[News] Puerto Rico: Police Dispersed Protest Against Governor Wanda

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Fri Jan 24 16:05:24 EST 2020


  Puerto Rico: Police Dispersed Protest Against Governor Wanda

January 24, 2020

The Puerto Rican police Thursday night launched tear gas to disperse the 
massive concentration that took place in downtown San Juan to demand the 
resignation of Governor Wanda Vazquez, who is responsible for 
the mismanagement of resources donated to victims of earthquakes.

This concentration was preceded in the afternoon by an impressive 
​​​​​​​march that moved from the local Congress to the headquarters of 
the Executive branch.

"Down with Wanda," "To an abusive government, a combative people" and 
"Let them rot in jail" were some of the phrases that Puerto Ricans 
chanted while participating in the march, which was convened by singer 
Rene Perez (known as "Resident") and San Luis Cardinals baseball player, 
Yadier Molina.

The citizens' indignation against their governor was lit on January 18, 
when the people discovered a warehouse that was full of food that had 
not been delivered to the victims of natural disasters.

The unjustified storage of humanitarian aid led Puerto Ricans to think 
that it was either a new corruption case or an expression of 

    Ricky Martin's message to the Governor of Puerto Rico, Wanda
    Vázquez, asking her to resign. As I think you'll notice, Ricky is a
    really well-spoken guy. pic.twitter.com/poqbLunwDj

    — midnucas ���� (@midnucas) January 24, 2020

"My grandchildren will not believe me when I tell them that, in less 
than 17 months, Puerto Rico faced two hurricanes, 1,800 tremors, an 
earthquake, and two governments that hid supplies," artist and 
journalist Reimillan said, as reported by La Izquierda Diario.​​​​​​​

Governor Vazquez came to power last July after intense anti-government 
protests led to the resignation of former Governor Ricardo Rosello.

Carlos Acevedo, who was dismissed as commissioner of the Bureau of 
Emergency Management (Nmead), said the governor, the secretary of state 
and the head of the National Guard if they knew about the existence of 
the warehouse with supplies.

After the latest intense seismic activity (Dec. 2019-Jan. 2020), the 
U.S. government signed a declaration of "major disaster status" in favor 
of Puerto Rico, which would thus access federal aid funds for 
municipalities such as Guanica, Guayanilla, Penuelas, Ponce, Utuado, and 

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