[News] Demanding Justice: International Resistance Cuba| Haiti| Puerto Rico

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 11 10:29:30 EDT 2021

*"Demanding Justice: International Resistance Cuba| Haiti| Puerto Rico"*
*Friday August 13th at 3:30 p.m. PT / 6:30 p.m. ET*

Registration website here:bit.ly/BAinternationalresistance 
Rochester NY BAOC Demanding Justice Webinar In our failure to align 
ourselves with oppressed peoples in the world, we become complicit by 
our silence to what the U.S. is doing around the world
Dear Friends and Supporters:
During this month of Black August, Citizen Action of New York has 
forwarded the motto to "Demand Justice" - and we seek to demand justice 
from the issue of homelessness to joblessness and mass incarceration.  
But also included in this call to action is to Demand Justice against 
U.S. imperialism and colonial ventures.  It is in our failure to respond 
to such and align ourselves with oppressed peoples in the world, that we 
become complicit by our silence to what the U.S. is doing around the world.
This webinar will address some of these issues, particularly those of 
U.S. imperialism throughout the Caribbean. We ask that you share this 
information on your social media platforms and join us in an evening of 
education and truth telling toward "Building a Bigger We"  in this fight 
opposing white supremacy in all of its manifestations.
Jalil Muntaqim, Community Organizer
Education Committee
Citizen Action of New York

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