[News] Bolsonaro Has Destroyed Brazil in 400 Days

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Wed Feb 12 11:07:04 EST 2020


  Bolsonaro Has Destroyed Brazil in 400 Days

By Eric Nepomuceno on February 11, 2020

Right-wing extremist Jair Bolsonaro has just served his first 400 days 
as President of the largest, most populous and economically powerful 
nation in Latin America, Brazil.

It has turned out to be enough time to impose a regression that reaches 
all, absolutely all, aspects of my country. There is not a single 
sector, a single segment, which has not been reached by his devastating 

Public education is destroyed at all levels—including those that do not 
depend on the federal government—, environment shows unprecedented 
destruction, the public heritage is being auctioned off at ridiculous 
prices and in disgraceful conditions, the foreign policy built up over 
many decades has undergone an unprecedented turnaround, even taking into 
account the military dictatorship between 1964-1985, whose existence 
Bolsonaro denies.

The space that had been consolidated for at least twenty-five years now 
ceases to exist, devastated by shameful displays of unlimited vassalage 
at the feet of Washington and turning a back on what had been built for 

The social programs created over the last 30 years, even before Luiz 
Inacio Lula da Silva became president, are silently and relentlessly 
being emptied.

Acting in the name of ‘de-ideologizing’ the government, Bolsonaro and 
company have imposed a radical ultra-right-wing ideology, which 
encompasses all sectors of the daily life, including the imposition of a 
fundamentalist neoliberalism on the economy at the hands of Paulo 
Guedes, Minister of Economy.

One of his phrases reflects exactly his thinking, ‘If it were up to me, 
I would privatize even the Alvorada Palace’, in reference to the 
presidential residence.

By the way, the model dreamed by Guedes, former official of Chile’s 
dictator Augusto Pinochet installed by Bolsonaro in the Ministry of 
Economy, is the same one that sunk Argentina in the swamp inherited by 
Alberto Fernandez and at the same time led to the social explosion that 
has kept right-wing Sebastian Piñera cornered in a paralyzed Chile for 
more than three months.

The government of Bolsonaro weaves self-praise by mentioning the 
creation of some 640,000 jobs in 2019. They forget to mention that those 
positions are in conditions far inferior to those once enjoyed by the 
more than 11 million Brazilians who now have no jobs at all, and the 
other 34 million who are underemployed or only finding precarious and 
intermittent work.

As he approaches the first month of his second year as president, 
Bolsonaro gives ample proof that he intends to concentrate his fire on 
one of the targets he detests the most; the rights of Brazil’s 
indigenous peoples. And the attack, which promises to be relentless, has 
been in preparations for a long time.

Internal documents of FUNAI, the National Indian Foundation, which under 
Bolsonaro went on to be led by a police inspector, indicate the 
unveiling of a “Trotskyist line anthropology”, an “orthodox Marxism” and 
a “communist threat” in the occupations, by native peoples, of areas 
that have already been determined to be demarcated after exhaustive 
examinations by Justice, but which the government disregards with impunity.

This is to say that while he sends to Congress a bill indicating that 
preservation areas should be dedicated to agriculture – including 
agrochemicals – or livestock, totally absent from the original cultures, 
Bolsonaro wants to free up mining, which contaminates rivers and streams 
with the mercury used for it.

In any case, it must be recognized that the right-wing extremist does 
nothing but pretend to legalize all the illegalities that he encourages 
since he deposited himself in the presidential chair. What remains to be 
proved, or at least calculated, is what of the country will be left 
after Bolsonaro and company succeed in imposing their devastating fury.

The basic mission of the Brazilian right-wing extremist is to give final 
combat to a communism that he detects, hiding everywhere even in his 
fridge every time he looks for cold water, and that makes him sleep very 
few hours every night, and always with a gun on his bedside table. An 
obsession that leads him to see anyone who does not coincide with his 
delusional ideas as an enemy that must be brought down at any price. 
That makes his government prevent officials from the FUNAI, the entity 
in charge of protecting the culture and life of the indigenous people, 
from visiting areas to give them staple foods. He describes 
environmentalists as ‘those guys who live in apartments, drinking 
whiskey and smoking cigarettes, while defending the distant environment’.

Never, ever, not even in the dire times of a dictatorship whose 
existence he denies, has my country been so violated, so destroyed. Never.

Source: Pagina 12 
translation Resumenlatino Americano. North America bureau

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