemos a seguir trabajando para reconstruir la economía y la
Patria para todas y todos los bolivianos. ¡Viva nuestro Estado
Plurinacional de #Bolivia
pic.twitter.com/UB1RJdYahT <https://t.co/UB1RJdYahT>

— Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) November 30, 2021

*Democracy and leadership *Former president Evo Morales Ayma has remained
at the head of the mobilizations. So has President Arce himself, who joined
the march over the weekend. “With you we will never feel alone,” the
president addressed the march. “Thank you my brothers and sisters.”

Breathtaking images of the march in Bolivia backing the @LuchoXBolivia
<https://twitter.com/LuchoXBolivia?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> government and
opposing destabilization attempts https://t.co/qcfI77mul8

— venezuelanalysis.com (@venanalysis) November 30, 2021

Evo Morales highlighted the determination of those who have joined the
march from different corners of the country. The people of Bolivia have
maintained, in their great majority, a conviction in the constitution and
democracy, said former president Morales.

RELATED CONTENT: Bolivia Stalked by Coup Plotters

“The power of our revolutionary conviction has made this March for the
Homeland one of the most important mobilizations in recent years,” declared
Evo Morales during the march. “Thousands of our comrades have marched in
strength, but peacefully, to the city of La Paz.”

La Paz nunca nos ha abandonado. Gracias a la dignidad, valentía y
conciencia de nuestro pueblo, junto a la solidaridad de presidentes amigos,
hemos salvado la vida y hemos vuelto. Ahora nuestra misión es mantenernos
movilizados para que nunca más se repita un golpe de Estado
pic.twitter.com/jTYmHKiUNw <https://t.co/jTYmHKiUNw>

— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 30, 2021

President Luis Arce also thanked the people of Bolivia, who, after walking
from all the nine departments of Bolivia for seven days under the sun and
rain, arrived at La Paz to express their support for Arce’s government.

“Today,” said the president in his address to the marchers arriving in La
Paz, “the Bolivian people have made history again with this act that
surpasses all previous mobilizations that we have seen in La Paz’s main
square. The people have demanded respect for their vote at the polls and
have told the right wing that they will never again allow coups in Bolivia.”

*Featured image: Former President Evo Morales and President Luis Arce
Catacora at the March for the Homeland in La Paz, Bolivia. Photo:
RedRadioVE *

by José Manuel Blanco Díaz

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


José Manuel Blanco Diaz

Vice President of the Radio Miraflores Foundation |radiomiraflores.net.ve
<https://t.co/0RyZ1iVDGH?amp=1> | Presenter of | UCV Social Communication |
UCV announcer
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