[News] San Francisco Lawmakers Call On Cooperation With Cuba

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Thu Jul 23 15:57:10 EDT 2020


  US: San Francisco Lawmakers Call On Cooperation With Cuba

July 22, 2020

U.S. San Francisco City and County Supervisors Board Tuesday approved 
bill N° 200773 that allows medical and scientific cooperation with Cuba.

"The country of Cuba has a long history of providing international 
medical aid to other countries with many of its medical personnel 
directly involved in the fight against COVID-19 as members of the 
specially trained Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade against 
Disasters and Serious Epidemics," the bill states.

For the bill's presentation, San Francisco supervisors Hillary Ronen, 
Aaron Peskin, and Shamann Walton also augmented the island's role in 
Ebola fighting in Africa, as well as Cuba's pandemic management.

In May, Minnesota state lawmakers also introduced a bill to ensure 
medical cooperation with Cuba on the early pandemic.  Richmond and 
Berkeley's cities also established mutual aid projects with the island.

  "The San Francisco Board of Supervisors encourages the San Francisco 
Department of Public Health to explore collaborations with Cuba to 
jointly face the COVID-19 pandemic, including initiating knowledge 
transfer about Cuba's highly successful public health prevention 
methods, methods for preventing infection of health workers, and 
innovative treatments now being used in China and elsewhere," the 
legislators added.

The Board also stressed Cuba's accomplishments in the pharmaceutical 
industry despite the economic limitations because of the U.S blockade, 
with promising meds like Interferon Alfa 2b.

Cuba's ambassador to the U.S. Jose Ramon Cabañas acknowledged the 
resolution as a way to enhance bilateral relations.

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