[News] Second Iranian Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Waters

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon May 25 12:25:58 EDT 2020


  Second Iranian Tanker Reaches Venezuelan Waters

May 25, 2020

The second fuel ship from Iran, the Forest, arrived in Venezuelan 
territorial waters on Monday morning to supply gasoline to the 
  Caribbean country.

    *RELATED: *

    *Venezuela Warns UN About US Threat to Iranian Ships*

The vessel is being escorted by the Venezuelan Oceanic Patrol Yekuana, 
after it was located in international waters.

Forest is heading to the port of the El Palito refinery, located in the 
municipality of Puerto Cabello, on the coast of the state of Carabobo.

"Forest and the Yekuana Oceanic Patrol are near Margarita Islands and 
are heading to El Palito," teleSUR correspondent Madelein Garcia 
recently reported.

*"The first Iranian ship now in the El Palito refinery, in Venezuela. We 
follow the story."*

This is the second Iranian tanker to reach Venezuelan waters for the 
purpose of delivering gasoline.

Iran's gesture of solidarity strengthens diplomatic relations and trade 
agreements between the two countries.

The first Iranian fuel tanker, Fortune, arrived in Venezuelan 
territorial waters on Saturday night, despite the 
continuous U.S. threats to prevent it.

Forest and Fortune are two of the five oil tankers that Iran has sent to 
supply the Latin American country with fuel.

The ships Petunia, Faxon and Clavel continue their course to Venezuela 
and are expected to arrive in the country soon.

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