[News] Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - 17–23 October 2019

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Fri Oct 25 12:02:29 EDT 2019


  Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied
  Palestinian Territory - 17–23 October 2019

October 24, 2019

*/Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian 

*/17 – 23 October 2019/*

  * *A Palestinian civilian was killed in northern West Bank in
    excessive use of force by Israeli occupation forces under the
    pretext that he attempted to carry out a stab attack;*

  * 100 civilians injured, including 46 children, 2 women and 3
    volunteer paramedic at Great March of Return in Eastern Gaza Strip;

  * *West Bank:* 10 civilians injured, including 2 children and a

  * *During 63 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East
    Jerusalem: *65 civilians arrested, including 3 children, a woman and
    an activist.

  * *Hundreds of settlers raided al-Aqsa Mosque yards in occupied East
    Jerusalem’s Old City for the third week in row.*

  * *Settlers continue their attacks against Palestinian farmers in the
    olive-harvest season in the West Bank.*

  * *3 shootings reported against Palestinian agricultural lands,
    eastern Gaza Strip, and 6 shootings reported against Palestinian
    fishing boats off Gaza Strip Shore*

  * *Complete closure imposed on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank for
    Jewish holidays*

  * *37 temporary checkpoints erupted in the West Bank, where 5
    Palestinian civilians were arrested, including a child.*


During the reporting period, PCHR documented 129 violations of the 
international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) 
by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and settlers in the occupied 
Palestinian territory.

*As part of the Israeli violations of the right to life and bodily 
integrity: *on 18 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces killed a 
Palestinian civilian at Jbarah military checkpoint, south of Tulkarm, 
after they fired a barrage of live bullets at him and denied him first 
aid. IOF claimed that the victim attempted to carry out a stab attack. 
PCHR’s investigations and eyewitnesses’ statements refuted the Israeli 
claim and affirmed that the victim did not have a sharp tool with him 
and that he was en route to deliver olives for his relatives in Israel.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF wounded 100 Palestinian civilians, including 46 
children, 2 women and 3 volunteer paramedics on the 79^th Friday of the 
Great March of Return (GMR). Meanwhile in the West Bank, IOF wounded 10 
Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and a photojournalist: 5 in 
clashes with IOF in Nablus; 3 near the annexation wall; and 2 in an IOF 
attack on their vehicle in al-Am’ari refugee camp.

For the past three weeks, shooting incidents escalated against 
Palestinian civilians attempting to sneak into Israel without permits 
through the annexation wall, north of the West Bank.

*As part of the Israeli incursions and house raids,* IOF carried out 63 
incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those 
incursions include raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear 
among civilians, arresting and/or injuring many others. During this 
week’s incursions, 56 Palestinians were arrested, including 3 children, 
a woman and a foreign activist.

*In the Gaza Strip, *6 shootings were reported against Palestinian 
fishing boats at sea within the allowed limited area for fishing while 3 
shootings were reported against the agricultural lands in eastern Gaza 

*Under the settlement expansion activities in the West Bank, *PCHR 
documented 7 settler-attacks against farmers in the olive season in 
addition to incursions into al-Aqsa Mosque yards under IOF’ protection.

*In terms of the Israeli closure policy,* the Gaza Strip still suffers 
the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as 
it has entered the 14^th consecutive year, without any improvement to 
the movement of persons and goods and ongoing isolation of the Gaza 
Strip from the West Bank and the rest of the world. Meanwhile, the West 
Bank is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the 
Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and 
permanent checkpoints, where civilians’ movement is restricted and 
others are arrested.

Moreover, on 21 October 2019, Israel closed Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing 
in both directions for Jewish Holidays.

 1. *Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity*

 1. *Excessive Use of Force against the Great March of Return in the
    Gaza Strip*

IOF continued its excessive use of lethal force against GRM peaceful 
demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

On 18 October 2019, IOF wounded 100 civilians, including 46 children, 2 
women and 3 volunteer paramedics in the 79^th Friday titled: “No to 
Normalization with Israel.” This week witnessed an increase in injuries, 
particularly children, comparing with last week’s. A young man sustained 
serious injuries and 36 others were shot with live bullets and their 
shrapnel in addition to other injuries in the upper body due to direct 
targeting with rubber bullets and tear gas canisters.

Civilians took part in GRM protests in the five encampments across the 
Gaza Strip. The protests lasted from 15:00 to 19:00 and involved 
activities such as speeches and theatrical performances. Hundreds of 
civilians protested at varied distances from the border fence across the 
Gaza Strip, where some protestors attempted to throw stones, Molotov 
Cocktails and firecrackers at IOF, who responded with excessive force.

*The incidents were as follows:*

  * *Northern Gaza Strip*: 24 civilians injured, including 16 children:
    6 with live bullets and shrapnel, 13 with rubber bullets and 5 were
    hit with tear gas canisters.
  * *Gaza City:* 23 civilians, including 10 children and a volunteer
    paramedic were injured: 7 with live bullets and shrapnel; 11 with
    rubber bullets and 5 with teargas canisters. The wounded paramedic,
    Shukri Nafeth Esleem (23), was shot with a rubber bullet to the foot.
  * *Central Gaza Strip: *22 civilians, including 9 children, 2 women
    and a paramedic were injured by IOF: 10 shot with live bullets, 8
    hit with teargas canisters and 4 shot with a rubber bullet. The
    wounded volunteer paramedic ‘Amer Jamal Anwar Abu Jumeizah (30),
    from Deir al-Balah, was hit with a tear gas canister to the back and
    he received medical treatment in the field.
  * *Khan Younis: *6 civilians, including 2 children and a paramedic,
    were wounded, and all of them were transferred to hospitals. Among
    those wounded, 2 civilians sustained shrapnel wounds, and 3 were
    shot with rubber bullets. In addition, many civilians
    sustained superficial rubber bullet wounds and others suffocated due
    to tear gas inhalation; they received treatment on the spot. The
    wounded paramedic, Asa’ad Mohammed Abu Ghalwah (30), from Khan
    Younis, sustained a shrapnel wound to the abdomen.
  * *Rafah*: 25 civilians were injured by IOF fire, including 11
    children and a young man who sustained serious wounds: 11 were shot
    with live bullets and shrapnel, 13 were shot with rubber bullets,
    and one was directly hit with a tear gas canister. Iyad Ibrahim
    Hussein Zanoun (24), was shot with a live bullet to the back and was
    deemed in a critical condition.

 2. *Excessive use of force against peaceful protests in the West Bank:*

  * At approximately 13:30 on Friday, 18 October 2019, Palestinians from
    Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah, launched their
    weekly peaceful protest against the closure of their village’s
    eastern entrance by IOF for the past 15 years in favor of “Kedumim”
    settlement. The demonstrators chanted national slogans demanding an
    end to the occupation and protested IOF crimes against Palestinians
    in the Gaza Strip. The protestors threw stones at the Israeli
    soldiers stationed behind sand berms; the latter fired live and
    rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at protestor. As
    a result, a number of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. The
    soldiers also chased the protestors and arrested a 24-year-old
    Spanish activist.

 3. *Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily

  * At approximately 19:20 on Friday, 18 October 2019, Israeli security
    guards (private companies) stationed at Jubarah military checkpoint,
    south of Tulkarm, opened fire at Ra’ad Majed Mohammed al-Bahri (25),
    from Kafer Zebad village, south of the city, claiming that he
    attempted to carry out a stab attack. As a result, al-Bahri
    sustained severe wounds and was left to bleed to death by IOF, who
    banned ambulance crews from reaching al-Bahri and saving his life.

An eyewitness told PCHR’s fieldworker:

/“At approximately 19:00 on Friday, 18 October 2019, my family and I 
were en route from our house in Tulkarm, in the West Bank, to our house 
in al-Taiba in Israel through Jbara checkpoint. Traffic was normal and 
few vehicles were driving in front of me when an Israeli security guard 
heavily opened fire at a young Palestinian man who was on the ground. I 
heard other drivers, who were closer to the scene, shouting at the 
security guard – saying that the victim did nothing, and asking why he 
killed him. The drivers added that perhaps the young man reached into 
his pocket to get his permit, as he was about 30 meters when the guard 
fired about 7 live bullets at him. The soldiers ordered the drivers to 
move away, but none of them responded. After a while, the Palestinian 
and Israeli ambulances arrived at the area, but the soldiers banned both 
ambulances to rescue al-Bahri, claiming that he attempted to carry out a 
stab attack. We stayed in the area for an hour and a half until 
al-Bahri’s death was pronounced without allowing anyone to resuscitate 

Al-Bahri’s brother, Abdul Rahman al-Bahri (30) said:

/“We do not know how all this happened. My brother worked with us in 
olives harvest all day and then we returned home, took a bath and dined. 
Ra’ad went out to deliver some olives to our cousin who lives in Israel 
at Jabara checkpoint as is usually done in our area. She told me that 
Ra’ad threw his personal belongings to her when he delivered her the 
olives; she called after him several times, but he did not listen to her 
and walked away towards the checkpoint. At approximately 20:00, we 
learnt of the incident and that my brother was killed. We did not notice 
anything strange in my brother’s attitude and did not know if he 
intended to do such a thing. We agreed that he would deliver olives to 
our cousin and then return home because we still have more work. He said 
that when he return, we will continue our work, but he never came back.” /

  * At approximately 04:00 on Thursday, 17 October 2019, dozens of buses
    carrying settlers under the protection of IOF entered “Joseph’s
    Tomb” in the eastern side of Nablus to pray. Meanwhile, a number of
    civilians gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli
    soldiers and settlers. The soldiers responded with live bullets and
    tear gas canisters at them. Severe confrontations erupted between
    the soldiers and the civilians and continued until the early
    morning. As a result, 5 civilians were shot: 3 with live bullets; a
    child and a photojournalist were shot with rubber bullets. In
    addition, many others sustained tear gas inhalation. The wounded
    civilians were identified as:

 1. Mohammed Walid Ibrahim ‘Amoudi (24), from Nablus, was shot with a
    live bullet to the left leg;
 2. Iyad Husein Khalil Abu Ja’isah (18), from Nablus, was shot with a
    live bullet to the left leg;
 3. Abdullah Sharif Mustafa Abdul Razeq (24), from Tubas, was shot with
    a live bullet in the right foot;
 4. Khalil Ayman Mohammed Hashash (16), from Balata refugee camp, was
    shot with a rubber bullet to the right foot; and
 5. Samer Mustafa Habash (35), a photojournalist from Nablus, was shot
    with a rubber bullet in the abdomen and he received medical
    treatment on the spot.

  * At approximately 05:00 on Thursday as well, an Israeli military
    vehicle suddenly collided with a Palestinian civilian vehicle driven
    by 2 civilians at a bystreet near “Haboub” square, after it withdrew
    from al-Am’ari refugee camp, south of Ramallah. The soldiers
    directly opened fire at the vehicle, injuring both civilians, from
    Jerusalem, and totally smashing the vehicle’s glass. A Palestinian
    ambulance of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) that was in
    the area attempted to transfer the wounded civilians, but the
    soldiers banned them from reaching them, fired a sound bomb at them
    and then arrested the 2 civilians. PCHR’s investigations indicated
    that the 2 civilians were later transferred to a hospital in Israel.
  * At approximately 06:00 on the same day, IOF stationed at the
    annexation wall in the West Bank opened fire at Omer Jamal Obeid
    (23), from ‘Araba village, southwest of Jenin. As a result, Obeid
    was shot with a live bullet in the left leg while attempting to
    sneak into Israel through the gate of Thuhor al-‘Abed village, west
    of Ya’bud village, southwest of Jenin. Obeid was transferred to
    Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital to receive medical treatment.
  * At approximately 08:30 on the same day, IOF assigned to guard the
    annexation wall opened fire at Mohammed Ahmed Nawasrah (25), from
    Fahmah village, southwest of Jenin. As a result, Nawasrah was shot
    with 2 live bullets in the foot while attempting to sneak into
    Israel through the gate of Thuhor al-‘Abed village, west of Ya’bud
    village, southwest of Jenin. Nawasrah was transferred to Khalil
    Suleiman Governmental Hospital to receive medical treatment.
  * At approximately 13:00 on the same day, a number of Palestinian
    civilians gathered in al-Sahel agricultural area and in Tarmas’iyah
    village, east of Ramallah, and threw stones at Israeli settlers and
    soldiers, who were protecting the settlers. The soldiers chased the
    protestors between fields and fired sound bombs and tear gas
    canisters at them in an arbitrary manner. As a result, a number of
    protestors sustained tear gas inhalation. The soldiers also banned
    press crews from accessing the area and attacked photojournalist
    Mo’atasem Saqef al-Hait (28) physically and verbally. Furthermore, a
    military vehicle deliberately collided with the backside of an
    ambulance for the medical center in the village, denting it.
  * At approximately 08:10 on Thursday morning, Israeli gunboats
    stationed in western Jabalia shore in northern Gaza Strip,
    sporadically opened fire and chased Palestinian-fishing boats
    sailing within 3 – 5 nautical miles. As a result, the fishermen were
    forced to flee fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 08:00 on Friday, 18 October 2019, IOF stationed in
    eastern Khan Younis border area, opened fire for few minutes; at
    agricultural lands in eastern Khan Younis; no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 02:30 on Saturday, 19 October 2019, Israeli
    gunboats stationed in eastern Jabalia shore, and northwest of Beit
    Lahia in northern Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire and chased
    Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 – 5 nautical miles. As a
    result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives;
    no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 06:10, Israeli gunboats stationed in Western
    Jabalia shore and northwest of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza Strip,
    heavily opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing
    within 3 – 5 nautical miles. The shooting recurred at approximately
    06:40 on the same day. As a result, the fishermen were forced to
    flee fearing for their lives; no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 07:00 on the same day, IOF stationed along the
    border fence northeast of the Gaza Strip, opened fire at a group of
    Palestinian civilians. As a result, Mohammed Ayman Mesbah Yusuf
    (18), from Jabalia, sustained minor wounds after being shot with a
    live bullet to the left leg. He was transferred to the Indonesian
    Hospital in Jabalia for treatment.
  * At approximately 07:30, Israeli gunboats stationed in northwest of
    Beit Lahia in northern Gaza Strip, chased and heavily opened fire at
    Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a
    result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives;
    no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 06:25 on Sunday, 20 October 2019, Israeli gunboats
    stationed in northwest of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza Strip, opened
    fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical
    miles. The shooting continued from time to time until 07:00 on the
    same day. As a result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for
    their lives; no casualties were reported.
  * At approximately 13:30 on Monday, 21 October 2019, IOF stationed at
    annexation wall, adjacent to al-Naqqar neighborhood, west of
    Qalqiliyah, fired live bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters
    at a group of Palestinian children claiming that they threw stones
    at them. As a result, Abdul Rahman Majed Hasan (16) was shot with a
    live bullet to the left foot.
  * At approximately 06:00 on Tuesday, 22 October 2019, Israeli gunboats
    stationed in western Jabalia shore in northern Gaza Strip, heavily
    opened fire and chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3
    nautical miles. The shooting recurred at approximately 09:00 on the
    same day. As a result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for
    their lives; no casualties were reported.

At approximately 08:30 on Tuesday, 22 October 2019, IOF stationed along 
the border fence, east of Khan Younis opened fire for few minutes at 
agricultural lands in eastern Khuza’ah village; no casualties were reported.

*Second: Incursions and Arrests*

*_Thursday, 17 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Jaba’ village, southeast of
    Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3)
    civilians: Fareed Mohammed Alawna (42); Ibrahim Sa’d Badad (45); and
    Yousif Mahmoud Fashafsha (32).

  * At approximately 01:40, IOF moved into Beit ‘Owa, southwest of Dura
    village, southwest of Hebron and stationed in the middle of the
    village. They raided and searched Akram Abdulqader Isma’el Masalma’s
    house (28). IOF arrested Masalma and took him to an unknown destination.

  * At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Anabata village, east of
    Tulkarm. They raided and searched Hazem Yousif Foqaha’s (23) family
    house and arrested him. Foqaha is a university student.

  * At approximately 03:00, IOF, reinforced by (20) heavy military
    vehicles, moved into al-Ama’ri refugee camp, south of Ramallah. They
    stormed and searched several houses and arrested Bara’ Samer Badra
    (22) and Islam Fa’eq Nimir (23). At that time, dozens of civilians
    gathered and threw stones at the Israeli soldiers, who responded
    with a barrage of sound bombs, rubber bullets, and teargas canisters
    against the protesters and between the houses. As a result, a number
    of civilians suffered due to teargas inhalation. These clashes
    continued for two hours, and no injuries were reported.

  * At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into ‘Azoun village, east of
    Qalqilya. They raided and searched a house belonging to Anan Khairy
    Shbaita (42) and arrested him.
  * At approximately 08:00, Israeli infantry forces moved into Bab
    al-Zaweya neighborhood and Ber Saba’ street in Hebron. They closed
    the stores and maintained a heavy military presence to secure
    settlers’ movement coming to Hebron in order to hold their religious
    ceremony in an old building called “Atnael’s tomb” in the middle of
    a village in area (A), under Palestinian jurisdiction in the Oslo

  * At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Beit Umor village, north of
    Hebron. They closed the entrance to the village and banned traffic.
    Meanwhile, more backups came to ‘Aseeda neighborhood near the
    entrance. Dozens of young men gathered, they threw stones against
    IOF, who responded with live and rubber bullets and teargas
    canisters against them. As a result, dozens of civilians suffocated
    due to tear gas inhalation; no arrests were reported.
  * IOF carried out (2) incursions in Sa’er and Deir Samet villages in
    Hebron. No arrests were reported.

*_Friday, 18 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into the eastern neighborhood in
    Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and then arrested
    Fo’ad Khader Ghabarya (25) and Marwan Hashash (22).
  * At approximately 08:40, IOF moved into Qalqilya. They raided and
    searched two houses belonging Jamal Adnan Abed (25) and Ahmed Qasem
    Jaber (25), and then arrested them.

  * At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into al-Krinat neighborhood,
    southeast of Burin, southeast of Nablus. They arrested Mohammed
    Zakarya Asous (24), while he was harvesting olives from his land and
    took him to an unknown destination.

  * At approximately 10:00, IOF arrested Nabeel Nader al-Rajbi (18) from
    al-Ghaith neighborhood, in Hebron’s old city, while he was passing
    through the (160) military checkpoint at the city entrance, claiming
    that he disobeyed the Israeli soldier’s orders.
  * At approximately 19:10, IOF established a temporary military
    checkpoint between Jayous and ‘Azoun villages, east of Qalqilya.
    They checked Palestinian civilians’ ID cards, searched their
    vehicles, and then arrested Mahmoud Fathi Shana’a (30) from Fara’ta
    village, east of Qalqilya.
  * IOF carried out (4) incursions in Tal village, southwest of Nablus;
    Beit Kahel, al-Shoyoukh, and Beit Oula villages in Hebron. No
    arrests were reported.

*_Saturday, 19 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 01:00, IOF, reinforced by heavy military vehicles,
    moved into several neighborhoods in Hebron. They raided and searched
    three houses belonging to Maram Mohammed Shwaiky; Faris Ali Shwaiky;
    and Younis Akram Shwaiky. No arrests were reported.
  * At approximately 14:30, IOF established a temporary military
    checkpoint between Jayous and al-Nabi Elias villages, east of
    Qalqilya. They checked Palestinian civilians’ ID cards, searched
    their vehicles, and then arrested Akrama Banan Abu Olba (35) from
  * At approximately 16:00, IOF, reinforced by heavy military vehicles,
    moved into Beit ‘Owa, southwest of Hebron and stationed in al-Simeya
    neighborhood. Dozens of young men gathered and threw stones against
    the Israeli soldiers, who responded with teargas canisters and
    chased them. As a result, many suffered teargas inhalation and no
    arrests were reported.
  * At approximately 18:00, IOF established a temporary military
    checkpoint on the northern entrance to Salfit. They checked
    Palestinian civilians’ ID cards, searched their vehicles, and
    arrested Ibrahim Samih al-Asi (22) from Qarawa Bani Hassan village,
    north of Salfit.
  * At approximately 19:00, IOF, stationed in al-Naqqar neighborhood
    along the annexation wall, arrested Fahed Saleh Shtaiwi (13)
    claiming that he was throwing stones at them. He was taken to an
    unknown destination.

  * IOF carried out (11) incursions in Hadab al-Fawwar, al-Thaherya, and
    Yeta villages in Hebron; Betounya, Sarda, and Birzeit cities; Ain
    Qinya, Ain Sinya, Ain Yabrod villages, and al-Qarea’ intersection in
    Ramallah; al-Owja village in Jericho. No arrests were reported.

*_Sunday, 20 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Hebron, raided and searched
    Hishan Hmaidan al-Sharbati’s (49) house, and handed him summons to
    refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “/Ghosh Etzion/”
    settlement, south of Bethlehem.

  * At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village,
    northeast of East occupied Jerusalem. They raided and searched
    several houses and arrested (3) young men: Ashraf Issa Darbas (22);
    Abdulrahman Ayman Bashiti (19); and Lo’ay Ashraf Mhmoud (22).
  * At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-Wad neighborhood, in the
    occupied East Jerusalem’s old city. They raided and searched the
    family house of Abdulrahman Marwan al-Hashlamoun (16) and arrested him.

  * At approximately 09:00, IOF arrested Shadi Mohammed Fayez Mhaisen
    (23) while he was driving in al-Tour Street in al-Issaweya village,
    northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. He was taken to an unknown

  * IOF carried out (2) incursions in Sa’eer village and al-Fawwar
    refugee camp in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

*_Monday, 21 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 00:00, IOF stationed on “Eyal” checkpoint, north of
    Qalqilya, arrested Motasim Mohammed Zaid (14) from Qalqilya,
    claiming that he was throwing stones at them. He was taken to an
    unknown destination.

  * Around the same time, IOF moved into the southern side of Hebron and
    stationed in the industrial area. They raided and searched a
    stone-cutting workshop belonging to Ata Mohammed Abu al-Romouz. No
    arrests were reported.

  * At approximately 03:00, IOF, reinforced by heavy military vehicles,
    moved into Hebron and stationed in al-Hawouz neighborhood. They
    raided and searched a house belonging to Saif Jamal Abu Zaina (33);
    he was arrested and taken to an unknown destination.
  * Around the same time, IOF moved into Housan village, west of
    Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Deya’
    Mohammed Isma’el Za’loul (27) and arrested him.
  * IOF carried out (4) incursions in al-Thahereya, Sa’eer, al-Shoyoukh,
    Beit Marsam, Beit Tafouh villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

*_Tuesday, 22 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into al-Issaweya village,
    northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, including Israeli Special
    Forces, Israeli intelligence service, Police officers, and Israeli
    under cover unit “/Mista’arvim,/” were deployed in the streets and
    neighborhoods of the village. As a result, clashes broke out between
    dozens of Israeli soldiers and the village young men. The civilians
    threw stones and empty bottles at the Israeli soldiers, who
    responded by firing live and rubber bullets at them. Before they
    withdrew, they raided and searched several houses and arrested (9)
    civilians: Mohammed Bassam Obaid (22); Mohammed Waleed Obaid (21);
    Mohammed Zakareya Alian (19); Nour al-Deen Maher Mhaisen (18);
    Abdulrahman Tha’er Mahmoud (19); Ahmad Mujahid Abu Roumi (19);
    Hussam Sameeh Alian (20); Wadea’ Dawood Alian (20); and Ramiz Jamal
    Khater (21).

  * At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Dheesha refugee camp,
    south Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ahmad
    Khaled al-Laham (23) and arrested him.
  * Around the same time, IOF moved into Beit Sira, west of Ramallah.
    They raided and searched a house belonging to Abdulrahman Hamed Wawi
    (25) who was a former prisoner in the Israeli prisons for two years
    and half, and then arrested him.

  * Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Zababida village, southeast
    of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and then arrested
    Marseel Monther (25) and Maysara Fareed Ishtaya (21), from Salem
    village, northeast of Nablus, while working.
  * At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Taqoua’ village, southeast of
    Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed
    Suliman al-Sha’er (19) and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Um Maslama village, southeast
    of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Hayan
    Ibrahim Taqatqa (32) and his brother Raddad (29), and then arrested

  * At approximately 04:20: IOF moved into Deir Abu Misha’al village,
    northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    ‘Amar ‘Adel Zahran (26) and then arrested him.

*_Wednesday, 23 October 2019:_*

  * At approximately 04:30, IOF moved into Solwad village, east of
    Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to ‘Ahed Hamed
    (48) who was a former prisoner in the Israeli prisons, confiscated
    (80.000) NIS, and then arrested his son Mahmoud (24). Around the
    same time, another Israeli occupation force raided and searched a
    house belonging to Tamer Mousa Mershed Hamad. And before the
    withdrawal, they handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli
    intelligence services in “/Beit Eil/” northeast of Ramallah.
  * IOF carried out (2) incursions in al-Jalazon refugee camp and Kafr
    Na’ma in Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

 1. *Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank,
    including occupied East Jerusalem*

 1. *Israeli Settler Violence*

  * On Thursday, 17 October 2019, the Security Coordinator of “Efrat”
    settlement with dozens of armed settlers moved into al-Khader
    village, south of the city. They prevented Palestinian farmers from
    harvesting olive trees and ordered them to leave and not to come
    back until the Jewish Holidays end on Tuesday, 22 October 2019.
    Nader Subeih, a farmer who owns around 50 dunums near the gate to
    “Efrat” settlement, said that the settlement’s security coordinator
    known as Dida informed Palestinian farmers not to harvest the olive
    trees until the Jewish Holidays end. Subeih clarified that the
    coordinator dictated terms and enforced them at gunpoint;
    Palestinian farmers are forcibly denied staying at their lands after
    16:00, effectively forcing them to start their work by 05:30. Subieh
    added that he is denied harvesting olive trees because he is only 43
    years old, and IOF permits access to civilians above 50 only. Subieh
    added that the Israeli settlers break into the Palestinian farmers’
    lands from time to time and search their belongings, provocatively
    obstructing their work.
  * At approximately 11:40 on Friday, 18 October 2019, at least 17
    Israeli settlers, from /“Beit El”/ settlement attacked Palestinian
    farmers with stones and sticks while harvesting olive trees in
    al-Sha’b area, under the Israeli forces’ protection. As a result, 3
    farmers sustained bruises. The farmers were expelled from their
    lands at gunpoint amidst Israeli forces’ firing sound bombs. The
    Israeli settlers seized the entire harvest.

  * At approximately 13:30 on Saturday, 19 October 2019, a group of
    Israeli settlers, from “Ronim” settlement, threw stones at
    Palestinian farmers while harvesting olive trees in Karem ‘Eid area,
    southeast of Nablus. As a result, 2 farmers were hit with stones.
    The Israeli forces later intervened to secure the settlers and expel
    the farmers from their lands. The Israeli settlers seized the crops
    and other tools. The wounded farmers were identified as Presley
    Dakheel ‘Abed al-‘Aziz ‘Eid (44), who was hit with a stone in his
    right hand; and his brother Bashar (47), who was hit with a stone in
    his right shoulder.

  * At approximately 14:00 on Saturday, 19 October 2019, a group of
    Israeli settlers, from “Ala” settlement, threw stones at Palestinian
    farmers while harvesting olive trees in Batisha area and beat them,
    under the Israeli forces’ protection. The farmers were beaten up and
    expelled from their lands.

  * At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 20 October 2019, at least 40
    Israeli settlers raided al-Aqsa Mosque yards in occupied East
    Jerusalem’s Old City on the 7th day of Sukkot Jewish Holiday.
    Furthermore, Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian young man near
    al-Rahma Mosque and summoned 6 others for interrogation. The Islamic
    Endowments (Awqaf) Department in Jerusalem stated that settlers
    raided the mosque in the early morning via al-Maghareba Gate and
    performed prayers. The Department pointed out that the Israeli
    police imposed tightened restrictions on Palestinians while entering
    the mosque, checked their IDs and detained some of them at the
    mosque’s gates. During the raid, Israeli police arrested ‘Alaa
    Monther Najeeb (19) who was near al-Rahma Mosque and handed 6 other
    Palestinians summonses to refer to al-Qashlah Police Station in the
    Old City for interrogation. They were identified as Moneer ‘Abdullah
    al-Basti (24), Ibrahim Moahmed al-Natsha (23), Mohamed Yazan Shareef
    (21), Ghaith Naser Ghaith (27), Laith Naser Ghaith (24), and Foad
    Bassam al-Shawish (31). According to the Islamic Endowments
    Department, at least 2700 settlers raided al-Aqsa Mosque during the
    Sukkot Jewish Holiday.
  * At approximately 07:30 on Monday, 21 October 2019, hundreds of
    Israeli settlers raided al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem’s
    Old City on the 8th day of Sukkot Jewish Holiday, and the Israeli
    forces arrested 5 Palestinians, including 2 women, near al-Selselah
    Gate after pushing and beating them.
  * The Islamic Endowments Department clarified that at least 122
    settlers raided the al-Aqsa Mosque in the early morning via
    al-Maghareba Gate, under the tight protection by IOF. The settlers
    performed prayers in the mosque’s yards, especially at al-Rahma Gate
    while the Israeli soldiers were pushing and beating up the
    Palestinian men and women at the Selselah Gate. Five of them were
    arrested: ‘Aydah Mohamed al-Sidawi (59), Wa’d Khalil (32), Tarweq
    Mohamed Da’our (23), Mohamed Foad Abu Shosha (23), and Habeeb Abu
    Shosha (19).

  * At approximately 15:00 on Wednesday, 23 October 2019, around 12
    settlers, from Halmish Settlement established on the lands of
    Ramallah’s northwestern villages and under the Israeli occupation
    forces’ protection attacked and threw stones at the Palestinian
    farmers who were harvesting olives in al-Ghabt area in the outskirts
    of Um Safa village, northwest of Ramallah. The Israeli soldiers
    forced the farmers to leave their lands by pushing them at gunpoint.

 1. *Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons
    and goods*

*West Bank *

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week 
witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict 
the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny 
civilians’ access to their work. Israeli forces established *37 
temporary checkpoints* and arrested *5 civilians*.

*The military checkpoint were as follows: *

*_Hebron: _*

  * On Thursday, 17 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    5 checkpoints at the southern entrances to Halhoul and Hebron and at
    the entrances to Beit Ummer, Bani Na’iem and al-Thaheriyah villages.
    They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The
    checkpoints were later removed.

  * On Friday, 18 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established 4
    checkpoints on Wadi the roads of al-Heryah, Beer al-Mahjar and
    al-Hadab and at the entrance to al-‘Aroub refugee camp. They
    searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The
    checkpoints were later removed.

  * On Saturday, 19 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    3 checkpoints at the entrances to Sa’ir village and on Beit ‘Awaa
    Road and at the southern entrance to Halhoul village. They searched
    Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The checkpoints were
    later removed.

  * On Sunday, 20 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established 3
    checkpoints at the southern entrance to Halhoul village and the
    eastern entrance to Dura. They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and
    checked their IDs. The checkpoints were later removed.

  * On Monday, 21 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established 4
    checkpoints at the entrances to Beit Ummer, Sa’ir, al-Koum and Deir
    Razzeh villages. They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked
    their IDs. The checkpoints were later removed.

*_Qalqiliyah: _*

  * On Thursday, 17 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyah. They searched
    Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The checkpoints were
    later removed.

  * On Friday, 18 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established a
    checkpoint between Jayyous and ‘Azoun villages, east of Qalqiliyah.
    They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. They
    arrested Mahmoud Fathi Shana’ah (30), from Faqariyat Fer’ata in
    eastern Qalqiliyah.

  * On Saturday, 19 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    4 checkpoints between Jayyous and al-Nabi Iyyas villages, east of
    Qalqiliyah; between Jayous and ‘Azoun villages, east of Qalqiliyah;
    al-Naqqar area adjacent to the annexation wall, east of Qalqiliyah;
    and at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyah. They searched
    Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. All checkpoints were
    later removed.

  * On Sunday, 20 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established 5
    checkpoints at Jeet village’s intersection, northeast of Qalqiliyih;
    and at the entrances to Siniryah village, south of Qalqiliyah,
    ‘Ezbet al-Tabib; al-Nabi Elias; and ‘Azzoun villages, est of Qalqiliyah.

  * On Monday, 21 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces stationed at
    Iyyal checkpoint, north of Qalqiliyah, arrested Mo’tasem Mohamed
    Zaid (14), from Qalqiliyah, claiming that he threw stones at them.


  * On Thursday, 17 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    a checkpoint at the entrance to Salfit. They searched Palestinians’
    vehicles and checked their IDs. The checkpoint was later removed.

  * On the same day, Israeli occupation forces closed the eastern and
    western entrances to Kaful Hares villages, north of Slafit. The
    entrances were later opened.

  * On Saturday, 19 October 2019, Israeli occupation forces established
    a checkpoint at the western entrance to Dirstiyia village, north of
    Salfit. They searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs.
    The checkpoint was later removed.

  * On the same day, Israeli occupation forces established a checkpoint
    at the entrance to Kaful Hares villages, north of Slafit. They
    searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The
    checkpoint was later removed.

  * On the same day, Israeli occupation forces established a checkpoint
    at the northern entrance to Salfi. They searched Palestinians’
    vehicles and checked their IDs. They arrested Ibrahim Sameeh al-‘Asi
    (22), from Qarawet Bani Hassan village, north of Salfit.

  * On Monday, 21 October 2019, Israeli forces established a checkpoint
    at the entrance to Qarawet Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit. They
    searched Palestinians’ vehicles and checked their IDs. The
    checkpoint was later removed.

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