[News] Palestine Action Occupy Elbit's HQ in Central London

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 6 10:00:20 EDT 2021

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HAPPENING NOW: Palestine Action scaled the entrance of Elbit System's 
London HQ, and are currently occupying the site and preventing 
operations. Activists are disrupting Elbit's operations and ability to 
coordinate their business of bloodshed. The facade of the building has 
been covered in spray-painted calls to 'evict Elbit', 'Shut Elbit Down' 
and 'Free Palestine'. The site premises have been sprayed completely red 
to signify the bloodshed from which Elbit profits, with their UK-made 
drones and military tech being used to commit war crimes and repression 
in Palestine and across the globe.

Despite Elbit massive increasing their spending on security since the 
launch of Palestine Action, including the hiring of permanent 24/7 
security at 77 Kingsway, Palestine Action have shut Elbit down once 
again. Alongside those currently occupying the site, a group of 
protestors have turned up to demand Elbit are evicted from their Holborn 
offices - with a drum regiment also showing up in solidarity.

The action taken today, as with all actions by Palestine Action, has 
been taken in order to end the supply of UK made arms, drones, munitions 
and military technology to Israel. This tech, manufactured at Elbit's 10 
sites across the UK, is sold to Israel for the express purpose of 
repressing, brutalising, and killing Palestinian people. After being 
"battle-tested" (in Elbit's words) on Palestinian civilians, it is then 
sold on the global market to some of the world's most repressive regimes.

Share our Press Release, Social Media Posts, and most importantly get 
down to the site and show support: 77 Kingsway, Holborn, London, WC2B 6SR

Press Release 

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If you are having any difficulty donating via the web link above, please 
contact info at palestineaction.org <mailto:info at palestineaction.org>

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