[News] Palestinian Resistance factions - Thursday’s operations reflect rage and despair among Palestinians

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 7 11:39:32 EST 2020

  Resistance factions: Thursday’s operations reflect rage and despair
  among Palestinians

By َQudsN <http://qudsnen.co/?author=2> / February 7, 2020

Ramallah (QNN)- The Palestinian resistance factions stated that the four 
resistance operations, which caused 14 injuries among Israeli forces and 
4 deaths among Palestinians, are a form of the legitimate resistance.

All factions said that the operations fall within the framework of the 
legitimate resistance against occupation and colonialism and against 
Trump’s plan, which aims at liquidating the Palestinian cause and ending 
the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

The spokesperson for Fateh movement, Hassan Hamayel, told QNN in 
exclusive statements on Thursday that the PA stopped implementing all 
agreements with the occupation state as soon as Trump’s plan was 
announced. All resistance factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, 
attended a meeting in Ramallah, in which the PA decision was announced.

The recent operations in the occupied West Bank reflect rage and despair 
among Palestinians, according to Hamayel. “Though, our people are 
defenseless, facing the occupation state”, he added.

“The despair, which the Palestinian people suffer from on a daily basis, 
will surely have a reaction. Every day, the Palestinians see their trees 
uprooted, their properties confiscated, and their houses demolished.”

The spokesperson for Hamas, Abdellatif Qanou’, said that the recent 
operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem proved the efficiency of 

He told QNN that the PA has to stop the coordination with the occupation 
state and its grip on the Palestinian people and resistance fighters.

Qanou’ assured that the continuation of such popular operations will 
completely end Trump’s plan and put pressure on the occupation state.

In the same context, Muhammad Hindi, member of the political bureau of 
the Islamic Jihad movement, said that “despite of the very imminent 
dangers, Arab countries continue to conspire [with the Israelis] and the 
PA continues to chase the delusions of the two-state solution and the 
international law and to coordinate with the enemy instead of announcing 
the West Bank an occupied area and allow resistance operations”.

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