[News] This is What Happened to Patricia Arce – Mayor Harassed by Fascist and Misogynist Mob in Bolivia’s 2019 Coup

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 20 11:42:16 EDT 2020

is What Happened to Patricia Arce – Mayor Harassed by Fascist and
Misogynist Mob in Bolivia’s 2019 CoupOctober 20, 2020

On November 6, 2019, María Patricia Arce Guzmán was viciously attacked by
far-right misogynist groups which supported the coup against President Evo
Morales Ayma that subsequent led to the  installation of the civic-military
dictatorship of self-proclaimed “interim president” Jeanine Áñez.

That day Arce Guzmán was on the verge of being assassinated. She was
intercepted and held for hours at the hands of these extremist groups, who
also attacked, destroyed and burned the offices of the Vinto Mayor’s
Office, which was in the hands of Arce Guzmán by popular mandate after
being elected when its population voted for the Movement for Socialism
party (MAS).

These extremist groups physically and verbally assaulted her for hours.
They beat her, painted her red, cut off her long hair, synonymous with her
ancestral beliefs as an indigenous person and her dignity as a woman, and
held her hostage throughout this process.

After those acts of hatred and fascism, Arce Guzmán was taken to a hospital
and later continued her mandate as mayor, as she assured that under no
circumstances, and due to no threats, was she going to fail to fulfill the
responsibility that her people had given her.

At that time, terrible images were spread of how these criminal groups
harassed Arce; but this Sunday, October 18, justice was done for her
because the people decided to elect her as senator and embrace her with all
their affection in the streets, to show that the good people in Bolivia in
the majority, as shown by the electoral result that ended a dictatorship
promoted and practically institutionalized by the Organization of States
Americans (OAS).

In this sense, Brazilian Workers’ Party Deputy Gleisi Hoffmann highlighted
Arce’s victory and recalled the unfortunate acts perpetrated against her in

“Do you remember the left-wing mayor of the Bolivian city of Vinto, who
made headlines around the world after being attacked on the street by
far-right radicals during the 2019 fascist coup? Yesterday she was elected
senator with an impressive vote! Congratulations colleague María Patricia
Arce Guzmán!

Good always defeats evil and democracy, and has defeated the extreme
right-wing coup in Bolivia, ”said Hoffman.

*Featured image: File photo.*

(La IguanaTV)

Translation: OT/JRE/SL

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