[News] Bolivia's Arce to Restore Relations With Cuba and Venezuela, Blasts OAS

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 21 11:49:38 EDT 2020



  October 21, 2020

Bolivia's elected president Luis Arce said that he would carry out a 
foreign policy of restoration of relationships with Venezuela, Cuba, and 

"We are going to reestablish all relations. This government has acted 
very ideologically, depriving the Bolivian people of access to Cuban 
medicine, Russian medicine, and advances in China. For a purely 
ideological issue, it has exposed the population in a way unnecessary 
and harmful," Arce explained.

The former Economy Minister, during the 14 years mandate of Indigenous 
leader Evo Morales, participated in the process of increasing Bolivian's 
literacy levels and offering free healthcare to thousands with the 
support of Cuban doctors. All this social progress was radically 
paralyzed by the coup born government of Jeanine Añez.

"Thank you very much, president @NicolasMaduro. With the wisdom and 
confidence of the people, we have recovered democracy and hope. Victory 
belongs to each and every Bolivian. #We will move forward."

Likewise, Arce emphasized that his government will open the door to all 
countries based on mutual respect and sovereignty. "Nothing more," Arce 

On the other hand, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) leader warned 
that the Organization of the American States (OAS) has to amend its 
mistakes in Bolivia. The OAS co-authored the report on the 2019 
elections that served as a pretext to coup Evo Morales. This report was 
later proved to be inaccurate. It has also supported the de facto 
government of Jeanine Añez, who carried out massacres and sank the 
country into an unprecedented economic recession.

In this sense, Arce was clear that the "OAS has to make amends for their 
mistakes. But if it does not, we (the elected government) will work, as 
well as with other countries, with international organizations that 
respect us."

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