[News] 1,000 Palestinians shot by Israel in Gaza have ‘severe bone infections’

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 3 11:46:39 EDT 2019


  1,000 Palestinians shot by Israel in Gaza have ‘severe bone infections’

September 3, 2019

More than 1,000 Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip “are suffering 
from severe bone infections developed in the aftermath of being shot by 
the Israeli army”, according to a new update by global medical charity 
Médecins Sans Frontières 

MSF said it is “dealing with immense challenges” treating those shot by 
Israeli forces during protests in the Gaza Strip 
including bone infections that add “to the already complicated path to 
recovery that these injured people must tread”.

More than 7,400 Palestinians have been injured by live ammunition during 
the protests, MSF stated, “with around half suffering from open 
fractures, where the bone is broken near the wound”.

“Gunshot wounds by their very nature are prone to infection,” MSF said.

    With injuries such as those in Gaza, where the wounds are huge,
    bones are splintered, and treatment is difficult, many wounds stay
    open long after the injury, meaning the risk of infection is
    drastically higher.

Aulio Castillo, MSF’s Medical Team Leader in Gaza, explained that for 
many of their patients who have been shot, “the severity and complexity 
of their wounds – combined with the severe shortage of treatments for 
them in Gaza – means they have now developed chronic infections.”

*READ: Israel has hit Gaza with illegal collective punishment because 
Netanyahu wants more votes 

Treating these infections is made all the more difficult because of “a 
health system reeling from the effects of more than a decade of Israeli 
Palestinian political in-fighting and Egyptian restrictions on 
movement,” MSF stated.

“We have worked with the Ministry of Health to upgrade a laboratory so 
that it can analyse bone samples, a crucial part of diagnosing correctly 
these bone infections and knowing which antibiotics will work,” said 

According to MSF, this is “the first laboratory able to analyse bone 
samples in Gaza,” since “previously, each sample had to be sent to labs 
in Israel for testing”.

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