[News] Israel kills four Palestinians in West Bank

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Fri Feb 7 11:25:37 EST 2020


  Israel kills four Palestinians in West Bank

Maureen Clare Murphy 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 6 
February 2020


Palestinian police carry the body of their colleague Tariq Badwan, 
killed by Israeli soldiers, during his funeral in the West Bank city of 
Jenin on 6 February.

APA images

Israeli occupation forces killed four Palestinians in the West Bank, 
including Jerusalem’s Old City, over Wednesday and Thursday.

A fifth Palestinian, Khalil al-Adham, died on Thursday from his injuries 
after being shot by Israeli forces in the northern Gaza Strip on 
Saturday, the health ministry in the territory reported 

Several Israeli soldiers were injured in three attacks on Thursday.

Israeli forces say they are pursuing a gunman who opened fire on a group 
of soldiers 
outside a settlement near Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian 
Authority, earlier in the day. One soldier was hospitalized for light 
injuries to his head.

Before dawn on Thursday, a motorist drove into a group of soldiers 
in West Jerusalem, injuring 12 of them, one seriously. Israel arrested 
the alleged attacker, a 25-year-old resident of occupied East Jerusalem, 
late Thursday.

The soldiers, belonging to the Golani Brigade, “were visiting Jerusalem 
ahead of an early morning swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall,” 
Israeli media reported.

Soldiers in the Golani Brigade 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/golani-brigade> have incited the 
murder of Palestinians on social media 
and are suspected of perpetrating war crimes in Gaza 

Later on Thursday, a Palestinian citizen of Israel was shot dead after 
opening fire at Israeli Border Police officers outside the al-Aqsa 
mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Israeli media named 
the slain Palestinian assailant as Shadi Banna, 45, from Haifa.

Security camera footage released by Israel shows Banna approaching a 
group of officers belonging to the paramilitary police force and opening 
fire with a pistol:

    من مسافة صفر..لحظة تنفيذ عملية إطلاق نار صوب جنود الاحتلال في باب
    الأسباط بالقدس المحتلة pic.twitter.com/pBJeEuk8fq

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@QudsNN) February 6, 2020

The video appears to show the moment Banna is shot. He is still running 
from the scene when the clip of the incident ends.

Israeli police stated 
<https://twitter.com/MickyRosenfeld/status/1225375057217716224> that one 
officer was injured lightly.

    Deadly home demolition raid

Two Palestinians, including a police officer, were killed during an 
Israeli home demolition raid in the northern West Bank city of Jenin 
early Thursday.

Occupation forces raided the city to destroy for the second time a home 
belonging to the family of Ahmad Qanbaa, a Palestinian imprisoned by 
Israel over his alleged role in a shooting attack 
that killed a settler two years ago.

“The military first demolished the building in 2018, but it had since 
been rebuilt,” Israeli media reported 

Eight people, including two children, lived in the building that was 
razed on Thursday, according to <https://www.pchrgaza.org/en/?p=14152> 
the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

Since late 2015 
Israel has accelerated the demolitions 
of the family residences of Palestinians alleged to have attacked Israelis.

Such collective punishment measures are a violation of the Fourth Geneva 
Convention, which Israel has ratified.

They also highlight Israel’s institutionalized racism, since such 
punishments are never meted out against the families of Israeli Jews who 
attack Palestinians.

Palestinians gathered at the scene of the demolition and confronted 
occupation forces. The military used live fire, rubber-coated bullets 
and tear gas against protesters.

Yazan Munthir Khalid Abu Tabikh, 19, was shot in the chest and killed 
immediately, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights stated.

Photos of Abu Tabikh on the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca were circulated by 
Palestinian media outlets after his death:

    صور الشهـيد يزن أبو طبيخ من مدينة جنين أثناء تأديته العمرة في وقت
    pic.twitter.com/VEpdCQJFkQ <https://t.co/VEpdCQJFkQ>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@QudsNN) February 6, 2020

Video shows the shooting of the second Palestinian fatally wounded 
during the raid:

    لحظة إصابة الشرطي"طارق بدوان" فجر اليوم برصاص الاحتلال، داخل مقر
    الشرطة الخاصة في #جنين
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%AC%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%86?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. at qudsn
    <https://twitter.com/qudsn?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> #فلسطين
    pic.twitter.com/JCYrrdVBd0 <https://t.co/JCYrrdVBd0>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@QudsNN) February 6, 2020

The footage shows Tariq Ahmad Luay Badwan, 24, standing in a doorway to 
a police station, posing no conceivable threat, when he collapses. Shot 
in the stomach with live fire, he died in hospital later in the day.

    Teenager killed in Hebron

The fourth Palestinian killed in the West Bank this week, 16-year-old 
Muhammad Suleiman al-Haddad, was shot multiple times in the chest 
<https://twitter.com/DCIPalestine/status/1225116846967414787> during a 
protest in the city of Hebron on Wednesday.

    We have confirmed Israeli forces shot and killed 16-year-old
    Mohammad Suleiman Al-Haddad earlier today in the occupied West Bank
    city of Hebron. He sustained multiple gunshot wounds, including to
    his chest. pic.twitter.com/K5DhhyUxKY <https://t.co/K5DhhyUxKY>

    — Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) February 5, 2020

Israel claimed 
that al-Haddad had thrown a molotov cocktail at soldiers.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights reported that al-Haddad was shot 
by an Israeli army sniper stationed on a roof near a checkpoint at 
Hebron’s Shuhada Street.

“The shooting was reported during a protest organized by dozens of young 
men, who threw stones at [Israeli occupation forces] and burned tires,” 
the human rights group stated.

The teenager was the first Palestinian killed since the release of US 
President Donald Trump’s Middle East plan last Tuesday.

Israeli forces have suppressed more than 60 protests against the Trump 
plan in the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.

“As a result, dozens of civilians were shot and injured with live and 
rubber bullets in addition to many others [injured] due to tear gas 
inhalation,” the group stated.

    Airstrikes and collective punishment in Gaza

Meanwhile, Israel targeted 
what it called Hamas positions in Gaza early Thursday after Palestinians 
in the territory reportedly launched mortar shells and balloons carrying 
flammable materials toward Israel.

No injuries were reported following Israel’s airstrikes or as a result 
of the mortar fire and balloons from Gaza.

Israel further reduced the permitted fishing zone off of Gaza’s coast on 
Wednesday “in light of continued rocket fire and incendiary balloons,” 
COGAT, the bureaucratic arm of Israel’s military occupation, stated 

    The Gaza Strip fishing zone was reduced today from 15 to 10 nautical
    miles, beginning at 4:00PM until further notice. The decision was
    made in light of continued rocket fire & incendiary balloons
    launched from Gaza into Israel, constituting a violation of Israeli
    sovereignty. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/3R5m7RDPmh <https://t.co/3R5m7RDPmh>

    — COGAT (@cogatonline) February 5, 2020

Israel announced changes in access to Gaza’s coastal waters 20 times 
last year 
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, has treated the Gaza 
fishing industry as “a lever for pressure” 
– a phrase used by the Tel Aviv daily /Haaretz/ – on the two million 
Palestinians living in the territory, which has been under a severely 
tightened blockade since 2007.

Frequently changing restrictions on fishers “cause deliberate harm to 
one of Gaza’s most vulnerable and important sectors in response to 
actions that no one is claiming are in any way connected to fishermen in 
the strip,” the human rights group Gisha stated 
<https://gisha.org/updates/10948> Thursday.

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