[News] Chile’s US-backed gov’t is shooting anti-austerity protesters, blinding and maiming by the thousands

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Mon Feb 24 17:50:58 EST 2020


  Chile’s US-backed gov’t is shooting anti-austerity protesters,
  blinding and maiming by the thousands

Ben Norton February 24, 2020

      Chile has responded to anti-neoliberal protests with brutally
      violent repression. 10,365 people have been detained; 3765 treated
      for wounds in hospitals; and 2122 shot, 445 in the eye according
      to a conservative estimate by the state-backed National Institute
      of Human Rights.

      By Ben Norton

While the US government, international NGOs, and corporate media outlets 
have relentlessly demonized 
the elected governments in Venezuela 
and Nicaragua 
the Washington-backed right-wing administration in Chile has been 
violent cracking down on an uprising against neoliberal policies, and 
with virtual impunity.

In October 2019, protests erupted across Chile against the government of 
President Sebastián Piñera, a billionaire oligarch who has defended the 
former military dictator Augusto Pinochet 
while cutting social spending and pushing further privatization in a 
country where water is already privatized 

Soon after the demonstrations broke out, Piñera proclaimed, “We are at 
war!” The president’s language evoked horrifying memories for many 
Chileans who lived through the state terror of the Pinochet 
dictatorship, and for the families of those killed by it.

    Luego de que Presidente Piñera indicara que “ estamos en guerra”
    proliferaron las comparaciones con Pinochet
    pic.twitter.com/AqjuJ3m7jZ <https://t.co/AqjuJ3m7jZ>

    — El Siglo (@elsiglochile) October 21, 2019

The United States and allied institutions like the Organization of 
American States (OAS) have long praised Chile as a shining example of 
democracy in South America. But the country is still bound to a 
constitution written during Pinochet’s dictatorship. Protesters have 
demanded a new constitution, and a plebiscite in April 
could change that, if it is not delayed by the Piñera administration.

A poll in January found that Piñera’s approval rating 
had plummeted to a record low of just 6 percent, with a whopping 
disapproval rating of 82 percent. (Compare this to a recent study that 
found that 63.5 percent of Nicaraguans 
will vote for the ruling Sandinista Front.)

But the almost universal opposition to Piñera and his right-wing 
policies has done nothing to stop the US government and OAS from 
throwing their full weight of support behind his administration.

With full-throated backing from Washington, the billionaire president 
appears to have all the support he needs to continue his campaign of 

      State-backed bloodshed in Chile

A February 18 report (PDF 
by Chile’s National Institute of Human Rights 
<https://www.indh.cl/quienes-somos-2/> (INDH) illustrates the shocking 
scope of the Piñera government’s repression.

The institute was created by Chile’s legislature with a leadership 
council appointed by various government figures, including the president 
himself, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, and public universities.

Though the INDH is a state-backed institution, it has endured aggressive 
intimidation by Chile’s national police forces, known as the carabineros.

State security forces have at least 14 times threatened members of INDH, 
according to the group’s report. The carabineros have also shot tear gas 
at the bodies of INDH observers, wounding three with pellets, and 
preventing them from accessing detainees.

INDH’s report accuses the Piñera administration of carrying out the 
following grave abuses:

  * arbitrary detentions of people who were peacefully demonstrating
  * excessive use of force
  * aiming at the bodies of protesters and shooting gases at them
  * shooting pellets at the body, neck, and face of protesters
  * use of tear gas on children and pregnant women
  * detention of journalists
  * deploying undercover police and military forces who did not identify

INDH documented security forces’ detention of 10,365 Chileans 
in just four months of protests, from October 17, 2019 to February 18, 
2020. That is an average of around 86 detentions per day for 120 days.

The state violence has been extreme. Videos circulating on social media 
have shown some protesters being run over by armored vehicles.

    The notoriously violent police in
    Chile's brutal right-wing Pinochet-style regime (which is of course
    strongly backed by the US) just crushed a protester in between two
    armored vehicles.

    Warning, this video is terrifying:pic.twitter.com/9fuU6Ikgq1

    — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) December 21, 2019

In a conservative estimate, INDH documented 3,765 protest-related wounds 
in the past four months. Some 282 children were among the injured.

Researchers from the human rights body visited 67 hospitals and health 
centers to calculate figure. Because the researchers only counted 
wounded protesters whose cases were reported by medical institutions, it 
likely is an underestimate of the actual number.

The report itself notes, “It is important to highlight that this figure 
does not represent all the people wounded in this social crisis, rather 
it only reflects cases observed and confirmed by the INDH.”

The majority of the wounded protesters, 2,122 people, or approximately 
56 percent, were shot by the state security forces. Of those, 51 were 
shot with live bullets, 190 by large metal balls, and 1,681 by small 
metal pellets. (The munitions used in the other 200 shootings were not 

Another 271 protesters were hospitalized from tear gas injuries.

Chile protests injuries graph National Institute of Human RightsThe 
source of injuries of Chilean protesters, according to hospital cases 
documented by the National Institute of Human Rights

      Shooting hundreds of Chilean protesters in the eyes

Among the most persistent injury suffered by protesters in Chile is 
wounds to the eye.

Chile’s carabineros, or national police, have relied on riot shotguns 
that are banned in much of the world as a form of crowd control, 
shooting protesters with clusters of pellets that explode into tiny 
pieces of shrapnel, cause grave eye wounds.

The National Institute of Human Rights documented 445 cases of 
protesters suffering from eye wounds in the past four months. Many 
activists have lost partial or even complete vision in one or both eyes.

In 25 extreme cases, protesters’ eye or eyes completely burst. And in 
nine cases, protesters lost an eye completely; it was removed from their 

“As the National Institute of Human Rights we are concerned,” the body 
said, “that we continue receiving complaints and observing the existence 
of eye injuries, regarding people who were exercising their right to 
peacefully protest.”

These eye wounds have become a symbol of the protest movement in Chile, 
used in signs, flyers, and memes.

Mon Laferte, a prominent Chilean musician who supports the 
demonstrations, circulated the following cartoon depicting a blind 
activist telling Piñera, “We’re very sorry that you can’t see anything, 

    pic.twitter.com/QbQJVnXsJw <https://t.co/QbQJVnXsJw>

    — MON LAFERTE (@monlaferte) November 13, 2019

Numerous journalists reporting on the protests in Chile have suffered 
from eye injuries and even permanently lost vision in own or both eyes.

Chilean photojournalist Nicole Kramm was walking with some friends after 
dinner when she was shot in the eye by the police.

Kramm suffered from severe eye trauma, and says she now sees a hazy 
black cloud in her left eye. She called it “something totally criminal 
and painful.”

“How long will these crimes against humanity go on?” she asked. 
“Yesterday I was the one frightened by the police brutality as I was 
interviewing people who lost vision, today unfortunately it’s my turn.”

The Chilean photojournalist was also injured and nearly killed when 
US-backed Venezuelan opposition members nearly ran her over with an 
armored troop transport vehicle during the Trump administration’s 
attempt to invade Venezuela with “humanitarian aid” on the Colombian 
border in February 2019.

Amidst the state repression of anti-austerity protests, far-right forces 
in Chile are mobilizing. A network of extreme-right Pinochet supporters 
operating out of Chile’s wealthy neighborhoods was recently exposed for 
trafficking heavy weapons 
including assault rifles.

      Staunch support for repressive Chile from the US and OAS

1312 legal cases have been filed in Chile’s justice system in response 
to the ongoing state repression.

But with Piñera government firmly in power, with powerful allies abroad, 
justice remains elusive.

When Piñera was forced in October to cancel international conferences 
that were to be held in Chile, US Secretary of State and former CIA 
director Mike Pompeo said that he understood the decision.

“We applaud the leadership Chile has shown,” Pompeo said, “and are 
committed to advancing our shared goals.”

Pompeo made this comment two weeks into the protests in Chile, while the 
right-wing government was wounding and detaining thousands of 
protesters. Throughout the violence, the US secretary of state kept quiet.

    We understand Chilean President @sebastianpinera
    <https://twitter.com/sebastianpinera?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>’s decision
    to cancel #APEC
    Leaders’ Week and #COP25
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/COP25?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. We
    applaud the leadership #Chile
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chile?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> has
    shown throughout #APECChile2019
    and are committed to advancing our shared goals.

    — Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) October 31, 2019

The US embassy in Chile has also maintained total radio silence on the 
Piñera government’s violence against unarmed civilians. Apparently, the 
embassy is too busy posting indignant statements condemning Venezuela 
and reaffirming support for Trump’s coup puppet Juan Guaidó to concern 
itself with the repression taking place right outside its gates.

    Estados Unidos adopta medidas contra funcionarios del exrégimen de
    Nicolás Maduro por obstrucción de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela.
    Traducción de la declaración del Secretario de Estado Michael

    — Embajada EEUU Chile (@EmbajadaEEUUcl) January 15, 2020

Similarly, the Organization of American States (OAS) and its 
secretary-general Luis Almagro, a staunch defender of US military 
intervention in South America, have whitewashed Piñera’s repressive 
right-wing administration in Chile, while vigorously lobbying for the 
overthrow of the democratically elected governments in Venezuela and 

Almagro praised Piñera in January, hailing “his work to preserve the 
public order in the framework of a state of law and democracy, and 
measures to guarantee human rights and the social agenda.”

At no point did Almagro offer a word of criticism. Instead, he effused, 
“Chile is an invaluable partner for work in defending international 
democratic institutions, human rights, development, and security.

    Nuestro reconocimiento a #Chile
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chile?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> por
    su compromiso con el sistema interamericano, por promover una agenda
    de principios dentro de la @OEA_oficial
    <https://twitter.com/OEA_oficial?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. Chile es un
    socio invalorable para el trabajo en defensa de las instituciones
    democráticas, los DDHH, desarrollo y seguridad
    pic.twitter.com/iPzFdUppTZ <https://t.co/iPzFdUppTZ>

    — Luis Almagro (@Almagro_OEA2015) January 9, 2020

As the US and OAS turn a blind eye to the rampage of Piñera’s 
carabineros, Chileans are losing their own by the hundreds.

Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the assistant 
editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels 
<http://moderaterebelsradio.com/> podcast, which he co-hosts with editor 
Max Blumenthal. His website is BenNorton.com <http://bennorton.com/> and 
he tweets at @BenjaminNorton <https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton>.

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