[News] Venezuela Rejects the Trump Administration's Transition Plan

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Tue Mar 31 20:17:06 EDT 2020

Rejects the Trump Administration's Transition PlanMarch 31, 2020

Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza
assured that his country's sovereignty is not negotiable and rejected a
proposal by the United States for a "political transition."


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"They can say what they want when they want, and how they want. However,
the decisions on Venezuela are made in Venezuela with its institutions and
constitution. We are not supervised by the United States," Arreaza said.

On Tuesday morning, the U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela Elliot
presented a project for a "political transition", which was endorsed by
State Secretary Mike Pompeo.

"We've made clear all along that Nicolas Maduro will never again govern
Venezuela," Pompeo said at a press conference in Washington.

Asked if the opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido could run in the presidential
election, which the United States would like to implement in Venezuela
within a year, Pompeo said: "Absolutely yes... we continue to support him,"
as reported by Bangkok Post.

Venezuela has permanently denounced the interventionist actions of the
United States, a country that insists on destabilizing the government
of President
Nicolas Maduro

"Venezuela's decisions are made in Caracas. We are not supervised by
Washington or by any other capital. They waste their time in their maze,
”the Bolivarian minister stressed.

“We've always wanted to have good relationships, but they are obsessed with
controlling Venezuela and its oil. We do what Venezuela says, not what
Trump orders," Arreaza added.

In frank disrespect for international law, however, Abrams and Pompeo’s
“Democratic Transition Framework” proposes to create a Council of State in
Venezuela that would be made up of members of the ruling party and
opposition parties.

This interim government would assume power until the presidential and
legislative elections are held in late 2020. If so, the U.S. would lift the
coercive measures it imposed on Venezuela.

On Monday, President Maduro asked the international community for its
support to stop the persecution that the U.S. is executing against his
country amidst the pandemic.

"I ask for your invaluable support in the face of this unusual and
arbitrary persecution, which is executed through a refreshed version of
that stale McCarthyism unleashed after the Second World War. Then they
pleasantly labeled their adversaries as Communists to persecute them, today
they do so through the whimsical categories of terrorists or drug
traffickers," the Bolivarian president said.
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