[News] Colombia: Another Two Former Combatants Killed, Tally at 218

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jul 14 14:52:45 EDT 2020

Another Two Former Combatants Killed, Tally at 218July 13, 2020

Colombia’s Alternative Revolutionary Force of the Common (FARC) political
party Monday denounced the murder of another two former combatants.

“Almost every day there is a murder, in addition to the 15 forced
disappearances. We denounce the extermination plan against our party and we
raise our voice of anger and impotence against the State for not stopping
these events,” FARC tweeted.

One of the victims was Fredy Fajardo Avila, who was murdered in Uribe’s
municipality, in the El Meta department. He was complying with his
reincorporation process after his demobilization.

FARC stresses that President Ivan Duque allows these casualties under a
cohort silence and qualifies the killings as extrajudicial executions.

On Monday, the former guerrillas also denounced the assassination of Jose
Antonio Rivera in Los Lagos de Pitalito neighborhood, in the Huila
department. Unidentified men shot Rivera to death in his workshop. The
53-years-old was a Peace Agreements signer.

According to the FARC, 218 former combatants have been murdered since Peace
Agreements signing in 2016.

“We didn't sign an agreement to get killed!” FARC concluded.
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