[News] My story of Line 3 resistance

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 6 10:08:09 EDT 2021

Sharing my personal experience from Camp Migizi

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Dear Friend,

My name is Taysha Martineau, and I’m a two-spirit member of the Fond Du 
Lac band of the Anishinaabe, from the eastern portion of what is now 
called Minnesota. Since January, I have led a diverse direct action 
community called Camp Migizi, and dozens of us have been arrested trying 
to stop the Line 3 pipeline from crossing our treaty lands. We’re doing 
our best, but we’re small in number. Please let anyone who can come to 
the frontlines know that they are needed. Together, we must stop this 

Lakota Law 
me, leading our Line 3 resistance at Camp Migizi. Photo by Tim Evans for 

Two hundred years ago, the region my people now occupy was also 
populated by the Dakota, who are part of the modern-day Great Sioux 
Nation. With our shared history and homelands, it is only natural that 
Madonna Thunder Hawk, Chase Iron Eyes, and other members of the Lakota 
People’s Law Project have come to join us in this fight. We are working 
together — alongside several other resistance camps here at Line 3 — to 
make a difference while we still have time. We hope to soon bring out a 
busload of Standing Rock members to join the frontlines.

Anyone who can come will be welcomed with open arms. Just two days ago, 
16 allies were arrested near the Red Lake Treaty Camp here in Minnesota. 
Tragically, construction of a massive portion of pipe near that camp 
will be complete within the next 12 hours. Meanwhile, we’re supporting 
the potential creation of a second Red Lake Treaty encampment — on a 
large open field, on tribal land — where movement leaders hope to amass 
a legion of supporters in the coming weeks.

This new camp would be protected by the Red Lake Nation, and Minnesota 
state police would be unable to encroach without permission from tribal 
officials. We all remember Standing Rock. We need that same energy now. 
If we hope to win this fight, our movement must grow to encompass 
thousands. We’ve got to send the same powerful message of resistance 
heard across the world from the /Oceti Sakowin/ in 2016 and ‘17.

This fight is personal for me. In addition to invading Mother Earth, the 
Line 3 pipeline threatens Indigenous women and children within our 
homelands. Every time fossil fuel construction happens on treaty land, 
sex trafficking and violence against Indigenous people increases. On 
this topic, *please read this article* 
in which I discuss our epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women 
(MMIW) in the context of our battle against the fossil fuel industry. 
I’ll send more updates your way and give you other ways to help soon. In 
the meantime, stay tuned, and please spread the word about our need for 
allies at the frontlines.

/Miigwech/ — thank you for all your support!
Taysha Martineau
Camp Migizi

Lakota People's Law Project 

Lakota People's Law Project
547 South 7th Street #149
Bismarck, ND 58504-5859

The Lakota People's Law Project is part of the Romero Institute, a 
nonprofit 501(c)(3) law and policy center. All donations are tax-deductible.

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